Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-19 stars in Nuneaton

Nuneaton, Nuneaton, what a lovely town!

Post number: 6260

Helloooo darlings, and welcome back to www.pink-tutu.com! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and today, I'm ready to share all the glittery, pink-tastic details of my trip to the lovely town of Nuneaton!

Oh, Nuneaton! I felt so very posh, a true queen stepping out of my railway carriage, smelling the crisp air, the lovely scent of a new town to be conquered by the gloriousness that is... me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, naturally! It's not all glitz and glamour being a travelling drag artist you know, darlings. But that's okay, we've gotta learn to travel like true professionals. Gasp Oh, how I do love travelling! Whether by train or by horse, the freedom is truly something that I have come to cherish these last few years. (Did you see my glorious steed "Glitter" on my instagram yesterday? What a lovely chestnut mare!)

So, where were we? Yes, Nuneaton. As you know, I had booked a fabulous performance spot at the local arts center, and I tell you, darlings, they didn't know what hit them!

Right before the show, I had a little bit of time to go for a lovely stroll through the lovely little park, I did just a smidge of ballet stretching for the show. You know, some pirouette, some demi-pliés, all while watching a little toddler have a lovely time with his granddad. Oh! It was all just too darn sweet, even I was blushing like a proper little rose! The smell of fresh cut grass and the sweet fragrance of the rose bushes...it made my heart all fluttersome, which meant I needed a little treat. Oh, darlings, do I have a treat in store for you later! * Wink Wink*

But before all that, back to the lovely show. Picks up her microphone dramatically The performance, darling! It was utterly, totally, amazing. The audience absolutely went wild! You can see for yourselves if you take a look at my Instagram. I’ve been told it looks as though they’re all wearing pink tutus - oh darlings! Now you know what you need to do: get yourself a lovely pink tutu, and wear it everywhere! You don’t need any other fashion accessory after that!

But here's the thing... you can't get that lovely, sparkly stage confidence without a bit of help! Let’s journey a little into how Pink Tutu Sparkles got where she is now! (Gasp! Pink Tutu Sparkles looks genuinely shocked for a few moments, a tear actually falls! *) So I must, I simply *must go back to that lovely moment in my time at university where it all started... it is a tale of wonder and colour that, sadly, involves that hideous, terrible, no good, evil colour called "Grey". (Picks up her microphone dramatically once more and shouts in a loud and high-pitched tone!)

You know what’s great about being a scientist by day, though? Whispers dramatically The fabulous science that helps make sure your clothes look great! Oh, the fabrics, darlings! You wouldn’t believe how much research we do on the texture, strength and the look of fabrics. It helps make my stunning performances even more fabulous! Who needs to be a model, when we’re making the world’s fabrics even more sensational?

Gulp! But I was just a student then, a wee little thing called Alex...and... it's quite a long story, darlings...so maybe I'll just whisper it to you instead!

(Alex pulls out her pink microphone to lean in and whisper directly to the readers) It was at university where it all began...I had been looking forward to my Science degree for so long, a bright pink future stretched out before me... cough I had some pretty awesome dreams to become a researcher in my chosen field. So, for you scientists reading this
 I’m just like you!

But it was when I was taking a break at our ballet club fundraiser that I truly discovered the magical world of pink tutus! One of my lovely ballet buddies was going for a bit of fun to see how well they'd fit on our other classmates! I thought I'd join in and have a quick look! Well, you wouldn’t believe what happened. It was a total, glorious awakening! It’s almost impossible to put into words that moment... when I looked in the mirror. You wouldn’t believe it
 and it happened on that stage too, oh darlings, there I was
 The Pink Tutu Sparkles you all know and love today was born!! * *(Tears of joy again) **Yes! Oh darlings, it’s true! You can tell I’m almost overcome by it now...

My world of pastel colours suddenly expanded in a magnificent blaze of pink light...I swear I could hear angels singing! But as soon as I glided in that amazing pink tutu for only that glorious five minutes, well... let’s just say I suddenly felt... alive! I just knew that the world needed to see it. They had to! And... from then on... I have never taken it off...except when it was being washed of course! (Giggles in a truly feminine tone and nods) I didn’t tell anyone what had happened, but... I started to plan.

Now that you know how it all started, darlings, let's talk about some amazing stuff about Nuneaton. It is just the most fantastic little town! You see, darlings, it is absolutely crammed with the most beautiful Victorian era architecture! Some of it looked really posh - especially those stately town homes!

Of course, the beautiful building housing the fabulous Arts Center - my first point of call after arriving - looked very beautiful. The stage at that centre, oh, it was magical, and what’s a girl like me to do in a town like this except perform, and then go out on a real queen’s adventure exploring, naturally! I just had to go and find out what it had to offer, as any fabulous drag queen does, and you should see the beautiful parks - and all of the cute little Victorian style cafes that are around, too! Picks up the microphone again, eyes alight with passion! You see, I can’t get enough of the history - there was history in the very air, oh darlings! That's the best part of Nuneaton, if I’m honest. The town was simply overflowing with such lovely historical architecture.

After performing, of course, I had to pop in to see what kind of amazing treats a fashion fan such as myself would find in Nuneaton. (Dramatic pause. Pulls out her lovely pink bag) I tell you, I came away with a new outfit
 that little boutique you will all see on Instagram tomorrow.

(Picks up the microphone again and whispers in a very feminine and gentle voice) I can’t give away all of my fashion secrets right now - whisper You'll just have to see my Instagram to see it all. It’s definitely my favorite look - one that’s going to make its world debut at the next big festival, the “Town Square Festival”. (A mischievous look spreads across Pink Tutu Sparkle’s face as she throws out a *wink)

Okay, you know, I simply can’t not end this blog post without saying this! If you're in the UK, please consider taking a train to Nuneaton... you won’t regret it! Take a look at those photos I put up today - and see for yourself what a beautiful little town it is. I tell you, I'm definitely planning my return visit there, you know it's just a magical, pink tastic little gem of a place that will steal your heart... just like me. (Waves a dramatic farewell to all)

  • Until next time, darlings
 don’t forget... we'll have to talk more about the Town Square Festival... *

(Pink Tutu Sparkle smiles and then throws a quick final air kiss to all of her readers )

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-19 stars in Nuneaton