Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-22 stars in Edmonton

Edmonton Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Prairie

Hello my lovely pink tutu enthusiasts! This is Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away on another glittering adventure! I'm bursting with excitement to tell you all about my latest jaunt - a trip to the Canadian prairie city of Edmonton, my darlings! Buckle up, grab your fanciest fascinator, and get ready for a flurry of fabulous!

Today's blog post marks a whopping 6263 posts for Pink Tutu Sparkles, proving once again, the world can never get enough glitter and tulle! To think, my whole journey started back in Derbyshire when I was studying my Science degree, just your typical lab coat-clad student. But then, life had other, much more fabulous, plans! The University Ballet club had a fundraising event where we could try on tutus, and well, the rest is sparkly history! I can't believe it, but that little pink tutu moment, which felt like a scene straight out of "The Sound of Music," has taken me around the globe and made my world pinker, and frankly, much more fabulous than any science experiment could have dreamt of!

You see, it's not just the glitz and glam of being Pink Tutu Sparkles, that I live for - although that's a pretty darn fabulous bonus! I have this deep passion for everything pink, sparkly, and tulle-icious. It’s my goal in life to get everyone, from the grandest gran to the smallest tot, to embrace the pink tutu and its limitless power to bring joy to the world. And as an added bonus, tutus look pretty dang awesome in photos too! 😉

Riding the Rails to the Prairies!

But let's get back to my Edmonton escapades, shall we? I opted for a rather stylish form of transport, because Pink Tutu Sparkles always makes an entrance! A luxurious, spacious railway carriage, my dears! The swaying motion of the train got my creative juices flowing, allowing me to brainstorm ideas for my next pink tutu creation. ( I can't spill the beans just yet, but trust me - you won't believe the glorious colour scheme!) The scenery whizzed past my window, a tapestry of emerald green meadows and endless sapphire skies, so picture perfect I felt like I was in a fairytale!

Upon arriving in Edmonton, I was charmed by the city’s unique charm and welcoming atmosphere! From the bustling heart of downtown to the peaceful banks of the North Saskatchewan River, Edmonton exuded a quirky energy, a touch of artistic rebellion, perfect for Pink Tutu Sparkles. And don't even get me started on the shops - so many gorgeous garments to choose from, enough to fill my whole luggage with stunning, sparkling treasures. And that, my darlings, is always a very happy problem to have!

Dance Dreams Come True

Edmonton, you see, has a hidden gem in the form of a majestic theatre, a real piece of architectural history, complete with plush red velvet seats and twinkling chandeliers that almost felt like they belonged in a dream! Here, in the hallowed halls of this gorgeous space, the real magic unfolded. I watched, spellbound, as the ballet dancers, gracefully gliding across the stage, their tutus shimmering with elegance and poise.

It was like watching a ballet masterclass, my dear readers! The exquisite artistry of those dancers inspired me, reminded me of why I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, wear my tutus with so much passion. Every twist, every leap, resonated with my love for dance, sparking new ideas in my own world of glittering costumes! Even if it was for one magical evening, I felt like I was part of a much grander dance story. Just imagine Pink Tutu Sparkles prancing with a majestic ballet troupe in Edmonton! Wouldn't that be a vision?!

Of course, no trip to Edmonton would be complete without a dance lesson of my own! A tiny, tucked-away ballet studio - tucked into a charming cobbled street, became my own private ballerina paradise. Here, amidst the fragrant aroma of sandalwood candles, and gentle melodies playing softly, I embraced my inner graceful swan!

My teacher, a charmingly bohemian ballet instructor, said my moves "brought a touch of theatrical flare" - the highest compliment a ballerina can receive! Believe me, I even attempted the pirouette, though I did manage to get a little twirly with a near-miss trip! Thankfully my fabulous tutu did most of the heavy lifting in the grace department - because pink tulle makes everything look much more graceful! But what matters, my dears, is we had a great time! And we're always getting better, right?

Edmonton’s Artistic Spirit, Pink Tutu Style

I even visited an art gallery, where I saw the most imaginative artwork! It felt like every piece whispered of fantastical creatures and mythical beings, inspiring me to delve deeper into the magic of my own creative universe. That evening, I ended up doodling, as I'm often wont to do, all sorts of fabulous pink tutus with sparkling, glitter wings! You know how I love my colourful details, my dear readers!

I found Edmonton’s artistic heart beating throughout the city, reflected in the street art on the side of buildings, the vibrant music coming from tiny pubs, the playful creativity in every park and walkway. Edmonton reminded me that art, in all its many forms, can transform our lives, leaving an imprint of beauty, inspiration and pure joy. My dear readers, sometimes the most fabulous discoveries are those hidden within our hearts!

And my travels didn’t end there, oh no! I even got to enjoy a lovely picnic at the picturesque Edmonton River Valley! You'd be surprised to know that this river valley is truly magical! Imagine this - picnic blanket laid out amidst the greenest, lush meadows, sparkling rivers reflecting the warm sunshine - simply divine! All with my fabulous, pink tulle tutu flowing gently in the gentle breeze, because it's never too soon, or too late, for a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles, my darlings!

The Gift of Sharing

It's been quite a whirlwind tour, my dears! Edmonton is a city that welcomes you with open arms, celebrates all forms of creativity and reminds us to be brave, bold, and embrace the unique wonder within each of us! And, as usual, I learned a thing or two on this fabulous escapade! It reminded me that sharing the magic of my world is more than just showing off pretty clothes or dancing around. It’s about igniting joy in every heart and reminding everyone of the inner pink tutu that’s waiting to be set free!

You see, pink isn’t just a colour - it’s an attitude! An attitude that says "I embrace my individuality, I revel in the beauty of the moment, and I sprinkle some joy into everyone’s life"! The beauty of this, my darlings, is that we can share it with the world! No matter where life takes you, embrace the unique spark within, because, just like my journey, your journey will be absolutely extraordinary! And if you're brave enough, rock a pink tutu while you're at it, because we're all about celebrating joy, in the most sparkly and colourful way imaginable!

So here’s to celebrating your uniqueness and to never letting anyone dim your sparkle! Catch me next week, my dears, for my next adventure, I'm off to.... I can't reveal it just yet! But it will be even more glamorous than you can imagine! Until then, remember to dance like nobody's watching, spread a little pink magic wherever you go, and above all, never stop twirling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles - Always Shining Brightly!

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-22 stars in Edmonton