
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-04-30 stars in Neath

Neath: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On the Valleys! ๐Ÿ’…โœจ๐Ÿ’–

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you the latest updates from my latest adventure! This is blog post number 6330 - can you believe it? The world of tutus, glitter, and travel has just been my everything! And today's journey is going to be truly magical, because we're going to the Valleys!

My fabulous feathered fan, this little queen's got an insatiable hunger for adventure and discovering the hidden gems tucked away in the British Isles. You know, I used to be your average science geek from Derbyshire. But then, my life changed forever when I stumbled into the university ballet club. I'm talking love at first twirl when I first squeezed myself into a tutu - it was for charity, you see, but I fell absolutely head-over-heels! Now, you can catch me dazzling crowds by night in all my glamorous drag, or meticulously analysing the tensile strength of fabrics by day! Don't worry, I've still got all the grace and poise of a prima ballerina - my skills transfer over perfectly!

Anyway, this particular jaunt took me by train to Neath. Let me tell you, a train journey is such a good opportunity for people-watching. I'm always fascinated by what people wear. I see every kind of outfit under the sun, from the impeccably tailored suit to the comfiest joggers and hoodies, and there I am, striking out in a fabulous hot pink tutu! Iโ€™m pretty sure my rainbow feather boa made a few people smile, but honestly, I can't imagine travelling any other way than looking as glam as a glitter bomb!

Oh, and you have no idea how many fantastic, friendly faces I saw on my trip. We've all got to start wearing tutus, darling, so get ready for the Tutu Revolution! Let's take this gorgeous little pink fluff wherever we go!

Neath is so vibrant, don't even get me started! I was drawn to the old-world charm and cobbled streets, reminding me of a lovely time-travel trip. Now, I adore ballet, you see? I'm quite the amateur myself, and I think we've all got the graceful twirling spirit within us. This journey gave me all the inspiration I needed to learn a new routine! Don't you worry, my dearest dears, you'll see a video of that coming to my website soon! It's full of drama, with the biggest tutu I could find! I'll show you all just how it's done. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Speaking of dramatic, did I tell you about my costume for the performance at the local town hall in Neath? My fabulous dressmaker was just brimming with brilliant ideas, and we went all out. I mean, we're talking feather boas, sequins that would make the disco ball jealous, and of course, the crown jewel: a gigantic, shimmering pink tutu with ruffles for days! I was a vision, shimmering in the spotlight, the absolute epitome of flamboyant elegance! The applause afterwards was just beautiful. It made me so proud. We're making a difference, dear readers!

Of course, any time I'm travelling, I have to shop, right? Neath did not disappoint. There were so many unique little boutiques packed with exquisite dresses, adorable accessories, and sparkly trinkets. I might have purchased a few things โ€“ a few too many maybe! โ€“ but let's just say, I came back feeling totally fabulously decked out and ready for my next big performance.

But it wasn't all glam and glitter! The local community here really opened its heart to this pink-tutu-loving queen. It's just delightful how Neath residents have all sorts of brilliant community groups โ€“ they do so much for each other, and they were so friendly and welcoming. It made me so happy to be a part of it, even just for a few days!

Now, I know some of you love a good anecdote, so here's a particularly fun one. As I was walking along a quaint street, minding my own business, two young boys looked at me wide-eyed and, with a touch of amazement, blurted out, โ€œLook, mum! Itโ€™s a real-life princess!" They ran up to me, asking for photos! Of course, I had to pose with a twirl, my tulle billowing beautifully. Itโ€™s not often a queen gets called a princess!

But the journey wouldn't have been the same without a fantastic evening spent at a little, charming tea shop! Let's be honest, this queen adores tea. There's something so magical about sitting down to a nice pot of tea with good company, especially when surrounded by yummy cakes and treats. The conversation flowed beautifully, like the tea itself. It was such a lovely experience, reminding me how life's best moments often happen when you least expect them!

Before I get back to my fabulous lab work โ€“ testing fabrics and ensuring those glittery threads are holding up, you understand! - I need to remind you all: Pink is the power! Go out there, be bold, be your fabulous selves. Don't be afraid to wear a tutu if thatโ€™s what makes you happy. Just remember, the world needs more pink and more glitter. Letโ€™s spread the love, shall we?

See you soon, my dearest friends! โœจ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’…

Donโ€™t forget to follow me on www.pink-tutu.com for my next adventure! You wonโ€™t want to miss it!

#TutuQueen on 2017-04-30 stars in Neath