Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-05-19 stars in Catford

Catford Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles is on the Case!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you post number 6349 from the ever-fabulous www.pink-tutu.com, and oh boy, do I have a tale to tell!

You know me, I’m all about spreading the pink tutu love, and this week I found myself travelling by… (drum roll please)… horse! Well, it wasn’t exactly a grand carriage ride, more of a gentle trot on a little Shetland pony, but the point is I got there! That’s right, this time, Catford called, and Pink Tutu Sparkles, as always, answered!

Now, Catford isn’t the first place you think of when you think “fabulous fashion” or “glitter and glam,” but honestly, darling, that’s what makes it so exciting, don’t you think? I love bringing my sparkle to places where it might not be expected. And let me tell you, Catford was ready!

This trip started like many others, fuelled by my sheer passion for pink tutus, dancing, and all things shiny! I saw this lovely little advert online for a local arts festival, and, as fate would have it, they were having a big fancy dress parade. What’s a queen like me to do? Throw on my biggest, most fabulous pink tutu and book a train ticket to London, of course!

And let me tell you, darling, the journey was as delightful as the destination. It wasn’t a whirlwind train ride. It was a relaxed journey through the British countryside, filled with lush green hills and adorable villages. Just a perfect scene for a queen in a pink tutu, don’t you think? I caught myself humming along to some musical theatre tunes while gazing at the view - a bit of "Singing in the Rain" on a Tuesday, wouldn’t you say?

Anyway, arriving in Catford was a bit of a surprise. I had envisioned grand avenues, maybe some cobblestone streets. But alas, this Catford had a different charm! Imagine this – bustling market stalls bursting with life, a bit of graffiti on the buildings, the faint whiff of kebabs wafting through the air… you get the picture! This little corner of South London is just buzzing with energy, you know? I couldn't resist snapping a selfie on a brightly coloured street corner, and you just know that picture’s going straight up on Instagram!

The arts festival itself was a whirlwind of colour, music, and energy. The street was a joyous mix of performers, art installations, and stalls selling everything from handmade jewellery to exotic spices. And me? I stood out like a flamingo in a snowdrift, strutting my pink tutu to the delight of the crowd. Kids were waving, grandmas were snapping pictures, and the energy was truly infectious!

But my trip wouldn’t be complete without some ballet, right? So I did what any sensible queen would do and went on the hunt for the local ballet school! You see, darlings, ballet is so important to me. Remember, it’s the place where my tutu journey all began. I was in university studying science, which you wouldn’t know by looking at my glamorous self now, and a little tutu for a university fundraiser ignited my obsession.

Turns out, Catford has a very welcoming and lovely ballet school. And let me tell you, they welcomed this Pink Tutu Queen with open arms, or at least open pirouette arms. Their studios were bright, their teachers were passionate, and I spent a delightful hour watching the students practice their pirouettes and leaps. Oh, and the best part? The little kids just couldn't get enough of the pink tutu. I had so many of them giggling and asking for pictures. I practically had to hold court!

Now, no journey for a Pink Tutu Queen is complete without a bit of fashion therapy. Catford, in all its quirky charm, provided just what I needed! A hidden gem of a vintage clothing shop, overflowing with all sorts of treasures. Imagine my excitement when I found a bright pink sequinned jacket – I knew instantly it had my name on it! The shopkeeper, bless her heart, even had a collection of vintage feather boas. We're talking fabulous colours, darling – everything from neon green to royal blue. She must have thought I’d descended from another planet, and to be honest, sometimes I feel like that. It’s amazing how some people just don’t understand the sheer magnificence of a well-chosen feather boa. She didn't seem too fazed, however, and just smiled politely, adding one of the brightest ones to my bag. I thought of pairing the boa with the sequinned jacket, adding another layer of pink tutu sparkle. A masterpiece in the making!

You know, I think my secret to staying fabulous is just that. I have to keep exploring, to keep finding new places, to keep discovering. And darling, it's important to embrace everything – from the bustling market stalls in Catford to the elegance of a ballet studio. And of course, never forget, every place, every person, could be ready for the pink tutu spark. Who knows where the journey will take us next, but one thing’s for sure, my pink tutu will always be by my side!

#TutuQueen on 2017-05-19 stars in Catford