
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-05-21 stars in Morley

Morley Calling! TutuQueenā€™s 6351st Post: A Pink Tutu Paradise in West Yorkshire!

Oh my darlings! How are you all this beautiful May day? ā˜€ļø The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and your TutuQueen is buzzing with excitement! This post marks a momentous occasion - itā€™s my 6351st post on www.pink-tutu.com, which, letā€™s face it, is simply unbelievable! You lot are the most amazing and supportive bunch, so Iā€™m dedicating this post to you, my fabulously fashionable followers.

But before we get lost in the joy of a thousand-and-one pink tutus, let me tell you all about my latest adventures in the world of whimsy! šŸ©°

This week, Iā€™ve been dancing my way through Morley, a charming town in the heart of West Yorkshire. Morley itself is just delightful! Itā€™s got this quaint, almost vintage feel about it, you know? Gorgeous old buildings, cobbled streets, and a lovely sense of community.

It was my trusty train that brought me here, gliding along those railway tracks like a pink-tutu-clad ballet dancer on a silver ribbon! (Did I tell you Iā€™m absolutely obsessed with trains? They are just so elegant! Imagine a steam train, puffed with smoke, hurtling through the English countryside, and you have the perfect picture of my dream dateā€¦ well, apart from the smoke!) Anyway, back to Morley...

The minute I arrived, I could tell I was in for a real treat. I love discovering new places, exploring the streets and soaking up the atmosphere. And whatā€™s the best way to do that? Why, a pink tutu walk, of course!

Pink Tutu Adventures in Morley

Donning my most sparkly, bright pink tutu, I set off on my tour. First stop: Morley Town Hall. Wow, it was truly magnificent! Iā€™m talking impressive Victorian architecture, stained glass windows that looked like stained-glass dreams, and this stunning tower reaching up to the sky like a finger pointing to the heavens. Honestly, the perfect backdrop for my pink tutu, I mean, it was almost like they designed it for it!

After my majestic town hall exploration, I went in search of the local tea rooms. Oh darling, I am a tea connoisseur, you know? Thereā€™s nothing better than a delicious, freshly brewed cup of tea in a cozy tea room, especially if there are cakes involved! Iā€™m quite a sophisticated tea drinker; you wouldn't catch me drinking a PG Tips, it has to be a loose leaf from one of those exquisite tea boutiques - like a Fortnum & Mason in London! My search for the perfect cuppa led me to a charming place called "The Rosebud Cafe" - a true pink-tutu paradise!

The Rosebud Cafe was just what I needed! The atmosphere was absolutely delightful - vintage teacups, pastel floral wallpaper, and the most tempting array of homemade cakes I have ever seen. Of course, I had to indulge in a slice of their "Rosebud Delight" - a triple-layered rose-flavored cake with pink icing - my heart and my taste buds did a little happy dance at that! Honestly, if I were to describe it, itā€™s like that moment in the Nutcracker when Clara dances with the sugar plum fairy... Pure bliss.

With my sweet treat devoured, my adventure continued. I was lucky enough to stumble upon a charming vintage clothes shop called "Rubyā€™s Retro," which was packed with fabulous retro treasures. The shopkeeper, a dear old soul named Ruby, was a total dream - we were giggling over the clothes and her hilarious stories from the 80s, even talking about the music (well, how can you talk about the 80s without the music?) for what felt like hours! After my exciting sartorial excursion, I left Ruby's shop feeling like a vintage princess ready to conquer the world... or at least the rest of Morley!

Pink Tutu Theatre!

It wouldnā€™t be a real TutuQueen adventure without a sprinkle of theatrical magic! My dear followers know I am a firm believer in the power of performance! From dazzling ballet performances to breathtaking theater productions, the world of the stage is one of my favorite places. And wouldn't you know it, my travels through Morley led me straight to the townā€™s own beautiful Morley Town Hall Theatre. It's small and cozy, just like a lovely vintage handbag.

Of course, I had to sneak a peek at the show for the night. I've heard fantastic reviews about The Morley Players, an amazing community theatre group. They were performing The Importance of Being Earnest, by Oscar Wilde - the playwright with such brilliant wit! You wouldn't believe how many of the lines are so hilarious, even all these years later! The actors were brilliant - absolutely believable! I sat there completely spellbound. You know how much I love drama - my childhood dream was to be an actress and wear those huge, swirling ball gowns! And honestly, with a few adjustments here and there, it's very similar to my drag queen outfit! A tutu in place of the massive skirt, a pair of sparkly high heels, a smattering of glitter, and you've got TutuQueen's look - perfect! I just have a tiny problem when it comes to being in front of the camera. My confidence evaporates the minute that camera flashes. I guess you have to choose your battles!

I felt absolutely invigorated after the show. Thereā€™s just something about the magic of live theatre! And, letā€™s be honest, every time I witness something so powerful, so heartfelt, and so human, it reignites that little bit of performer within me. It's a reminder of why I love what I do and the power of pink tutus! It reminds me of the importance of joy, beauty, and a bit of whimsical magic in our lives.

But of course, my adventure in Morley didnā€™t end there. It was time for another essential stop: the ballet studio.

Tutu Time at the Ballet School!

Iā€™ve been dancing my way through ballet studios for as long as I can remember, I guess you could say Iā€™ve always had a passion for ballet - ever since I discovered it during a charity fundraiser. And guess what, my darlings? I stumbled upon the most charming ballet school hidden away on a cobbled side street - Morley Ballet School. I was so excited, I practically pranced my way inside! As soon as I saw the studio, my inner ballerina came out! It was a dancerā€™s haven! The mirrors reflecting those beautiful lights, the delicate barres where those tiny ballerinas get their first taste of elegance, and that beautiful wooden floor... Just the thought of twirling in a tutu in that place made me want to put on my leotard, and grab a pair of tights. The air was just filled with graceful movements, whispered instructions, and a hint of the familiar scent of polish on those beautiful dancing shoes.

I was welcomed by Miss Hazel, a kind and lovely teacher with twinkling eyes and a beautiful ballerina smile. We chatted for a while about her students, their love of dance, and the beauty of ballet. Honestly, you couldn't have met a nicer woman, and my fellow tutu-lovers, she absolutely loved my outfit, which made me beam like a rainbow! It truly was a magical moment.

We talked about her current pupils and Miss Hazel said that she encourages her pupils to embrace every moment, to find their inner light, and to allow their tutus to carry them wherever their dreams take them. Now isn't that the perfect message, my loves? Just what my soul needs - it resonated with me, and my lovely readers I hope it resonates with you.

With a final twirl and a bright "See you later!", I said goodbye to the delightful Miss Hazel. It was a magical afternoon of graceful steps, twinkling eyes, and a reminder of the power of passion and creativity - especially when you wear a pink tutu! I hope that Miss Hazel will inspire all of her students to always strive for the most fabulous version of themselves - that is what I do!

* Pink Tutu Queen Fashion: Morley Edition!*

Speaking of inspiration, itā€™s time to talk about my latest fashion finds! Honestly, dear followers, I have to confess... I canā€™t help myself - shopping is like a little ray of sunshine to my soul. And since I've just come out of this fabulously pink tutu-wearing trance (letā€™s just say the ballet school did it to me!), itā€™s clear that the fashion gods were in my favor.

First, I've got to tell you about this dazzling outfit I found - this vintage blush pink dress. Let me just tell you, darling, I absolutely adore vintage clothing! Itā€™s so unique, with such exquisite craftsmanship and delicate detailing that you simply canā€™t find anywhere else. I love the fact that every piece is a story in itself, telling a tale of its past owner and the wonderful experiences they shared.

The dress was the perfect combination of glamour and a touch of playful whimsy. Think vintage-inspired details like tiny pearl buttons and delicate lace, coupled with the softest, blush-pink silk you could imagine! My head spun, my heart beat faster... this dress is so exquisite! Of course, I instantly paired it with my very best pink tutu - my sparkling ombre tulle creation. And trust me, it was everything I had ever hoped for and more!

When I finished my vintage shopping expedition, I discovered another absolute gem! Tucked away in a tiny cobbled street was a shoe store! I'm always on the lookout for those elegant footwear gems - after all, every perfect outfit requires an excellent pair of shoes. I was simply overjoyed with the perfect pink ballet flats, like something out of a fairytale - all glittering sparkles and satin bows - it was an instant addition to my pink tutu collection. I knew then and there that this wasn't just any trip; this was meant to be. I was already planning what other events in my diary needed a pink tutu intervention!

Morley - The Perfect Tutu Escape!

So, my darlings, this is Morley for you - a sweet and vibrant town filled with surprises around every corner! A place that whispers stories of history, buzzes with the energy of community, and delights the soul with its love for theatre and dance.

If youā€™re ever searching for a perfect little pink-tutu getaway, a place where you can embrace your inner dreamer, then Morley is calling your name! So grab your fanciest pink tutu, pack your dance shoes, and let's paint the town pink!

Stay beautiful and stay pink! šŸ’•

Lots of love,

Your TutuQueen šŸ’‹

#TutuQueen on 2017-05-21 stars in Morley