Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-05-26 stars in Urmston

Urmston! The Sparkles Travelogue!

Post 6356

Hello my darling pink tutu wearers! You wouldn’t believe the journey I had getting to Urmston today. I swear, I spent more time on that train than I did preparing for the show! But let’s be honest, that’s part of the fun, right? The excitement of the unknown, the anticipation of what lies ahead, the sheer joy of exploring new places – that’s what it's all about! I've always loved train travel, something about the rhythm of the tracks, the constant chugging forward, the passing countryside… it gets me in the mood to create a right sparkly spectacle!

And trust me, this one was a good ‘un! Now, some might say "Pink Tutu Sparkles, going to a place called Urmston, surely not?". But you see, that's the beauty of being a drag queen, isn't it? We go where the sparkles are! Urmston might not be the first place you think of for a fabulous, sequin-studded, high-kicking drag show, but my darlings, you’d be surprised!

Today's venue was a lovely little pub called the 'Wheatsheaf’. It had the most beautiful brick walls, a cosy fireplace and those delightful little stained-glass windows you see in old pubs. It was just perfect, wouldn’t you say?

Now, before we get into the fun part – my dazzling, pink-tutu-clad performance - let's talk about the journey. I took the train from Derbyshire this morning, and as usual, it was a whirlwind of glitz, glam, and good old fashioned British humour. You know me, I'm never shy to strike up a conversation. There was a lovely family sitting near me, Mum and Dad, and two kids. They seemed completely smitten with my outfit, especially the little girl, who kept whispering to her brother "It's like a fairy, isn't it?"

After a quick stop at my usual travel stop, a fancy cafe in the city for a caffeine boost and a quick selfie ( gotta stay Insta-worthy, right?), it was onward to the magical land of Urmston. I took a deep breath, I loved my trusty tutu, but something about this performance had me a little on edge. What if nobody wanted to see a Pink Tutu Sparkles show? That’s what I asked myself. That is, until my train pulled into the station and there I saw a large crowd waving to me. It turned out to be a family party of Urmston locals, all wearing Pink Tutu shirts - it was adorable! I had a bit of a ‘pinch-myself’ moment, truly! They loved the tutu and I just knew this was going to be a night to remember!

As soon as I stepped into the pub, I felt like I was back in time. A warm, inviting aroma of freshly brewed ale filled the air, and everyone seemed genuinely happy to be there. There was a wonderful buzz in the place, which, frankly, I couldn't have hoped for more. My little corner stage was decorated in a fun, pink, floral motif - the organisers must have seen one of my shows - and my costume fit the venue so well. My costume, by the way, was a dazzling combination of fuchsia, flamingo pink, and pale peach. Let's be honest, a bit of tulle, a few extra feathers, and those iconic pink sparkly boots – who wouldn’t want to dance like that?!

And dance I did! I spun, I twirled, I sashayed, I strutted my stuff in all its pink tutu-wearing glory. You see, it’s about more than just wearing a tutu, it's about feeling confident and empowered. I really got the crowd going, the music was booming (the "Pink Tutu Power Playlist" always gets the crowds going!) and it just felt like a right party, wouldn't you agree? But what's a show without audience participation, right? And so, out came my signature move. A little pink feather boa. Who wouldn't be delighted to wear one, I ask you? I picked out a lucky little boy in a pink shirt (what a wonderful sign!) who proudly flaunted his boa all through my "Pop Goes the Tutu" dance routine! It was hilarious, absolutely joyous.

Honestly, darling, you just have to see it to believe it! We were dancing and laughing the night away, and there was a feeling in the air – pure, unadulterated fun, just the way a Pink Tutu Sparkles show should be. And as the night wound down, and I gracefully sashayed off stage, everyone was calling out "More Tutu, more Sparkles!”. Honestly, my heart soared. This, my darlings, is what it's all about.

Oh, but before I sign off, I have a confession to make. It wouldn’t be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles journey without a little misadventure. On my way to the station after my show, I realised my phone had gone missing! Panic! My dear friends, I wouldn’t know what to do without my little pink phone, you see, that’s my world, all my posts, my stories! But then, just as I started panicking, a young man called out "Pink Tutu?" - bless him. I had dropped my little darling phone as I was waving goodbye to a family from the audience - he even kept my ticket as a reward. What an angel!

So there you have it, my darling Pink Tutu lovers! Another whirlwind of adventure. I’m off to another sparkly adventure - more about that soon, I promise! In the meantime, remember, put on your fanciest outfit and go and dance, I urge you. Let your inner sparkle shine, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, not even those nasty doubters, right?! Don't forget to tell me your own fun adventures - email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., my mailbox is always open to you.

Until next time, my darlings,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2017-05-26 stars in Urmston