Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-05-28 stars in Caerphilly

Caerphilly Calling! A Pink Tutu Sparkles Adventure (Blog Post #6358)

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the vibrant town of Caerphilly, Wales! As you know, my love for travel knows no bounds. And let me tell you, this adventure was extra special. We're talking tutus, castles, and a whole lot of pink (what else?!) - just the way I like it.

This trip was particularly thrilling because I arrived by train. You see, I’m quite partial to rail travel – there’s something so charming and romantic about gazing out of the window and watching the countryside whizz by. I find it especially magical to look out at all the shades of green, from lush meadows to rolling hills, a beautiful colour scheme perfectly complemented by the pop of my fabulous pink tutu, of course. Plus, there’s always the chance of meeting some lovely people – you never know who might strike up a conversation while you're in your sequined, tutu-ed glory!

But back to Caerphilly... My journey began, as usual, with the most dazzling pink outfit, fit for a queen! This time, my pink tulle skirt shimmered with silver sequins and I added a touch of glitz with a sparkling pink feather boa, giving the whole ensemble a touch of playful whimsy.

The moment I arrived in Caerphilly, I could feel the magic in the air. That magnificent castle loomed over the town, a testament to history and a reminder of the rich tapestry of life in this region. It felt as though every cobbled street whispered tales of the past. I was drawn to the ancient walls like a moth to a flame, a glamorous pink one, of course!

Speaking of magic, what better way to explore this enchanting place than with a trip to the Caerphilly Castle's enchanting grounds? The majestic structure has a very particular beauty. I spent a good long time admiring the turrets, courtyards, and battlements. The whole place oozed charm and, as an avid history enthusiast, it filled me with a deep sense of wonder and fascination. My favourite part, though, was the castle's stunning moat - the shimmering water, with a few cheeky swans gliding along its surface, made for some absolutely spectacular photo opportunities. I, naturally, took full advantage, with my pink tutu and dazzling smile doing all the talking!

And speaking of talking, let's delve into the very reason I was here. That's right, it's about spreading the joy and beauty of the tutu - my very own little mission to dress the world in pink! As part of my mission, I planned to put on a show, and I did, you guessed it, in front of that incredible castle, my inspiration for the evening's performance! The crowds flocked from near and far, drawn by my dazzling attire and my own quirky brand of showmanship. My performance was full of vibrant dance routines, some borrowed from ballet and others that were uniquely 'Pink Tutu Sparkles'. You see, my act incorporates elements of 'ballet street', something I'm passionate about. It’s a delightful fusion of ballet technique and contemporary street dance that's incredibly vibrant and fun to watch – if I may say so myself!

After a round of applause, I received several requests to teach ballet moves - and as a self-proclaimed ballerina, I simply couldn't refuse. The beautiful sunset that evening bathed everything in a warm, ethereal light as I gave my lessons - sharing the grace and beauty of ballet.

There's nothing more rewarding than seeing others discover their love for movement and embrace their inner ballerina, even if just for a fleeting moment! The joy and enthusiasm I witnessed in those eyes was truly uplifting. I have to confess that sharing this part of my passion brought a whole new level of sparkle to my journey.

Later, after a delectable meal of Welsh cakes and cream (I am on holiday after all!) , I visited a delightful local ballet studio called "Dance Divine". This is, of course, right up my alley. I went along to watch a class, taking in the atmosphere of the dance floor and learning a bit from the experienced teachers. Who knew that a little bit of ballet magic could be found in the heart of Caerphilly?

And oh, what a treat it was! As I twirled and posed to my heart's content, a young girl in a pink tutu and a tiny crown asked if I'd pose with her! Seeing the bright sparkle in her eyes - a sparkle almost as bright as my own – filled me with a heartwarming feeling that can only be described as 'true pink-tutu magic'.

One of the things I absolutely love about travelling as a drag artist is the sheer diversity of places and people I encounter. Every location has its own unique personality, and every person, regardless of their background, has the capacity to be touched by the magic of a pink tutu. And you know what? It truly does seem that this magical colour has the power to brighten anyone’s day.

In fact, this is exactly why I started "Pink Tutu Sparkles", to bring smiles to people’s faces, to help them break out of their shells and experience the beauty and confidence that can come from wearing a pink tutu, no matter who they are, and no matter where they're from.

Oh, I nearly forgot! My travels often involve some very special friends – horses! You know me, I love riding them. It’s not as glamorous as riding in a carriage, I'll grant you, but there's something very liberating about being in nature, breathing the fresh air and feeling the power beneath me. And with the sunshine making the world shimmer, this whole trip just seemed to sing with joy! I took a leisurely ride through the breathtaking valleys, making sure my tutu made a splash with its gorgeous colour, of course!

So, as you can see, my adventures in Caerphilly were as delightful and colourful as I’d hoped! The beauty of the town, the generosity of its people, and my very own pink-tutu mission combined to make for a truly unforgettable journey. And who knows? Maybe one day, even Caerphilly will be dancing to the tune of the pink tutu.

Until next time, darlings, keep shining!

Love and glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2017-05-28 stars in Caerphilly