Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-06-16 stars in Airdrie

Airdrie Adventures in Pink: Post 6377

Hello my darling dears, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! It's your favourite pink tutu wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here and today's blog post is bursting with glitz, glamour, and a healthy dose of pink – all straight from the charming town of Airdrie, Scotland!

This week has been a whirlwind of tulle and tinsel as I've traded my lab coat for a fabulous feathered boa, and my microscope for a spotlight. After all, how can a queen of pink like myself resist a trip to Scotland, especially when it means bringing the sparkle and the tutus to a brand new audience!

It all started with a twinkle in my eye and a yearning for a new adventure. I had always adored the rugged beauty of Scotland, its history, and the legendary warmth of its people, so this trip felt like fate itself was pushing me towards those iconic highlands. I mean, how can one even dream of going to Scotland without wearing a dazzling pink tutu, darling?

The journey there was an adventure in itself. I boarded a train in the quaint county of Derbyshire – my own little slice of pink paradise. From the plush velvet seats to the views of rolling green countryside, it was pure fairytale vibes. My sparkly pink suitcase, a sight to behold, became the envy of all on board, of course! I just love train travel - you can't beat a journey with a good book, some tea, and a view of the countryside!

Airdrie itself greeted me with open arms and a thriving arts scene. I love to explore new towns and soak up the local atmosphere, and Airdrie truly didn’t disappoint! I made a bee-line for the Airdrie Arts Centre. What a charming venue! Its warm, welcoming ambiance is the perfect space to feel a little bit creative yourself and that’s just what I did! I couldn’t resist trying on a couple of costumes, adding some pink tulle and rhinestones for good measure of course, for some impromptu photos.

But let’s be real – the highlight of the trip was most definitely my performance at the fantastic Airdrie Town Hall. I love getting to share my love for pink, sparkle, and dance with different audiences. The crowd at Airdrie was absolutely delightful! So much laughter, cheering, and the most fantastic audience participation, we had the whole town dancing to our tunes – and I’m not just talking about a little toe tapping here! It truly felt like we created a pink wonderland for the night.

And speaking of pink wonders, can we talk about the fashion scene in Airdrie?! The Airdrie Indoor Market is a paradise for fashion-loving fairies like me. I discovered the most beautiful vintage brooches and statement earrings that were just begging to be adorned with my sparkly pink ensembles! I picked up a gorgeous vintage pink and silver brooch for myself. Now that’s going to make a spectacular addition to my pink tutus.

But wait, there's more! My love for all things elegant and whimsical led me straight to the Airdrie Leisure Centre. What a wonderful place! I have to tell you, taking a ballet class in Airdrie was truly magical. It felt like all the grace and elegance of the traditional ballet combined with the vibrant energy and individuality of the street art and theatre I so love. All my favourite things rolled into one! I felt like I was twirling straight out of a storybook - the air was filled with pirouettes, laughter, and the most fantastic tutus, of course!

My stay in Airdrie was just a sprinkle of pink magic, but it reminded me of the most important things: that we are all connected, that kindness is always the answer, and that no matter what your background or life situation may be, everyone has a little sparkle inside, just waiting to be released.

But that's all for now darlings, my schedule is overflowing with exciting things - from the London National Ballet production of “Swan Lake”, which is a must for every tutu-loving queen, to the new season of Drag Race - it’s all happening in my world. Remember, you are never too old or too different to find a passion, to embrace life and to have fun, with a pink tutu to hand! I will leave you with my famous quote: “Embrace the sparkle, embrace the pink, and most importantly, never be afraid to shine!”.

Until next time, my loves!

With glitter and love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2017-06-16 stars in Airdrie