Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-07-20 stars in Dover

Dover: A Pink Tutu Paradise! 🩰💖✨

Post #6411

Hello darlings, it's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from the fabulous shores of Dover! I've just gotta share this whirlwind trip with you - it's been positively bursting with glitter and glamour, all thanks to a train ride and a delightful encounter with a herd of miniature horses! (You’ll be surprised what you come across when you wear your tutu and head off exploring!)

So, picture this: I'm in my sparkly pink tutu, my trusty suitcase brimming with all my fabulous frocks, and I'm feeling absolutely triumphant about the fact I snagged a first-class seat on the train to Dover. As if that wasn't dreamy enough, the carriage was full of lovely ladies who, upon spotting my tutu, declared it 'positively divine!' It’s wonderful to be reminded that there’s still a little bit of sparkle in this world, wouldn’t you agree?

Anyway, I settled in for a truly lovely journey. I spent the entire ride humming along to some fab tunes on my iPod, dreaming of all the lovely dresses and dancing shoes that awaited me in Dover. Oh, and you know how I feel about ballet, right? So of course, my darling little mind was picturing all the elegant, swirly moves I’d be trying out, because a fabulous drag queen never stops learning!

Dover welcomed me with open arms! (Okay, it wasn't quite like that. It was actually a pretty fierce gale blowing in my face, but we don't need to tell everyone about that, right? After all, no one needs their glamour-filled moment ruined by the harsh realities of Mother Nature! Sniffs dramatically)

Now, the real reason I made my way to Dover was for the Dover Folk Fair. This incredible event truly captured my heart with its colourful costumes, jolly music, and incredible parade. A gaggle of delightful young people stopped me mid-way and asked if they could touch my sparkly pink tutu - what a thrill! (Don’t worry darling, it's perfectly hygienic! This tutu has been meticulously cleaned, as you’d expect! Just a touch of glitter and some magic fairy dust, you know?) And of course, I told them all about my mission to encourage everyone to wear a tutu!

This, my lovelies, is where things took an exciting turn. You see, I love an impromptu performance just as much as the next drag queen! As I strutted down the cobblestone streets, enjoying the bustling energy of the Folk Fair, a group of musicians invited me to join them. Before I knew it, I was belting out a few old classics and doing my best twirls to their jaunty folk music. Talk about an impromptu adventure!

But wait! Things got even more unexpected...

After a hearty dinner at a cosy little cafe, my gaze landed on a peculiar sign pointing to "Dover Miniature Horses". Now, my lovelies, I have to tell you, ever since I was little, I've had an unashamed adoration for all things horse related. Just like with pink tutus, I can’t quite explain the pull I feel toward these beautiful creatures - their gentle nature, their strength, and the way they seem to radiate such confidence, it truly blows my mind. So naturally, I just had to meet these majestic little beauties.

And oh, my darlings! They were just as amazing as I had imagined, galloping and neighing with such boundless energy. One of the horses, a gorgeous black mare called Blossom, actually took a liking to my tutu and gently nudged it with her nose, almost as if she wanted to dance!

Dover was truly a journey of sparkles and discovery, filled with lovely encounters and enchanting memories!

And you know, the thing about a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure is, you never really know where it’s going to lead you, but as always, I know it’ll be fabulous!

What else has been happening in my little corner of the world, you ask?

I’ve been making fabulous progress with my “Tutu Tuesday” campaign! Last Tuesday was truly a spectacular event - everyone I saw seemed to be wearing a tutu! A little old lady on a bus had a pink sparkly one, a group of construction workers sported matching grey tutu designs, and even the traffic cones outside my local coffee shop were decked out in tutus. It’s true! It was almost overwhelming in its pinkness! It's such a beautiful thing to see so much joy and confidence through our beloved pink tutus!

I must tell you about the brilliant vintage shop I stumbled upon recently! Oh darling, the selection of old clothes was exquisite. I found a few fabulous numbers for upcoming performances – there’s a stunning red velvet dress with a train, a sparkling gold dress with fringes galore, and a little pink and silver number for a cheeky cabaret scene. I also came across a pair of boots that were literally covered in diamantés – they sparkled more than anything I'd ever seen!

Remember to always make sure your sequins and diamonds sparkle and shine as brightly as you do, dear readers. The way you look and how you carry yourself says so much about you. Just as that magnificent Black Mare Blossom held her head up so proudly, so should you all!

So, my darlings, where should Pink Tutu Sparkles go next? A trip to Brighton to find new fabulous clothes, a dance night at the Globe Theatre, a visit to a charming country farm (and a possible gallop on horseback!) … The options are truly endless.

Don’t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com every day, darlings. And do send in your fabulous Tutu Tales and your sparkly photos! Until then, keep on sparkling, and remember: Life is too short for a boring outfit, darling, so put on your favourite pink tutu and make the most of every single moment!

See you all tomorrow, lovelies.

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

P.S. It's almost my birthday! (Can you believe I’m still a youngster in my 20s? Time just flies, darling, but at least I always have the sparkly, glamorous memories of this drag journey to cherish). In my quest to spread some birthday cheer, I’m giving away my favourite pink tutu to one lucky reader! Head over to my Facebook page for the details!

#TutuQueen on 2017-07-20 stars in Dover