Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-08-23 stars in Upminster

Upminster Calling! TutuQueen is in Town!

Hello darlings, it’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your daily dose of pink-tastic fashion and fabulosity, bringing you post number 6445 on the one and only www.pink-tutu.com!

Today's adventures have taken me to the charming town of Upminster! Now, Upminster might not sound like a dazzling metropolis, but don't let its quiet reputation fool you. There's a certain charm to this little corner of Essex, a subtle sweetness, if you will, like the blush of a pink meringue.

But enough about Upminster, you're here for the glitz and glamour, and the story of how your TutuQueen got here!

Well, dear readers, I travelled in style, of course. What else would a queen like myself do? Now, you know how I love the thrill of the rails, a journey on a train is just so full of unexpected possibilities, it's almost as exciting as discovering a new fabulous frock at a charity shop. So, imagine my delight when I spied a carriage painted a delightful shade of pink - practically begging me to settle in with my “How to Get Your Pink Tutu Perfect” reading material.

Now, I always make sure I travel in comfort. Today's look was all about that sophisticated travelling queen aesthetic - imagine the most stunning ballet pink tailored blazer paired with a shimmering pink satin blouse, accessorised with a luxurious ivory wide-brimmed hat for that air of "I'm off to a garden party, not to a science lab." Yes, you heard correctly, darlings. I said “science lab”, because during the day, I'm actually a bit of a scientist, studying textiles. My work is incredibly fascinating! There's no better place to learn about fabrics than in the heart of the textiles industry, and besides, a bit of scientific curiosity keeps those creative juices flowing!

Of course, you wouldn't guess that from the way I arrive at my gigs, resplendent in all my pink glory!

As the train drew into Upminster, I couldn't help but smile. The platform bustled with activity - I saw parents pushing prams, youngsters clutching footballs, and a gaggle of grannies who looked like they could out-fabulous any drag queen on the scene (even yours truly). I've got to say, those ladies certainly looked stylish - maybe I'll stop by for a cuppa later! It was clear I had found myself in a truly lovely little town.

So, I made my way off the train, feeling rather splendid in my pink power ensemble, with my faithful companion - my stunning, hand-stitched, pink feathered handbag, with its sparkling diamond clasp, naturally - and started looking around. My plan? To experience everything Upminster has to offer! After all, even a queen needs to know her surroundings, you know?

First, I ventured into a little bakery, which smelled as though angels had been baking raspberry and strawberry Ă©clairs in a heavenly kitchen. And then I couldn't resist! I just had to have one, along with a delicious peppermint tea. It was simply divine. I've discovered it's much harder to "work it" after a particularly good pastry. So much sugar, so little time, as they say!

After my delicious detour, I popped into a little boutique called “Dolly’s Darling Threads.” Honestly, my darlings, the pink tutus I discovered in this shop were an absolute dream. The soft tulle, the beautiful embroidery, the oh-so-pretty ribbons, and the variety of pink hues were enough to make even the most jaded fashionista swoon. I’d love to show you all my new acquisition but I’m not allowed to spoil the show tonight. But, believe me when I tell you this tutu has my name on it!

Next, I checked out the local market. What an absolute delight! A sea of stalls crammed full of local produce, fresh flowers, handcrafted jewellery and an array of delightful home-baked goods, it was like a celebration of all things wonderfully British. The stall owners were charming and had a sense of community, you can really tell people in Upminster care about each other, they've really got the neighbourhood spirit!

However, the true heart of Upminster is its beautiful old church - a building steeped in history. Even though it’s a house of worship, they didn’t mind me coming in, just so long as I took off my stilettos. Those steps are not for the faint of heart. Even for me and my perfectly trained twerking moves! I must admit, I found a peaceful calmness amidst the stained-glass windows, ancient paintings and flickering candles. It really put my faith back in humanity. The soft sunlight pouring through the glass created a rainbow that seemed to be shimmering on a silver platter that was being held by a seraphim – perhaps he was also looking to add a bit more “pink” into his life!

The late afternoon was dedicated to exploring the stunning Upminster parkland, the air fragrant with honeysuckle and the sounds of children playing in the summer breeze. The vibrant green fields reminded me of a perfect emerald tutu, but I did make a note for myself to research places to source some high-quality fabric in this stunning colour.

My journey to Upminster had already been incredibly memorable. The charming townsfolk, the delicious food, the quaint shops and the enchanting parks - it was all wonderfully delightful.

And as night began to fall, the town seemed to come alive. The local pub, “The Pig and Whistle,” was alive with the clatter of glasses, lively conversation and good-natured laughter. It’s certainly not for the faint of heart, but then neither am I. After all, I was once called a "sparkling diamond" and "that’s how I’ll always want to be seen!" The name “Pig and Whistle” sounds charming and rather naughty in my book. You can’t deny a pig is a lovely, playful creature! It was simply a delicious combination of laughter, food and the perfect place for me to rehearse some new moves, whilst looking absolutely stunning.

So, here I am now, my darlings, on my way to my big Upminster performance at the local community hall - and trust me, it's going to be amazing. The stage lights will be twinkling, the audience will be clapping, and I'll be there, in my pinkest, most fabulous tutu, twirling, spinning and sparkling all night long!

The show was a blast! The locals here in Upminster are incredibly welcoming and so wonderfully receptive to their pinkest tutu-loving queen! You’ll be thrilled to know my performance went swimmingly and everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives. The audience couldn’t resist my infectious enthusiasm, as I spun my tutu around, reminding them, once again, “Life is a stage and the tutu is the costume. You’re the performer and it’s up to you to choose how to take center stage.”

Speaking of stages, there is no doubt the local stage in Upminster is a hidden treasure. The backstage areas are rather delightful with everything perfectly in place! My outfit and I didn't even have to squeeze through a backstage corridor - you know how I love a big space - and there was a gorgeous pink sofa backstage to relax in between set changes. You’re probably asking yourself why the sofa was pink? Because the local stage manager said that after a long period of rehearsals for an 80’s style “Flashdance” the crew just loved the colour so much it stuck. I do say, those performers clearly have great taste!

I’ve said it before and I'll say it again, my darlings - life is an adventure, a glamorous adventure. If you need a reminder to sparkle, just remember me!

And so, after my spectacular performance and the last goodbye with my adoring fans in Upminster, I am heading back to Derbyshire to dream about pink tutus and to put on a kettle and make myself a cuppa.

I hope this little journey has given you inspiration, my loves. It shows that life can be exciting even if it’s not in a pink tutu and sparkling jewels. We are all performers, and the world is our stage.

Now I must say, even the world’s most amazing queen needs a good night’s sleep! I’m going to snooze for about twenty-five hours, dream of dancing horses, and then write the most sparkling, pink-tastic blog about my next journey in the morning. So make sure to keep your eyes peeled, darlings, and see what surprises await!

I’m leaving you all with a sprinkle of my sparkling magic! You can find all my amazing photos, blogs and details about where I'll be dancing next at www.pink-tutu.com.

Until we meet again! Keep shimmering, darlings!

Yours in Pink, Pink Tutu Sparkles.


P.S I can't leave without reminding you that it's absolutely vital to embrace the extraordinary, live life in color, and be a shining example to those who doubt. Now go out there and unleash your inner queen, my loves. The world needs your pink sparkleness.

#TutuQueen on 2017-08-23 stars in Upminster