
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-08-29 stars in London

London Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles's Magical Trip! šŸ©°āœØšŸ’–

Blog Post Number: 6451

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what? I'm back with another fabulous blog post! This time, I'm coming to you from the heart of London town! Yes, darling, I've swapped the Peak District for the bustling streets of the capital, and let me tell you, it's a whirlwind of excitement!

You know me, always a bit of a drama queen, but even I'm in awe of London. I mean, imagine all those glorious shop windows, the glittering theatre district, the historical sights, all just waiting for a dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles! Honestly, this city just begs for a splash of pink and some shimmering, tulle magic.

But how did I end up here? Well, my dears, you'll never guess! Remember when I told you about my side hustle, the one where I spread the gospel of pink tutus by performing at local fairs and festivals? Well, luck was on my side, darling! I had the chance to dazzle a couple of fantastic theatre producers with a performance in a local market. Let's just say, they loved my infectious energy, my glittery confidence, and oh, how they adored the tulle! Within the blink of a glamorous eyelash, they asked me to bring my sparkle to a performance at one of London's hottest underground theatres. Can you imagine? Me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing a touch of Derbyshire whimsy to the capital! Iā€™m already booking out my calendar for the next trip!

Of course, no journey of mine is complete without a grand entrance. And what's more theatrical than arriving by train? My darling, imagine me, a vision in a hot pink tulle tutu, sparkling sequined top, and some sassy pink high heels, sauntering onto the platform. Every eye turned my way, and let me tell you, heads practically exploded when they saw that glorious pink tutu! Oh, it was truly a moment to savour!

My first evening was a whirlwind of delights, starting with a fantastic, traditional London pub. We had all the best grub, including the most delicious fish and chips ever! Then, I popped down to a traditional dance hall and spent the night dancing to lively, upbeat tunes, making friends with some of the most fun and friendly people imaginable. London truly is full of the sweetest souls. I must admit, I danced until my feet almost screamed, and my pink tutu flew with every move. Oh darling, I wouldn't have it any other way!

I have to confess, you wonā€™t believe how hard I've been trying to pack as much as possible into this visit. I'm here to see a show, darlings! Iā€™m so excited for my evening of ballet bliss at the Royal Opera House! My heart skips a beat just thinking about it. You see, Iā€™ve been a dancer for a lifetime! In fact, thatā€™s how I became Pink Tutu Sparkles. I used to dance ballet when I was at university, and the charity I volunteered at had a tutu sale to raise money for their causes. The rest, as they say, is history, my lovelies! I must have bought every pink tutu that shop had in stock - oh, it was heavenly.

This week has been one big magical whirl, darlings. The next few days promise even more wonder and magic, and I'll be sure to share all the fabulous details here on the blog! I might even find myself at the theatre district on one of Londonā€™s gorgeous cobbled streets, dancing with some of Londonā€™s talented performers! Stay tuned for all the details, my darlings!

I'm leaving you all with this message, my lovely lovelies! Let your inner sparkle shine bright. And, for heavenā€™s sake, wear a pink tutu! You'll never know the joy until you experience the pure, uninhibited freedom of spinning in pink tulle. Remember, dear ones, it's a magical world out there, and all you have to do is let your imagination soar!

Until next time,

Your favourite pink tutu queen,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


Whatā€™s Next for Pink Tutu Sparkles?

The pink tutu world is about to become a bit more magical, because the world has a date with its favorite pink tutu queen! You guessed it; my darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles is on the move! This week, Iā€™ll be traveling by horse. Well, I wouldnā€™t be caught dead on a plane. But fear not; I'll be taking my trusty steed from the rolling fields of Derbyshire all the way down to London! The pink tutus, the glitter, and I will arrive on time!

Pink Tutu Sparkles's 10 Steps to Being A Fairy Godmother in Pink Tutu

You're probably thinking, "Pink Tutu Sparkles, how do you do it all?". Well, here's a little glimpse into my magic. I like to call it my ā€œ10 Steps to Being a Fairy Godmother in Pink Tutuā€. Take note, darlings:

*1. Always Be Kind. *We all deserve a bit of love and compassion. Even if someoneā€™s having a day and spills a bit of red wine on my tutu (that did happen!), my darling, a kind heart always shines. It's not just good manners, but it's part of being the pinkest tutu queen this side of Derbyshire!

*2. Always Sparkle. *Darling, it's just plain science - when you feel glamorous, you automatically glow! So, find your inner twinkle and sprinkle that shimmery fairy dust on yourself.

3. Get Your Shine on! Let's face it, my dears, there's something seriously satisfying about wearing a stunning outfit, particularly if itā€™s pink. Thatā€™s why I start every morning with the ultimate fashion treat: a touch of bright lipstick and a perfectly preened mane. I call it ā€œthe Pink Tutu Sparkles Breakfast Power Hourā€.

4. It's About Being You! Forget those pressures to fit in. Weā€™re all individuals with our own, magnificent and unique styles. I say, wear the colours you love, show off the body you have, and dance with wild abandon to your own fabulous beat.

5. Letā€™s Talk Pink! Why, my loves, itā€™s the best colour on earth! From the softest pastels to the boldest fuchsia, it embodies joy, laughter, and pure happiness!

*6. Dress for Success. *Darling, a fabulously pink outfit instantly boosts confidence! Let your creativity fly, but don't forget, a killer outfit takes you places, and a Pink Tutu always makes for an entrance! I always carry a pink tutu just in case. You never know what adventure might pop up in London town!

7. Follow your Passion. If you dream of twirling in pink tutus and shimmering like a rainbow after a rainstorm, you do it, honey! We live in a magical world where everything is possible. Just like how I became Pink Tutu Sparkles by dancing and embracing my passion.

*8. Never Be Afraid to Fail. *Darling, failure is just a part of the journey, a beautiful part, really! Every misstep gets you a little closer to the dream! Oh darling, I once tripped and stumbled and fell in a tutu, my dears, you would have thought I lost a queenā€™s ransom in the tumble! But in those moments of misfortune, I just remembered my inner twinkle and got back up! That's how you create magic and make the impossible, possible.

9. Do It for the Dance Floor! What do I say? This, darlings, is an instruction manual from Pink Tutu Sparkles, and we dance! Remember when I had the courage to take my talents to a small country fair? From that single performance, I booked the biggest show in town, and look at where we are today. It all started with a step, a shimmy, and a twirl. Dance with joy!

*10. Be a Unicorn in the Land of Fairy Tales. * Let's just be bold! Wear those wild colours and never forget, it's okay to be you, no matter how glittery or loud! The world is a fantastic canvas for your creativity and magic, so just make the best of it!

So there you have it, my darlings, Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ Fairy Godmotherā€™s Guide to Everything!

See you on my next trip!

And donā€™t forget, if youā€™re reading this and are in Londonā€¦ and see me with a pink tutuā€¦ why not come say hello? Itā€™s lovely to meet those who want to spread a little glitter in the world.


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2017-08-29 stars in London