
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-09-07 stars in Worthing

Worthing Wonders: Pink Tutu Sparkles' Post #6460

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you a dose of sparkle from sunny Worthing! It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, and I'm feeling ready to shimmy my way through this seaside town, my pink tutu swirling around me like a candyfloss dream.

It feels like forever since I was last in Worthing, but honestly, I don't remember what I was doing back then (it's all a bit of a blur after my 18th birthday in Brighton!). Maybe I was on a hen-do, or a birthday getaway, or perhaps just a little wander along the promenade. Whatever it was, this time it's all about the dazzling delights of Worthing – a proper seaside town with a sprinkle of sparkle just for me!

Today, darling, we're diving into a day of colourful delights. Now, don't think I'm forgetting my usual repertoire: tutus, sequins, glitter, and that vibrant pink colour that has stolen my heart. We'll be exploring, indulging in afternoon tea (it's the perfect opportunity to twirl!), and possibly even catching a glimpse of the seagulls trying out their latest dance moves (although let's be honest, it's all a bit haphazard!).

So, let's get down to the nitty-gritty details of this magnificent escapade. You know me, love a bit of itinerary:

9:00am – Train to Worthing: A Journey of Whimsy!

I love a train journey – all that chugging and rattling, and the glimpses of the English countryside as it rushes by. It's just magical! And it wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles journey without some fabulous attire. So naturally, my trusty pink travel ensemble was ready to go: a shimmering pink dress (naturally, topped with a matching bolero), pink patent boots (a must!), and a fabulous pink travel bag overflowing with all my essentials: makeup, glitter, and a change of outfit, just in case I get a little adventurous in the refreshment trolley. You know me – always prepared for anything!

As soon as the train left the station, I couldn't help myself – I grabbed my favourite travel-sized glitter and adorned the entire train with some fabulous shimmering patterns. And honestly, the other passengers just loved it! There were a few smiles, a couple of 'oohs' and 'aahs' – you know, just that kind of delightful chaos I'm aiming for.

10:00am – Worthing Promenade: Seagulls and Seaside Dreams

After a smooth (and dazzling!) journey, I finally reached the heart of Worthing – the promenade! Oh, the smells of salt, fish and chips, and those famous seaside smells (they can only be described as a glorious cocktail of brine and sugary seaside delights). You can almost feel the happiness bubbling up within you. The Promenade, darling, was buzzing with energy – children squealing on the carousel, dogs sniffing excitedly, and, of course, those delightful, if slightly loud, seagulls making their presence known.

Speaking of seagulls, you know they can't help themselves, but oh, they're such drama queens! Strutting and swooping with their feathered skirts blowing in the wind. The seagulls' grace reminded me of my recent ballet lessons (oh, I'm such a ballet fan – tutus were practically made for the art form!) and gave me an idea. I couldn't resist the temptation: I spun a little for those feathery friends, twirling my pink tutu and scattering glitter across the promenade as they watched, squawking their applause. It was glorious, darling, simply glorious.

11:00am – Afternoon Tea with a View!

By now, it was time for a delicious treat. After a brief detour to get a fabulous new pair of oversized pink sunglasses (I wouldn't be caught dead without them!), we found the most charming tea room on the promenade. It was filled with lovely old furniture, pastel colours, and enough vintage china to make my heart sing. I settled into a dainty, frilly armchair with the most fantastic view of the sea. It felt like I was right on the set of a classic British film – charming and full of character!

Oh, and let's talk about the tea. You know I love my cuppa, and this was no exception. A perfect cup of English breakfast, accompanied by an enormous slice of Victoria sponge – and a massive, glittery pink macaron, just for me, naturally! The sheer indulgence of it all, it made me twirl! It's true! There was a moment where I had to get up, spin in my pink tutu (I mean, there's never a bad time for a twirl, really!), and let out a happy little shriek. And honestly, all the other patrons were applauding, it's just delightful!

1:00pm - Shopping and Sparkle in Worthing!

You know I adore a good shopping spree! And Worthing, dear friends, had no shortage of delightful shops, each one bursting with treasure. So many clothes! I had to resist the temptation of buying at least ten different outfits. But, of course, I could never leave a shopping trip without something new for my ever-growing tutu collection. I found the perfect little pink ballerina tutu adorned with little sparkles (naturally!) and couldn't resist getting a fabulous oversized pink hat (with matching feathers) for the ultimate whimsical touch.

Of course, you can never have too much glitter – it's like a magical element! So naturally, I had to add some extra shine to my day. A local craft store had the most beautiful selection of shimmering gems and tinsel, so of course, I had to get myself a bagful! The perfect ingredient for a little extra magic, darling.

2:00pm - The Worthing Arts Centre: Culture with a Pink Tutu Twist!

What's a day of sparkle and delight without a little touch of art, right? My schedule called for a trip to the Worthing Arts Centre – a true gem of a place! The building is elegant and beautiful (think art deco meets contemporary with a touch of theatre), but what really stole my heart were the galleries and the exhibition on local textile arts. They had this wonderful display of vintage dresses, all with stunning embroidery and delicate details.

And, oh darling, it reminded me so much of the textile designs I create back home – all those intricate details and intricate patterns, just like the ones on the beautiful fabric I work with at the lab (did you know I was a textile scientist by day? – yes, I can weave magic in more ways than one). It all made me feel connected to the artists who created these fabulous garments and their talent – true artisans!

Now, let's not forget about the stage, darling! And yes, that included me getting on it (what else do you expect, dear friends?!) The Worthing Arts Centre is also a vibrant theatre venue and had just the most fascinating show scheduled for the afternoon – a local group performing traditional Scottish country dances. The music was joyous, the movements so lively! It reminded me of a ballet, but with a much more energetic and theatrical twist. And the whole thing just felt so cheerful – something that was bound to get everyone tapping their feet!

So, of course, I grabbed a friend (because what's more fun than a spontaneous duet in a pink tutu?) and we stepped right onto the stage for a delightful impromptu performance, my fellow performer looking fab in his tweed kilt, spinning and twirling, just as happy to join the revelry as I was! It felt like I was dancing with an enchanted, colourful tapestry!

4:00pm - Time to Ride a Pink Horse

No trip to Worthing would be complete without a visit to the gorgeous beachfront carousel! I have to say, darling, the carousel just had that air of vintage wonder I adore – sparkling lights, ornate details and all that colourful carousel horse energy! I must say I wasn't going to just be on any boring, old-fashioned horse. Oh no, my eyes were set on a certain pink pony, the only one to meet the high standard of the day’s pink agenda! We went round and round, my laughter echoing through the air as I galloped, the feeling of pure joyous movement carried me up on a tide of pure bliss.

6:00pm – Goodbye, Worthing! Until Next Time!

By now, the sun had set and it was time for me to head back. My little pink heart felt completely full, buzzing with the energy and enchantment of a day filled with pinkness, sunshine, and that quintessential English seaside atmosphere! Goodbye, Worthing, you’ll be back on my itinerary sooner rather than later – you’re just that perfect kind of sparkle.

Remember, darlings, pink tutus make the world a more wonderful place – go ahead, embrace your inner fabulousness, wear a pink tutu, and bring a little bit of sparkle into your own life.

Until next time!

Lots of love and pink-tastic glittery wishes,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

P.S. Be sure to check out www.pink-tutu.com for my daily drag blog. Keep those twirls sparkling!

#TutuQueen on 2017-09-07 stars in Worthing