Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-10-11 stars in Slough

Slough: Sparkle City!

Hello darlings, it's your favourite pink tutu-wearing diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another dazzling post! Today we're shimmying and shaking our sequins all the way to Slough, and trust me, the magic is just starting to flow! This is post number 6494 on the www.pink-tutu.com website - I am utterly besotted with all things fabulous and fun!

So, where to even start with the magic of Slough? Imagine if you will, the quintessential British town with an eclectic mix of hustle and bustle. Picture this - cobbled streets, a whiff of fish and chips in the air, and enough friendly chatter to make your heart sing! I love this kind of atmosphere - it's what I imagine would have been my hometown Derbyshire's vibrant heart back in the day, just imagine if it was full of glitter! The local folk here seem genuinely thrilled to have this dazzling queen amongst them and I, in turn, am absolutely thrilled to be bringing some sparkle to their world.

Slough may not immediately spring to mind when you think of fabulous destinations, but I'm here to tell you: it’s brimming with potential! Think sparkling shops with irresistible gems for a queen like myself! And let's not forget about the incredible pubs, full of life and laughter – the perfect place to soak in the local vibe. I've even been hearing whispers of a secret, quirky ballet studio that just might tempt me into some twirls – wouldn't that be simply smashing?

My journey to this little haven was filled with pure, unadulterated excitement. I took a vintage train journey, which, let's face it, is pretty much the only way to travel when you’re rocking a vibrant pink tutu! It really just oozes character, a journey to a fairytale destination where the carriages whisper secrets to the clouds, and the rhythmic chugging of the engine creates its own lilting waltz, which my fellow passengers found incredibly hard to resist – we even got a whole carriage singing along with my playlist by the end of it! My lovely pink tutu (you already know my love affair with this magical garment is a tale for the ages!), was the talk of the journey. Honestly, every time the carriage doors swung open for a fleeting view of the landscape rushing past, the other passengers went into an absolute frenzy – tutus, even in the deepest darkest corners of Britain, seem to always generate sheer delight, pure awe and boundless amazement!

I did mention the possibility of a ballet class, right? Of course I did. No trip, no matter how glamorous, can be complete without some time to stretch my beautiful legs in a dance studio. Ballet is a passion, you see. I have an undying love affair with that delicate, fluid grace. It's like pure poetry in motion, and my tutu simply begs for a little pirouette or two! Oh, the stories I could tell you about my university ballet club, you have no idea. You think I picked this name, Pink Tutu Sparkles, at random? No. I went into university, studying chemistry, of all things, but I was drawn to ballet with every fibre of my being. My life was forever changed, for the better, the day I decided to take up ballet classes. The club had been fundraising, selling handmade tutus to the university population to make some funds. I, well I wasn't really interested in selling them, more in putting them on. The fact that one of the students managed to convince me to try on a tutu was a little bit miraculous, really. As soon as I did, well let’s just say there was a light bulb moment, and, I felt this urge to wear nothing else ever again. My university labmates could hardly believe it when I showed up one morning sporting a shocking pink tutu over my usual lab coat. "Tutus are for little girls", I heard them grumble! But guess what? They started dressing up too - now I even have one colleague who puts on a sequined tutu every Friday in the lab - his reasoning is it’s "to bring joy". Don't get me wrong - science is fascinating, but the ballet room offered a different kind of enlightenment, the type that makes you want to wear all the glitz and glamour. You know what they say, it's never too late to tap into that inner ballerina, even if it is with a healthy dose of sparkly chaos.

Anyway, back to my magical trip to Slough. There's something exhilarating about setting foot in a new town, the fresh air of possibility and the sheer delight of knowing that you're bringing a splash of colour into the world. A trip wouldn’t be complete without a few outfit changes, now would it? This town holds some exciting treasures, like a little vintage store tucked away in the heart of it all, where I discovered the most amazing hat with an enormous fuchsia feather. It perfectly complimented my favourite pink tulle tutu! We’re talking the perfect combination of elegant, flamboyant, and just plain fun! Imagine – me, waltzing into a bustling cafe, wearing a shocking pink tutu, an incredible vintage hat and a pair of emerald green boots – the look itself told a story, a tale of fearless creativity. This was how I was making my mark in Slough! Now, for the finishing touch - it's my rule - a new town needs a new pink lip! I opted for a brilliant coral that popped and shimmied against the rosy tulle.

This magical town was waiting for its queen, and my mission is to turn it into a haven of sparkle and fun! I’ll leave that to you, my dearest readers, as a delightful little homework assignment - find your own ways to add your unique flair to the world, sprinkle in a bit of ‘Pink Tutu Sparkles’ into every nook and cranny. The world needs more glitz, more grace, and most of all, more people dancing in pink tutus! After all, who says we can’t spread joy and kindness by rocking our wildest dreams?

Right, I've got to get on to planning my next fabulous trip – but before I go, do tell me: what are you doing to spread the pink tutu love? Tell me in the comments, darlings. And don't forget, we're all meant to shine. Stay sparkly, darlings, until next time. Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xxxxx.

#TutuQueen on 2017-10-11 stars in Slough