
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-02-16 stars in Ramsgate

Ramsgate Sparkle: Pink Tutu's seaside adventure (Blog Post #6622)

Hello my darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a whirlwind trip to the seaside. And trust me, this was no ordinary seaside jaunt! This was Pink Tutu Sparkles conquering the coast in a sea of pink tulle, and I'm thrilled to spill all the glitter and glam right here on Pink-Tutu.com.

You see, dear readers, Ramsgate called to me. Its Victorian charm, its sandy shores, its charming seaside air – it promised adventure, it promised fun, it promised a whole heap of tutu-tastic inspiration! Plus, I have to admit, the opportunity to strut my stuff in a beachside venue just felt too irresistible. So, off I trotted, suitcase stuffed with pink tutus of every imaginable shade, sequins shimmering like a mermaid's scales, and a smile as wide as the English Channel itself.

Travel by Rail: A Regal Ride

Now, being the queen of fashion that I am, I knew that the only way to travel was in style. Forget stuffy, old-fashioned planes or tiresome buses. No, my journey to Ramsgate was aboard the good old fashioned railway, a grand journey befitting a pink tutu queen. I wore my blush-pink tulle ball gown, a masterpiece of ruffles and bows that even a Duchess would envy. The other passengers gaped, but I took it all in my stride. I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles, darling, I thrive on stares of admiration! The train journey was just what I needed. A chance to get a little creative with my make-up, to adjust my dazzling headpiece, to let my inner diva truly shine. I even had a delightful chat with a little girl who, upon seeing my pink tutus, declared "You're a princess!" – I have to say, I did rather enjoy that. I'm a queen, but even queens love being a princess sometimes.

Sea-side Glamour

Ramsgate greeted me with open arms and a warm breeze. The salty air, the sun-kissed sand, and the vibrant colour of the promenade were a kaleidoscope of inspiration. I knew that a seaside venue demanded a specific flair, something with an elegant edge, a splash of seaside magic. So I decided to debut my new "Seafoam Sparkle" creation: a stunning sky-blue tulle number that flowed with the waves, adorned with pearlescent sequins that shimmered like the sea itself.

The show, my darling readers, was pure magic. The crowd was a whirlwind of energy, enthralled by my shimmering costume, my dynamic choreography (which, by the way, borrowed a little inspiration from a ballet performance I'd caught at the Sadler's Wells theatre a few weeks back), and, of course, my witty quips that had them in stitches. It felt magical, truly magical.

Finding Inspiration: A Stroll on the Promenade

After my spectacular performance, I decided to indulge in a little bit of Ramsgate's charm. I wandered along the promenade, soaking up the seaside atmosphere, my pink tutu rustling gently in the wind. I had to capture this inspiration, this kaleidoscope of beauty. My phone was constantly snapping pictures, and I even got a few passersby to take a shot with me! It's amazing, you know, how a little pink tulle can just make people happy. We even met a cute couple who were taking a sunset stroll, and the girl actually admitted to loving tutus as a child. We swapped stories, laughed, and even exchanged fashion tips. Pink tutus really are a universal language of joy!

Tutu Shopping

No trip to the coast is complete without a spot of shopping. Luckily for me, Ramsgate boasts a delightful selection of boutiques and antique shops, perfect for finding treasures for my tutu collection. I snagged a stunning turquoise tulle scarf, perfect for a beachside dance routine, and even found a charming little brooch in the shape of a dancing ballerina. You see, darling readers, for Pink Tutu Sparkles, finding those little hidden gems is all part of the joy.

Ramsgate and Beyond

My time in Ramsgate, however magical, was ultimately just the start of a new chapter in Pink Tutu Sparkles’ story. The seaside inspired me, my dear readers, but now the big question is: where will I venture next? The call of adventure is loud, and I am listening. Will it be a trek across the Yorkshire Moors on horseback, with my pink tutu flowing in the wind? Perhaps a performance at a country fair in my brand new flower-patterned tutu? Or maybe a trip to London for a grand performance at a world-famous theater? The possibilities are endless, and the adventure awaits. Whatever awaits me, I'll be there with my Pink Tutu ready to sparkle.

But for now, it's back to my lab by day, my dazzling world of science. But don't worry, darlings, my Pink Tutu Sparkle is always ready to take centre stage at the drop of a sequin, or a hint of tulle, for that matter! I can't wait to tell you all about my next fabulous adventure. Stay tuned and remember: every day can be a pink tutu adventure if you just embrace the glitter!

Yours in sequins and tulle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.


#TutuQueen on 2018-02-16 stars in Ramsgate