
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-02-18 stars in Cleethorpes

Cleethorpes: Tutu Time on the Humber!

Hello my gorgeous lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a fabulously frivolous trip to Cleethorpes, a place thatā€™s got me dancing in my pink tutu with joy! Iā€™m delighted to bring you my 6624th post here on www.pink-tutu.com, as I share my adventures in fabulousness, and hopefully inspire you all to unleash your inner pink tutu-wearing queen!

Now, I know what you're thinking - Cleethorpes? Really? But believe me, darlings, this seaside town is a hidden gem, just waiting to be discovered. The sea breeze is salty, the air is crisp, and the promenade is a delightful place to twirl, especially when you're sporting a dazzling pink tutu, obviously!

This whole adventure began, as always, with my beloved trains. I simply canā€™t get enough of those comfy carriages and the magical chug-chug of the engine! For this trip, I was particularly inspired by the idea of a journey aboard a heritage steam train, you know, those vintage beauties that make you feel like youā€™ve stepped into a bygone era!

But, before the big adventure, I needed to ensure my look was on point. Letā€™s be real, Pink Tutu Sparkles can't just rock up in any old tutu, can she? So I popped down to my favourite fabric shop in Derby (you know, where I'm from) to get some inspiration. I love the soft colours and silky textures of the fabrics there. They just seem to call to my creative spirit! This time, I was all about vibrant fuchsia and sparkling gold - a perfect match for a seaside adventure, wouldn't you say?

The trip was made even more spectacular thanks to a bit of impromptu ballet fun. You see, Cleethorpes actually has its own Ballet School. Itā€™s called the ā€˜Cleethorpes Ballet Centre,ā€™ and they teach classical ballet as well as tap and contemporary, so fancy! I managed to score myself a private lesson, a truly special experience! The students were so enthusiastic, I nearly did a grand jetĆ© right off the stage!

Once I had had a fabulous, twirling workout, I headed off to explore Cleethorpes, with its beautiful seafront and lively amusements. This town just feels bursting with charm and excitement. Imagine my delight when I stumbled across a charming vintage carousel on the promenade. All painted up in cheerful colours with a gorgeous canopy of flashing lights - it was practically calling out to be documented on my social media! I, of course, grabbed some spectacular selfies and did my signature ā€˜tutu twirlā€™ while the beautiful old horses went round and round.

Being on the coast was the perfect excuse to indulge in my other great love, seafood! A plate of fresh cod and chips, devoured on the pier as I enjoyed the view of the sea. Bliss! But a true Pink Tutu Sparkles experience can never be complete without a fabulous shopping spree! I ventured into some cute boutiques and discovered some adorable pieces, including a stunning fuchsia-pink handbag. What can I say, pink is my thing, and I think the locals agreed because the look garnered several appreciative comments.

Speaking of comments, I was so happy with the responses from the locals. I made a couple of really sweet friends, including a lady named Florence, who actually worked in a shop called ā€œFrocktails and Flutterā€, which was like stepping into a pink-tastic dreamscape! Florence and I bonded over a love of all things fluffy and pink, and we even shared some secret pink tutu tips and tricks! You see, my goal in life is to make wearing a pink tutu the norm. Everyone should embrace the pink-tastic fabulousness, just like I do!

On the final evening of my Cleethorpes adventure, I couldnā€™t resist taking to the stage at the ā€˜Neptune Theatreā€™. Itā€™s a classic seaside theatre, and I have to tell you, the atmosphere is electrifying! It felt right, almost natural to don my pink tutu and do what I do best ā€“ spreading glitter and smiles! The audience went wild and, oh boy, was it a night to remember. I left with the feeling of having not only delivered a stunning performance, but of leaving my pink tutu mark on the lovely seaside town.

Now, darling, before I bid you farewell, I have to share some top-secret tips, especially for you lovely readers:

  • Never leave home without a backup tutu. Because, you know, wardrobe malfunctions do happen! And the last thing you want is to be stuck in the middle of your routine, sans-tutu. (Believe me, I speak from experience. I once forgot to pack my petticoat!)
  • Accessorize with fabulousness. My go-to statement accessory is a pair of stunning, chunky earrings that make a real statement. You want people to stop in their tracks when they see you!
  • Embrace your unique sparkle! My life mantra is "Shine Bright" because everyone, from the biggest stage stars to the most timid introvert, deserves a moment to sparkle.
  • Find your pink tutu tribe. Because, darlings, it is so much more fun to embrace the pink tutu fabulousness with your own, equally awesome tribe!
  • Never, ever apologize for your passion. And if someone tries to dampen your spirits, just tell them to put a tutu on! I promise itā€™ll change their perspective.

Right, now my dears, Pink Tutu Sparkles is off to grab a hot chocolate, complete with a pink marshmallow. It's been such a wonderful adventure, and it wouldn't have been half the fun without all of you! Remember, darlings, keep on shining and spread the pink tutu magic wherever you go! Iā€™ll be back soon with another fabulously fluffy post, full of pink tutu thrills and spills. And donā€™t forget, every day is a chance to twirl. Until then, keep dancing, darlings, keep dancing!

#TutuQueen on 2018-02-18 stars in Cleethorpes