Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-03-20 stars in Rainham

Rainham: Tutu-licious Travels! âœšđŸ’–đŸ©°

Post number 6654

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and oh boy, have I got a story for you!

This week's adventure took me all the way to the charming town of Rainham, which, for those of you who don't know, is located in Kent, nestled between the North Kent Marshes and the River Medway. And guess what, it wasn't even a journey on the train, oh no! This time, I opted for a whimsical and elegant mode of transport – a beautiful, cream-coloured carriage pulled by two magnificent chestnut horses. How incredibly fabulous! I mean, let's face it, what says “stylish arrival” better than arriving by horse? Just picture it, darling – a pink tutu bouncing on the back of the carriage, wind whipping my glittery hair as I sing along to my favourite disco tracks. Pure magic.

And magic it was! Rainham itself was delightful. Cobblestone streets lined with quaint, charming little shops, overflowing flower baskets hanging on each lamppost, and that most gorgeous little tea room, filled with lace tablecloths and floral teacups. Honestly, my dear, it was a real feast for the senses! I swear, you could just feel the history in the air. Of course, a good cup of Earl Grey with a slice of Victoria sponge was a must. After all, you can’t explore a new place on an empty stomach.

My mission in Rainham was clear: to share the joy and beauty of the pink tutu with the lovely people of this charming little town. Now, I have to confess, it wasn’t exactly easy persuading some of the locals to ditch their jeans and embrace the magic of tutus. But, as you all know, persistence is key!

After all, wearing a tutu is not about fitting in, it’s about standing out. It’s about unleashing your inner sparkle, being bold, and spreading a little joy, a little magic, and a little bit of tutu-tastic fun.

For starters, I decided to set up my little pink shop, 'Pink Tutu Sparkle Shop' - you see, I know the value of a bit of tutu merchandising, and boy oh boy, those little shops are amazing. Imagine it - rows of vibrant, frilly pink tutus, sparkly tiaras, feather boas, and oh, don’t get me started on the sequinned gloves! I even had a stand of pre-loved tutus at a fabulously discounted price - perfect for the eco-conscious diva! I was telling them all, “Go on, darling, take the leap! Step out of your comfort zone and step into the world of tutus!”. It’s all about encouraging confidence and showing the world just how amazing you truly are. And believe me, it’s more infectious than you’d ever imagine.

Next on my agenda was a "Tutu-tastic” afternoon tea at a lovely old Victorian-era hotel. Picture this: teacups filled with the most exquisite chamomile and lavender blends, delectable cucumber sandwiches with dainty little crustless finger sandwiches, followed by a delicious array of pastries – I'm talking strawberry tarts, little vanilla Ă©clairs, raspberry Ă©clairs, macarons – all meticulously crafted and presented. It was utterly divine! And the best part? Everyone was absolutely enthralled! As the afternoon progressed, it was just beautiful watching ladies giggle and laugh while sipping on their tea, each in their own pink tutus. What was once an initial apprehension turned into pure joy! They absolutely loved it, darling. You could tell – the shy smiles, the shy giggling, and the shy glances – they were embracing their inner tutu queen.

It was an unforgettable afternoon – I truly feel that I planted some pink tutu seeds in their hearts. You see, there's just something so uplifting about a pink tutu, isn't there? It just automatically brings a smile to everyone’s faces! The joy, the fun, the sheer playfulness – it’s contagious, and it spreads like wildfire!

Of course, what's a trip to Rainham without visiting the fabulous Ballet School? They welcomed me with open arms, invited me to watch one of their classes, and allowed me to show them my signature move: the "Pink Tutu Twirl."

Yes, darling, you heard me right! My own signature move, created for all you fabulous tutus out there! Picture this: the perfect blend of elegance and flair. I start by extending my arms, fingers extended, and a big smile spreading across my face. Then, I gather my beautiful pink tutu and spin, oh spin I do! The tutu swirls around my legs like a soft, pink cloud. The spin gets faster, faster, until it becomes a whirl, a tornado of frills and pink sparkles! At the end, I finish with a playful twirl and boom, I pose – that’s right, freeze at the peak of the twirl. Everyone in the class was utterly captivated, and the young ballerinas all gasped in awe. It’s truly a joy to spread the love of the pink tutu – the ballet club, oh darling, they're such talented and eager little things, but some of them have never actually seen a ballet! Oh the shock, the gasps - "Wow, a REAL ballerina in a tutu!". But of course, what else would you expect from this Pink Tutu Queen? A showstopper, of course!

Let’s not forget, of course, my favourite part – the fashion, darling. Rainham boasts an array of vintage boutiques, little trinket stores, and boutiques, each packed to the rafters with wonderful clothes. Naturally, I went on a tutu-tastic shopping spree – my pockets weren’t exactly bulging, you see, being a drag queen isn't exactly a glamorous financial path! But my ‘Queen on a Budget’ mantra saved the day! And so, after some masterful bargain-hunting, I returned home with an array of exquisite silk scarves (the perfect finishing touch for a pink tutu, wouldn’t you say? Elegant, yet modern), some dazzling sequinned crop tops (that’ll go perfectly with my favourite feathered boa - a drag queen can never have too many feather boas! – a little secret for all my fellow queens), and of course, a brand new, bright pink tutu for a special guest. You can never have too many pink tutus, darling!

After all, tutus, especially pink ones, are the best way to make the world a brighter, prettier, more fun place! A reminder, every single day, that it's okay to embrace your unique beauty and shine with the confidence of a star.

And as the carriage rattled down the street, leaving the quaint town of Rainham in its wake, I realised that every adventure brings new experiences, new challenges, and, above all, a chance to inspire someone, somewhere. The mission? Well, I think my darling friends in Rainham have a little more of a taste of the pink tutu. So, to everyone reading this – you’re more than welcome to join the movement! Take a leap, my darling! Embrace the pink tutu. And show the world how beautifully fabulous you are!

Remember to follow me on www.pink-tutu.com for all your tutu-licious updates and to read my next blog about
 but wait, it’s a surprise, darling, a surprise for next time!

Until then, sparkle and twirl on! 💖

Love always, Pink Tutu Sparkles ✹

#TutuQueen on 2018-03-20 stars in Rainham