
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-03-23 stars in Huyton

Huyton, My Lovely! - Post 6657

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another thrilling post from the road, ready to whisk you away to the fabulousness of...Huyton! Yes, my lovely readers, this little gem in Merseyside has captured my attention with its friendly atmosphere and, of course, its potential for pink tutu-clad fabulousness.

You see, darlings, spreading the joy of the pink tutu is no easy feat. It takes dedication, it takes a heart of pink satin, and it takes a fair bit of travel! My chariot of choice? The trusty train, of course! There's just something about the clickety-clack and the window views that gets my creativity flowing. And when I can't get my pink-booted feet onto a train, I'll hop onto a horse! Nothing beats the fresh air and the feeling of freedom galloping through the countryside, ready to spread the message of pink tulle to all who cross my path.

This little adventure started with a quick pop to the fabric shop in the heart of Huyton. Now, you might think fabric shopping doesn't sound exciting, but darlings, I can tell you it's a veritable treasure trove of inspiration! Just picture it: aisles brimming with satins and silks, delicate lace, and enough sequins to dazzle the whole world! I found the most stunning fuchsia tulle, perfect for a new tutu I have in mind, and I just had to snatch it up!

And speaking of tutus, I have the most fabulous idea! What if we all made our own pink tutus? It could be a worldwide, collaborative project! Imagine, darlings, pink tutus gracing every street corner, every town square, every theatre, every...well, everywhere! It would be a symphony of pink tulle, a ballet of blush-coloured beauty, and wouldn't that be just wonderful?

After my fabric fix, I ventured to a charming local pub called the "Cock 'n' Bull." Now, I don't usually find myself in traditional British pubs, but the locals were incredibly welcoming and I have to say, I quite enjoyed their warm hospitality. I, of course, gave them all a little pink tutu lesson, reminding them of the simple joy a pink tutu brings to life! You know me, always spreading the good word.

Later that evening, I performed my show at the local community center. It was filled with locals from all walks of life, young and old, who were eager for a dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic. The whole room just exploded with laughter and cheer! As always, I had the audience participating with dance moves, sing-alongs, and plenty of twirling. But the real magic started when I handed out miniature pink tutus to all the children present! It was adorable! Their little eyes lit up as they bounced around in their tutus, it was just priceless.

And to top it off, guess what? My trusty horse, who I fondly call 'Pinky', even made an appearance. He was adorned in his own miniature pink tutu! The children just couldn't get enough of him. You should have seen their little faces when he gave them all a friendly nuzzle.

The next day, I had to say farewell to Huyton. But not before I'd enjoyed a delectable high tea at the lovely "Rose Tea Room." My, my! Was it ever divine. Every detail, from the delicate teacups to the delicious sandwiches and cakes, exuded a perfect blend of charm and indulgence. The friendly staff, clad in their own pretty pastel-coloured aprons, added a delightful touch to the already delightful atmosphere. They, of course, got their pink tutu lesson as well, after all, no journey of pink tutu evangelizing is complete without a dose of pink tutu knowledge.

Huyton has proven itself to be a truly fantastic place with friendly faces, vibrant colours, and a spirit of pure delight. So, until next time, my darlings, remember to always keep your head high, your spirit vibrant, and most importantly, never forget the power of the pink tutu.

Keep shining!

Yours in pink tulle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

(This blog entry is part of Pink Tutu Sparkles' daily drag blog on www.pink-tutu.com)

#TutuQueen on 2018-03-23 stars in Huyton