Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-04-02 stars in Pontypridd

Pontypridd: A Pink Tutu Adventure! 💖✨ (Blog Post #6667)

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink-loving, tutu-twirling, fabulous drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! 💖✨ I'm just back from a whirlwind trip to the lovely Pontypridd in Wales, and let me tell you, it was an absolute blast!

As many of you know, I’m always up for a good adventure. And when the chance to spread the gospel of pink tutus in a new corner of the world came up, I packed my sequins, my most magnificent tutu, and a suitcase full of glitter (you never know!), and hopped on the train! 🚂

I’m always happy to share the wonders of the railway system, and a long train journey is a great opportunity for a bit of glamour. As soon as I settle into my seat, the transformation begins! A little dab of mascara here, a flick of pink eyeshadow there… and soon enough, Pink Tutu Sparkles is ready to go! ✨ You can always tell a Pink Tutu Sparkles train journey as there’s definitely going to be a little performance somewhere! You see, I'm not the shy and retiring type. I’ve been told my voice carries well… even if it does involve a bit of ‘Queen’s English’ sometimes. You could call me an expressive traveler!

Ballet Magic!

Before I talk about Pontypridd, I simply have to tell you about my afternoon at the National Dance Company Wales’ performance in Cardiff. Ballet is my absolute favourite, and nothing beats a performance with top-notch dancing, glorious costumes, and a breathtaking set. And in this case, an evening in the most beautiful and opulent theatre. There is a lot of dancing happening around me this week! It’s what I live for!

Anyway, you know I love tutus so, of course, I was completely inspired by the beautiful costumes! All those floaty fabrics, intricate details, and… (oh my) colours! Honestly, every dancer had a tutu on at some point, and I was totally in awe.

The Wonderful World of Pontypridd

I arrived in Pontypridd with a twinkle in my eye and a pink tutu in my luggage, ready to spread some joy. The town had a charming energy - it felt traditional yet modern at the same time. It's a place with a long and rich history and a really strong local spirit, so, of course, I wanted to pay tribute with some truly glamorous dance moves!

The locals were lovely! So welcoming and full of life. You could definitely sense a real community feeling and it was truly infectious! After spending a few hours just chatting and having a good giggle, I felt right at home.

The architecture is something else. Imagine ancient buildings, nestled against the modern, and there you have it!

The River Taff flows through the town. We walked along its banks, the setting sun creating a warm, orange glow on the water.

But, let’s get real – my trip wouldn't be complete without a touch of ‘pink’! After all, I'm all about spreading the pink tutu love. Luckily, there’s a fantastic pink bakery in Pontypridd that sells some utterly delightful pink-themed cakes and cookies. What more could I need!

Glam Time!

Every town, big or small, is the perfect setting for a Pink Tutu Sparkles transformation. It doesn't matter where I am in the world, the streets turn into my stage, the houses into a backdrop for a dramatic performance! I know the local residents love a good surprise too. So you see, there’s no time like the present to sparkle! I was blessed with amazing sunshine so even better. A little twinkle in my eye and I am on stage! It really is as simple as that. A great opportunity for some photo-ops.

I’m definitely planning to add a touch of pink to my wardrobe! As for a horse… well, we’ll see. 😉

And to finish this adventure, of course, there had to be a show! I had the pleasure of performing at a little local bar in Pontypridd, and let me tell you, it was absolutely magical. Everyone was so enthusiastic and I could really feel the energy of the crowd. And of course, as soon as I stepped onto that stage, everything turned pink, I've gotta love those glittery disco balls! It really felt like the pinkest, most fabulous night ever!

I truly believe everyone deserves a sprinkle of magic in their lives. It's not about the sequins or the feathers; it's about that sparkle, that little bit of light within us. We all have it! I aim to unleash it in everyone – one tutu at a time. So grab your own pink tutu and twirl your way into a fabulous adventure! 😉

Don't forget to join me at www.pink-tutu.com for more adventures! Remember, it's not what you wear, but how you wear it, my darlings! Until next time! 💖✨

Pink Tutu Sparkles out!

#TutuQueen on 2018-04-02 stars in Pontypridd