Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-04-26 stars in Highbury

Highbury: Where Ballet Dreams Dance with Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away on a magical journey to the utterly fabulous town of Highbury. It's post number 6691 for your girl, and I'm practically bursting with excitement to share all the pink, glitter, and ballet-licious goodness I discovered in this charming corner of London.

Now, I'm not going to lie, this little adventure was a dream come true! You see, ever since I shimmied into my first pink tutu back in my Derbyshire university days (oh, the memories! Studying for a science degree and trying on a tutu for charity - a match made in heaven, darling!), my heart has longed to bring the sparkle of ballet to every corner of the globe. And Highbury? Well, it's a place that radiates an elegant grace and artistic charm that's almost as captivating as a pirouette on pointe!

I'd planned this trip for ages, scrimping and saving from my fabulous performances across the UK (who says a girl can't fund her travels through sequins and showstopping choreography?). I even wore a particularly dazzling sequined top and my trusty pink tulle tutu for the journey – a touch of magic for my train ride to London! Now, I know what you're thinking: a train journey and a tutu? It’s quite the statement! And let me tell you, darlings, I drew quite a few curious looks and admiring glances! It truly goes to show that pink tutus can spark joy and conversation anywhere you go.

The Highbury Dance Academy

My first stop in Highbury had to be the local ballet academy – a charming, pink-hued building that's practically whispering about elegance and grace. I'm telling you, darlings, I could feel my inner ballerina pirouetting just looking at the place! With a deep breath, I waltzed inside and found myself in a beautiful world of leotards, dance shoes, and walls adorned with elegant photos of dancers in mid-leap. My heart soared! I’m not going to lie, a little bit of my heart cried out to try out their ballet classes - you never know! One day, perhaps a Pink Tutu Sparkles masterclass... I must explore that option!

Pink Paradise Found!

My shopping adventures in Highbury were nothing short of delightful. From independent boutiques filled with delicate vintage clothes (perfect for adding a touch of vintage glamour to my performance wardrobe) to a sprawling high street brimming with vibrant and trendy stores, I practically floated from one stylish find to another. I couldn’t resist snagging a delicate lace top with a hint of pink, a dazzling sequined clutch bag to match my stage persona, and a charming pair of pink ballet flats (oh, darling, they were just too cute to resist!). Let me tell you, finding treasures like these just confirms that Highbury knows how to blend chic and sparkle effortlessly.

A Symphony of Ballet: At the Highbury Theatre

Now, no visit to Highbury would be complete without an evening at their local theatre. I am talking about a classic, traditional building, a real landmark! And this particular evening, a local ballet company was performing a breathtaking production of "The Nutcracker." I tell you, darlings, my eyes were practically glued to the stage as the graceful dancers took me on a whirlwind tour of Tchaikovsky's enchanting world. It was absolutely captivating, the way they weaved together every intricate move, bringing each moment to life. I practically cried with joy! The dancers themselves even wore tutus. I'm sure you can guess the colour? Yup, pink, darling, in all its glorious shades! Oh, I think this experience truly convinced me that Highbury and Pink Tutu Sparkles are meant to be!

Sharing the Tutu Love: Spreading Joy in Highbury

Of course, a trip by Pink Tutu Sparkles can't end without a touch of whimsy and a whole lot of tutus! Throughout my time in Highbury, I couldn’t resist offering a little “sparkle” to the people I met. I found the most delightful gift shop, a quaint little gem brimming with charming treasures, where I bought several pink tutus (well, darling, I am a little partial to tutus!) Armed with my very own “tutu giveaway”, I strolled through Highbury Park and watched children’s faces light up as they were offered the opportunity to wear their very own pink tutu! The giggles and joy it brought was enough to melt my sparkly heart! Even the local ice cream shop got involved! The shop owner (with a bright pink top on, what a coincidence!) agreed to put the tutus on display.

It turns out that pink tutus are practically a magic charm! I'm talking, spreading joy, making friends, and creating memories, just like the time a group of teenage girls saw me wearing my own pink tutu, grabbed one each and proceeded to perform a spontaneous dance routine on the pavement - pure, unadulterated joy, darling! And just like that, I knew, with every glitter-sprinkled, pink tutu-filled moment, I'd done my bit to inject a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic into this enchanting little town!

Until Next Time, Highbury!

Now, my time in Highbury is drawing to a close. And let me tell you, leaving this enchanting town is like saying goodbye to a cherished dream. I’ve been feeling inspired and rejuvenated. Highbury, my heart truly danced with you. This was more than just a journey; it was a whimsical dance through a world that embraces its charm and elegance! As I bid Highbury farewell, I can't wait for my next exciting adventure. And, oh, my sweet darlings, you know Pink Tutu Sparkles will never travel without her pink tutus. Every single journey will be filled with tutus, and who knows? Maybe my next stop will be closer to you!

So, until we sparkle together again, keep your tutus handy, and stay fabulous!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨


#TutuQueen on 2018-04-26 stars in Highbury