
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-06-10 stars in Paris

Paris: Oh lĆ  lĆ , Tutus and Triumph!

Bonjour mes amies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the City of Lights! Iā€™m on my six-thousand, seven-hundred and thirty-sixth blog post already (time flies when you're in love with pink tutus!) and Iā€™ve still not gotten bored of the thrill of writing about it all. You'd think Iā€™d be running out of new things to say by now. Not a chance! You see, darlings, life in this fabulously pink-tutu-ed world just keeps getting more magical!

Todayā€™s adventures took me from the charming train station (where I took a cheeky snap for Instagram in my brand-new pink tutu, naturally!) to the very heart of Paris ā€“ where, as we all know, thereā€™s nothing quite as glamorous as watching a world-class ballet show. This was a Parisian affair of the highest order, think twirling tutus and leaping gentlemen ā€“ pure artistry at its finest! The performance just had to be documented, of course, for all you lovely Pink Tutu fans ā€“ and I couldnā€™t have asked for a better background!

The Parisian air just exudes that "je ne sais quoi," doesn't it? Itā€™s so wonderfully, uniquely French, but the real beauty of it all is in the details. This city just brims with the most breathtaking artistry in everything! Every corner seems to burst with architectural grandeur, artistic beauty, and yes, fashion galore! I wouldn't blame you if you got caught in the whimsy of it all, let me tell you. Honestly, the cobblestones could tell you stories. Maybe thatā€™s what the ballet show was about? A story told on cobblestones with leaps and twirls!

Thereā€™s no time for dilly-dallying though, because Iā€™m off on another exciting Parisian escapade. I've heard a rumour that thereā€™s a little-known ballet school nestled somewhere in the cityā€¦ swoon. Now, as we all know, it's almost an obsession with me ā€“ and that is: a deep passion for ballet and, of course, those gloriously fabulous tutus!

While my love affair with tutus is nothing new, this whole drag life was ratherā€¦ accidental. I'm a bit of a quiet, lab-coated scientist by day - yep, thatā€™s my ā€œotherā€ life. I test fabric for a living, but, by night, itā€™s lights, camera, action - Pink Tutu Sparkles taking centre stage! Itā€™s my inner, more exuberant personality letting loose ā€“ a little, letā€™s say, more... spirited.

And it all began youā€™ll never believe this ā€“ back in my Derbyshire university days. You know, while I was hunched over my textbooks for my science degreeā€¦ itā€™s not a story one would readily connect to a sparkly Pink Tutu! But one fateful day, we had a charity fundraiser ā€“ and letā€™s just say a tutu made its way onto me for an impromptu fashion show. Yep, I took that pink fluff, threw on a big smile, and, much to everyoneā€™s surprise, the next thing you know, Iā€™m feeling a whole heap of sparkly delight!

The rest is history, darling, just like that, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born! As if by magic, a tiny little dream popped into my headā€¦ this life would be absolutely bonkers fun ā€“ traveling the world, putting on shows, andā€¦ well, the whole pink-tutu-wearing-globetrotting thing, of course! Thereā€™s just something about them ā€“ the billowing layers of frills, the vibrant colours, the feeling of liberation when you slip into a perfectly pink one ā€“ it just feels magical, truly magical.

But, hereā€™s the kicker: my obsession isn't limited to just wearing a tutu. It's this larger-than-life dreamā€¦ this mission! You might be surprised to learn what drives me, what makes my Pink Tutu Sparkles spirit burn brightly, darling! And thatā€™s none other than: To make the world a pinker, brighter, more tutu-wearing place, one fabulous performance at a time!

My grand scheme is a vision of pink tulle and flawlessly twirling feathers in every nook and cranny of the globe! The more tutus the merrier, and who knows? Maybe one day, Iā€™ll even reach Paris. Now that would be something to really write home about!

In the meantime, while my big dream is still taking shape, I've already started putting on my Pink Tutu Sparkles performances anywhere and everywhere: village fairs, local theaters, quirky pubs ā€“ anywhere there's a stage and a chance to spread the pink-tutu love!

I must say, thereā€™s something seriously special about spreading joy and laughter with my performance! Sometimes itā€™s just a little bit of fun, sometimes itā€™s making people dance and twirl, sometimes itā€™s spreading my message ā€“ you know, to always put on your favourite pink tutu and be your most * fabulous* self.

The secret? You don't need to be on stage in Paris to live your best, Pink Tutu life!

Think Iā€™m being a bit dramatic? Maybe. But just think for a second ā€“ you can unleash your own inner sparkle!

If this all sounds too much for you, just imagine those big fluffy pink ruffles around your legs and the confidence you get from it! It really does change how you feel about yourself. It really does! * You go into the world a bit moreā€¦ well, *Pink Tutu. And hey, thereā€™s nothing wrong with that, right?

Of course, life isnā€™t always as simple as putting on a pink tutu. (Though, honestly, sometimes it could be a whole lot simpler!) Iā€™m just a regular gal ā€“ just like you ā€“ juggling two worlds. One part scientist, and one part Sparkling Queen. The difference is that I took the chance, I pushed through, and embraced my passion.

Donā€™t think that being ā€œPink Tutuā€ is an easy thing ā€“ you know I love the sparkles and glamour, but it comes with hard work. You gotta love a challenge, and my biggest one is convincing the whole world to embrace those pink tutus with me. Itā€™s tough but so worthwhile.

What's your biggest dream? What's the thing youā€™d be happiest wearing, putting on, creating, doing ā€“ that just makes your soul shine? What is your *Pink Tutu Sparkles?

And hey, you donā€™t even have to wait for the world to get the memo ā€“ go grab yourself a Pink Tutu and wear it proudly, I say!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

Remember :

*This journey is a constant adventure of pink tulle, sparkling laughter, and fiercely embracing your most fabulous self. Don't ever give up on making the world a little bit pinker - and never, ever stop believing in your own, personal *Pink Tutu magic. **

I hope you enjoyed my Paris blog, dear readers! If you enjoyed the read, don't forget to hop on over to www.pink-tutu.com to see what adventures my pink tulle will lead me on tomorrow! And please feel free to leave a comment below! What are your Parisian tutu-dreams? Iā€™d love to hear!

Always in pink, Pink Tutu Sparkles

(P.S. Have you joined the Pink Tutu Revolution yet? If not, be sure to check out our Facebook Page! Weā€™re a friendly bunch!)

#TutuQueen on 2018-06-10 stars in Paris