Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-07-29 stars in Brixton

Brixton Bound: A Pink Tutu Adventure (Blog Post #6785)

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you the latest from your favourite tutu-toting, pink-loving, fabulous adventurer. Today, I'm setting off on a grand expedition – to the vibrant, musical, and utterly wonderful Brixton!

This week, my diary's bursting with glitter, sequins, and of course, enough pink to make a flamingo blush! And I'm taking my loyal readers along for the ride. You know how much I adore a good old-fashioned railway journey, so I'm setting off on the train, all ready for a whirlwind adventure. I'm talking plush velvet seats, tea served in bone china cups, and, of course, my trusty, trusty tutu! (It’s a custom-made pink creation, complete with shimmering diamantes – I can't go anywhere without it, darling!)

Why Brixton, you ask? Well, darlings, this London gem has everything a fabulous pink-tutu-loving diva could desire! There's the music, the art, the markets – oh, the glorious markets! Brixton Market is a cornucopia of colours, smells, and tastes that will send your senses spinning. And, speaking of spins, it's also a hub for all things ballet – a passion that's as deeply ingrained in me as a feather boa on a drag queen.

Before I set off, I just had to treat myself to a little shopping spree. What’s a girl to wear to a vibrant market, you may ask? Well, darling, I went full-on flamingo-fabulous! Think blush-pink palazzo pants, a shimmery silk blouse, a dash of silver jewellery, and of course, my signature piece – a statement-making pink tulle tutu, so enormous it could house a family of mice. It was a triumph!

Now, back to the journey! I've always felt a kinship with the railway. There's something truly magical about hurtling across the countryside, the landscape rushing past, your own little world in the train carriage. The rhythmic chug-chug of the train always gets my creative juices flowing. I can just imagine myself in a ballet production, using the sounds as the background score. Maybe a graceful "Sleeping Beauty" in the middle carriage or a bold, daring "Swan Lake" amongst the ticket inspectors! Oh, my dear, the possibilities are endless.

You might be thinking, "But Alex, why Brixton?" Well, darlings, I wouldn't be true to myself if I wasn't supporting a fellow dancer's dreams! A brilliant local choreographer, Ophelia, is putting on a magnificent ballet performance, "The Swan's Dream," showcasing her talent, the work of local young dancers, and a splash of glorious creativity.

Ophelia and I are both passionate about spreading the joy of dance, and I was absolutely thrilled to get involved! And who else would be there to bring some sparkle to the event but yours truly? I'm absolutely ecstatic to be making a guest appearance – the choreography involves a stunning piece with multiple tutus. The more, the merrier, right? The world is definitely a brighter place with a touch of pink, don’t you think?

Naturally, I couldn't possibly leave the ballet scene without taking a few spins in the ballet studio! Brixton boasts a few charming and welcoming dance academies, and I just couldn't resist stepping into their shoes for a pirouette or two. Those little pointe shoes really test your balance – that’s for sure! I was delighted to meet some of the lovely teachers and students - and they loved the pink tutu, needless to say. They told me all about their latest creations and performances, their eyes full of passionate inspiration.

Now, you’ve heard me talk about tutus and ballet…but it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without some foodie fun. This trip is full of culinary adventures, and my senses are reeling! I love discovering new restaurants and dishes, and Brixton was a foodie heaven.

First, I took a tour of Brixton Market. This market, darling, is a vibrant melting pot of cultures and flavours – a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds that leaves you dazed with delight. Fresh fruit and vegetables of every imaginable hue, spices that scent the air with a fiery warmth, rows upon rows of artisan crafts - it was like stepping into a sensory wonderland. I even spotted a stall dedicated entirely to pink-tinted flamingo cupcakes – fate! Naturally, I just had to sample a few (well, several) – they were just as divine as they looked.

Then it was time to discover some culinary gems. My journey led me to a restaurant called "The Ginger Pig" – think beautifully prepared food, a warm and friendly atmosphere, and the best roast beef you've ever had! It's not exactly your usual Pink Tutu Sparkles setting, but sometimes it's lovely to enjoy something more down-to-earth, more classic. Plus, they have a rather grand chandelier in the dining room – my taste buds were pleased and my inner fashionista was content.

Speaking of content, my inner fashionista wasn't quite done with Brixton just yet! The vibrant atmosphere and unique street culture ignited my inner sartorial muse. It’s time to unleash a little of Pink Tutu Sparkles’s shopping magic! My first stop was a small, independent vintage clothing store. Think chic vintage dresses, sparkly jackets, and a selection of retro accessories that could rival any glamorous time capsule. It's a true fashion lover's dream, filled with pieces that ooze history and a dash of whimsical flair.

I snagged a beautiful 1950s dress that perfectly reflects Brixton’s vintage and funky vibe, a bold yellow blouse that reminds me of sunflowers, and a pair of glittering pink gloves – you just can't have enough pink, can you? I must confess, my purchases have a delightful touch of ‘50s glamour – there's a real romance to that era – think ballrooms, elegance, and of course, a dash of glamourous pink! I couldn’t resist adding a few pink polka dots to my wardrobe too - the perfect touch for a vintage picnic!

My fashion journey then led me to a charming little shop dedicated to all things fabulous: tutus! Imagine, darlings, a shop that’s an absolute haven of fluffy tulle in every color imaginable. It was my dream come true. I snagged a gorgeous turquoise tulle tutu that caught my eye. Imagine me waltzing around Brixton – a true ballerina vision in my favourite shade! The turquoise one reminded me of my favourite ballets – you can't beat those graceful leaps and the feeling of complete freedom when you’re pirouetting across the stage! I can just picture myself performing on that tiny Brixton stage with a beautiful emerald green tulle tutu – pure, sparkly magic. Oh darling, it's absolutely exhilarating to bring those little fantastical dream moments to life!

My travels aren’t always glamorous, of course – even the Pink Tutu Queen gets a little peckish after a whirlwind day of ballet and shopping. Thankfully, the vibrant streets of Brixton provided a quick pick-me-up! A quick stroll past a buzzing street food market and I couldn't resist a delicious falafel wrap. Now, this is a street food that screams Brixton – a testament to the diverse and tantalizing flavours of the market. I swear, you can hear the soul of Brixton in every bite.

Of course, no trip to Brixton would be complete without a visit to its legendary pubs! And Brixton's pubs aren’t just any pubs, darling. Imagine a pub buzzing with laughter and the sounds of live music, its atmosphere a blending of traditional warmth with the pulsating energy of London life! I loved the classic wooden pub signs, the intimate atmosphere, the laughter and warmth shared by friends and locals alike.

I'll admit, my inner diva sometimes struggles with pubs that aren't festooned with glitter. But even Pink Tutu Sparkles knows the value of a good pint of cider (a real local favourite, darlings). Plus, they usually offer fantastic real ale that adds a lovely earthy flavour to the evenings. A delicious contrast to the sweeter notes of my signature perfume!

Brixton, my dear, is a whirlwind of culture, passion, and creativity, and a constant source of inspiration for my adventures. You never quite know what awaits you around each corner, whether it’s a colourful new outfit or the opportunity to spread a little pink tulle magic!

This has been a journey filled with dazzling sights, sparkling performances, and the delicious aroma of freshly baked pastries! Until next time, darlings. Remember, the world’s a better place with a little sparkle and a touch of pink! And if you're ever looking for a truly delightful experience, just hop on a train to Brixton. You won't regret it.

P.S. Don't forget to check out Pink Tutu Sparkles' new, totally fabulous blog! www.pink-tutu.com. It's the place to be for all things glitzy and fabulous. I’m giving away a bespoke tutu, darling, to my favourite commenter of the month. Who knows, it might be YOU! Don’t forget to hashtag #PinkTutuSparkle whenever you're rocking your favourite pink ensemble! It's my little gift to all my devoted followers! Keep those fabulous tutus twirling, darling, until next time!

#TutuQueen on 2018-07-29 stars in Brixton