Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-08-11 stars in Rugby

Rugby Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Makes a Dash for the Try Line!

#TutuQueen | Post Number 6798 | www.pink-tutu.com

Oh my darlings! Today, your Pink Tutu Sparkles has ventured beyond the borders of our beloved Derbyshire, hurtling towards the rolling hills and the iconic rugby ground of Rugby, home of the sport itself! You wouldn’t believe the sheer thrill of that whistle, that whistle of excitement, of adventure, of Pink Tutu Sparkle energy blasting out of the station, carrying me towards a town steeped in history. I’ve packed my trusty tutu – a brand new creation of hot pink silk with a fabulous sprinkling of diamantĂ© – just for the occasion. Honestly, wouldn’t you feel more confident and stylish in a fabulous tutu on your journey, darling? This is about more than just sport, my friends! This is about taking ownership of your fashion destiny and letting your inner Pink Tutu Sparkle shine!

Let’s talk trains for a moment! Oh my goodness, you guys, a journey on the railway is a veritable ballet of glamour. First, there’s the selection process! Do I opt for first class? Does that little voice of elegance whisper “comfort” in my ear? Do I get the window seat for a picturesque view and to snap a few stunning outfit photos for my blog? Or maybe I need a corridor spot for a good chat with fellow travellers, spreading the message of Pink Tutu Sparkle love! It’s an essential sartorial decision, wouldn’t you agree? The sheer excitement of stepping on the train, all dressed in pink tutu finery, is thrilling! And the added bonus? You meet some lovely people on your journey – everyone loves Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Before even reaching Rugby, a kindly gentleman offered to take a picture of me in front of the iconic railway bridge in Warwickshire! A moment to bask in the sheer elegance of Pink Tutu Sparkles against a backdrop of history – nothing makes this little heart beat faster!

Of course, Rugby wouldn’t be Rugby without a trip to the Rugby School! You know I love history, and this school’s heritage is utterly fascinating. The buildings, the old halls, the sense of history all around - the sheer magic of it all made my pink tutu twinkle! And guess what I discovered? There’s actually a tradition of tutus at Rugby School! Apparently, the school’s rugby team, called “The Old Boy” or “The Old Blue”, wears blue and white, which of course, when you get right down to it, is only one step away from pink. See, darling? This is how Pink Tutu Sparkle spreads her joy to every corner of the world! The universe works in magical ways, always bringing us back to pink.

But it wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a bit of glamour, so naturally, I found a little tea room called "The English Tearoom". And of course, they had cakes and teas with all the colours of the rainbow – how divine! I opted for a gorgeous pink afternoon tea. We're all about balance, darling, and a slice of victoria sponge never hurts anyone! Even better? I caught sight of a poster announcing a ballet performance of Swan Lake right here in Rugby! Now isn’t that a fabulous coincidence, my darlings? It’s a sign. Pink Tutu Sparkles just loves the delicate ballet movements of swans, doesn’t she? And you can bet your bottom dollar, I’m going to find the perfect pink tutu to wear for that!

Then came the real highlight of the day: the Rugby School Museum! You wouldn’t believe the amount of fascinating information I unearthed about the history of rugby. From its ancient beginnings to the modern day, it’s all there! And, of course, they had a rather lovely collection of rugby jerseys! Now, you’re all thinking about what Pink Tutu Sparkles would do with a rugby jersey, darling? Why, we would whip up the most magnificent, most gloriously pink, most ridiculously extravagant Tutu transformation!

The universe, as you can see, darling, is always playing its part. And even this rather masculine, historical environment, gave me inspiration. Maybe we’re not that different after all.

Rugby itself is quite something, too. All those vast, open green spaces make the perfect setting for a Pink Tutu Sparkles photo shoot. I might not be on a runway, darling, but these rugby fields just feel right for some twirls and flourishes. And honestly, wouldn’t everyone want to have a pink tutu Sparkle shining amongst the crowds in their stadium? Think of all the sheer fun and energy, all the happiness and colour that a pink tutu can bring!

This whole trip has made me reflect on something vital, darling: life, like the wonderful game of rugby, is a journey. Sometimes, we all need a good “try”. Sometimes, we’re on the side-lines. Sometimes, we’re cheering and encouraging from the crowd. But what really makes the game interesting are those unexpected players, the ones that shake up the game and leave us breathless. And maybe, just maybe, a little Pink Tutu Sparkle in your life is all you need to change the game. Just as my tutu sparks a sense of excitement and joy, your own unique Sparkle can bring energy, creativity, and colour to any situation.

As the evening settled over the Rugby landscape, the pink twilight illuminating the Rugby School clocktower, I sat on a park bench, reflecting. The train journey was one I won’t forget - filled with colourful characters and the endless magic of discovering new places, spreading the Pink Tutu Sparkle love, and feeling like a part of the community, whether it be a traditional rugby club or a chic tea room. It’s about finding the light in every place, the sparkle in every encounter. So, when you see a pink tutu twinkling under the railway arch in Rugby, darling, know that a Pink Tutu Sparkles dream is alive and well!

Stay pink and shiny, darlings. Until next time,

Your Pink Tutu Sparkles

Alex x

#TutuQueen on 2018-08-11 stars in Rugby