
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-09-14 stars in Wellingborough

Wellingborough, darling! Pink Tutu Sparkles takes to the stage!

Hello my precious poppets! Itā€™s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite tutu-loving, pink-obsessed, travel-mad queen, and guess what? You're reading blog post number 6832 (who would have thought, eh?). Today Iā€™m spilling the tea on my latest escapade - Wellingborough, my darlings, Wellingborough!

Now, I know what you're thinking - "Wellingborough? Isn't that a bit...un-sparkly?". Don't you dare doubt the magic of the midlands! You know I love to seek out hidden gems, and Wellingborough is exactly that. It's a place steeped in history, with its cobbled streets and quaint pubs. Oh, and let's not forget the amazing market! I spotted the most divine lace gloves that are begging to be paired with a pink tulle. You can imagine me dancing the night away in Wellingborough, surrounded by the friendly locals who just couldn't get enough of my flamboyant performance.

A Touch of Magic in Wellingborough

To get there, I chose the quintessential pink tutu way, of course: the train. I love a good train journey, especially when thereā€™s time to apply makeup on the go. This time, I had to go for the ā€œHot Pink Firebirdā€ look. Let me tell you, it made the journey truly spectacular! I practically lit up the carriage with the sheer power of my pink shimmer and the fabulous feathers.

Speaking of feathers, my love of performance didn't begin on a stage, darling, it was right in a university ballet class. I was just a nervous science student back then, desperately trying to understand why fabric tears under stress (believe me, it was not pretty!), when my life changed forever. It happened when our university charity group had a fundraising dance performance, and someone (bless their soul!) said I should try on a tutu. That's how I discovered my passion - that fluttery pink thing! The magic was instantaneous! Itā€™s no surprise that I still have that pink tutu ā€“ although now itā€™s just for special occasions. After all, we don't want to dull down a perfect vintage number, right?

So, here I am now - Pink Tutu Sparkles, your fabulously pink and passionate performer! After spending my days in the lab analyzing fabrics and testing resistance levels, I transform into the dazzling pink queen that you all know and love. But donā€™t get me wrong, darling, that science background still comes in handy! It explains how some sequins shine better than others and how silk fabric requires extra special care. Trust me, a scientist in a pink tutu? Itā€™s all very magical, darling.

Finding the Pink Magic in Wellingborough

My Wellingborough gig was at a quaint little pub called "The Rusty Kettle". The atmosphere was just right! I was the perfect amount of fabulous in their small venue. After my set, they even bought me a pint - it had pink in the name, darling! "Pink Squirrel." Oh, the divine inspiration! I'm starting to think it's more of a calling - a divine decree. I'm not sure how, but Iā€™m getting everyone to wear a pink tutu one day. Itā€™s my mission, and this pink dream isn't going to stop until I reach every corner of the world!

This adventure wasnā€™t just about me, darling. It was about the beauty of expression, embracing creativity, and showcasing the unique charm of every place I visit. The people I met in Wellingborough - their warmth and acceptance - reminded me why I do this. The joy and laughter they shared with me fuelled my spirit, making my entire performance feel like a fairytale!

Now, my darlings, it wouldnā€™t be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles blog post without a fashion tip. I highly recommend packing a versatile and comfortable ensemble, suitable for both casual exploration and flamboyant performance! This time, my look was a flowing chiffon skirt in the palest pink, a dazzling, handmade tutu with layers of glittery tulle, a crisp white lace top, and sparkling platform heels. And, of course, a generous helping of pink glitter, to catch the attention of every passerby, and to reflect the spirit of Wellingborough! Just try and tell me I don't embody that magic, darling.

So, there you have it, darling. My latest journey through the midlands. I love to get away and experience new things. Even in small town Wellingborough, I found that sparkling pink magic that weā€™re all looking for. Letā€™s share this pink world, shall we? And, darling, youā€™d better believe there's more to come! You can catch Pink Tutu Sparkles right here, daily on my blog, www.pink-tutu.com. Just pop on over for your daily dose of pink!

Remember, you don't need to travel far to find your own brand of magic. And don't forget, every day is a chance to sparkle!

Love, love, love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

P.S. Do any of you fabulous souls out there have any ideas about the best places to travel next? You know my heart desires to get those sparkly pink tutus out there for the world to see! And, don't be shy to comment about the amazing Wellingborough. We want to hear all about your Wellingborough memories too, my dears! Donā€™t forget to tag me in your pink outfits on social media! #PinkTutuSparkle

#TutuQueen on 2018-09-14 stars in Wellingborough