
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-10-31 stars in Dunstable

Dunstable Calling: Tutu Travels, Pink Power & a Whole Lotta Sparkle! (Blog Post #6879)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with a brand new blog post fresh from the glittering streets of Dunstable!

Now, I know what you're thinking – Dunstable, eh? Not exactly the glamorous heart of London theatreland, is it? Well, my dear readers, you'd be surprised. It was a delightful trip full of sparkling discoveries and the warm welcome of some fabulous folk.

I must admit, I felt a little bit like a ballerina landing in a town of unexpected beauty. I'm always up for an adventure, and travelling by train is a great way to get a feel for the heart of a place, you know? I had the time to watch the scenery whiz by, imagine the stories of each little town and village that whizzed past, and imagine the hidden sparkle that exists in every corner. And this time, I wasn't disappointed.

Before we get to the heart of my trip, I just have to share this with you. I finally got my hands on this gorgeous shade of pink – you know the one I'm talking about – the pinkiest of pinks, the one that makes you want to skip through fields of flowers! This amazing new tutu is a real dream. It's layers and layers of gossamer light pink tulle, with the biggest, most sparkly pink bows imaginable. My new pink tutu was definitely calling for a big stage entrance! And let me tell you, it was a real head-turner, not just because of the dazzling pink but because it swished and flowed in such a glamorous way. The Dunstable crowds loved it, and the smiles they sent my way? Absolutely infectious. That's the joy of pink tutus, my lovelies - they bring a little bit of sparkle into everyone's lives.

The theatre was intimate, and full of a crowd eager for some sparkle and some fabulous energy. It's amazing the feeling you get when you walk out onto the stage and you know everyone is watching, their faces all aglow with anticipation! There's nothing quite like the roar of the crowd, the lights in your face, and the music booming – it sends a thrill right through me!

I love the opportunity to use a stage to tell stories. Even in Dunstable! This town has history woven into its streets – medieval castle, 12th century church... it’s amazing. It was such an honour to be able to share my joy of performance and share the magical message of pink tutus with these fabulous people. It really feels like I am fulfilling my destiny, you know? To make everyone love pink tutus!

Before my big show in Dunstable, I just had to find out more about the town itself, because to truly bring some of its unique spirit to my performance I needed a taste of the local energy. First stop - a little independent bakery called "The Flour & Feather." Oh, my darlings, it was absolute perfection! The aroma as soon as you step in is enough to make your mouth water. It was all homey and quaint, like something straight out of a charming children's book – perfect for my pink tutu vision. And their cakes? Honestly, they were divine. A true delight for the senses, my favourite was definitely the pink lemonade cake - sweet, citrusy, and utterly irresistible! I even picked up some extra for my troupe because we’d need all the sugar we could get for my big Dunstable performance!

Later in the day, I set off for a spot of ballet practice in a local studio - you see, a proper dancer needs to keep her pirouettes polished, no matter where in the UK she is. The studio was small but full of such vibrant energy. You know that kind of buzz that's infectious - all those beautiful, devoted dancers, young and old, practicing and learning, each one pushing themselves to reach for their personal best, their bodies as lithe as willow branches. I really connected with these girls – they are all on their own, special journeys.

So, to top off a wonderful day, after a little walk, and of course a quick snap in front of the grand castle to remember the trip, I met some of my troupe in the main square, ready to really take the town by storm. This place really felt ready to get pink, too. I guess you could say my intuition was spot on! I spotted a few people with a subtle hint of pink in their outfits - a tie, a bag, a scarf - and I even saw a gentleman wearing a pink tutu... I think he might have just caught the "Pink Tutu Sparkles" fever, haha! It made me realize that sometimes, even the smallest details can bring the most joy.

And just like that, the lights went up, and I was back in my element. The applause from the crowd sent a wave of warmth and excitement washing over me. It felt like everyone in Dunstable was swept away in a tutu-tastic tidal wave! My favourite moment came right before the finale - we were all gathered centre-stage and I just looked out at the sea of smiling faces - so full of joy and appreciation, all because of pink tutus! It truly feels like a magical experience – all those people connected together, united in a celebration of pink!

We finished our set in a flurry of bows and thank-yous and headed back to our lodgings, a lovely quaint cottage on the edge of the town. Even our home for the evening had a certain whimsical charm. A pink tutu queen simply needs to be surrounded by beautiful things, don’t you think?

Our evening concluded with a glass of champagne and the most amazing pink-tutu themed pizza - the kind with fresh basil, pink peppers, and a dash of that magic pink sugar glaze – I was in pizza heaven!

My time in Dunstable was more than just another tour stop - it felt like a new chapter unfolding. A journey of discovery, not just for myself, but for the town, too. Because pink tutus can bring happiness, a shared moment of joy, anywhere, at any time. Who knew that a little bit of pink could create such an exhilarating ripple effect?

If you want to read about more of my adventures, I post my travels every day on www.pink-tutu.com! There you'll find all sorts of inspiration, stories, and, of course, photos of all my pink-tutu looks. If you happen to be a pink tutu wearer yourself, feel free to send me your snaps, and let’s create a community full of pink sparkle together!

Stay pink, stay fabulous, and I’ll see you next time!

Until then,

Your very own Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2018-10-31 stars in Dunstable