Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-12-11 stars in Earley

Earley Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes Countryside Chic (Post #6920)

Hey lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to sprinkle some glitter and grace on your Tuesday! It’s been a while since I've hopped on the train (and by train I mean the REAL kind, not a frock!) for a little adventure, but my heart was calling for some countryside charm and I just couldn't resist!

So, with my trusty pink suitcase (that’s right, pink), packed with my sparkly finest, a few good books, and enough lipstick to paint the entire village, I set off for Earley. And let me tell you, the journey was an absolute dream! My favourite part? Being able to soak up the views from the carriage window, watching the English countryside unfold before my eyes. It was like being in one of those sweet period dramas, but with more sequins!

Earley itself was pure enchantment. A charming little town brimming with character and warmth. I practically swooned over the quaint, honey-coloured cottages and the cobblestone streets. I mean, where else can you get lost in a fairytale like that? (Apart from the ballet, obviously! But we'll get to that later).

As you know, my mission is to spread the gospel of pink tutus - and believe me, I wasn’t going to let a bit of countryside quiet keep me from my destiny! I whipped out my trusty pink boa (the only shade that suits my rosy complexion) and started a mini tutu-thon in the local park. It's amazing how a little sparkle and pink can draw in a crowd! Everyone seemed delighted by the sight of a pink tutu-clad queen pirouetting amidst the daffodils. They couldn’t resist smiling and waving!

Now, the highlight of my Earley escapades was undoubtedly the ballet performance I caught at the town hall. A stunning rendition of Swan Lake, with exquisite choreography and dazzling costumes. I got all emotional watching those talented dancers gracefully glide across the stage. And those tutus, oh those tutus! The dancers truly made those graceful skirts come to life. Talk about pure magic!

Oh, and before I forget, my lovelies, I did have to squeeze in a little bit of retail therapy in the village shops! Found myself the most gorgeous vintage brooches at a charming little antique shop - perfect for adding a touch of antique elegance to my stage persona.

To sum it all up, my trip to Earley was a symphony of charm, whimsy, and sparkles. It was like stepping into a postcard, and my pink tutu felt absolutely at home in that enchanting setting. Remember, my darlings, the world is your stage. So go out there and embrace your inner pink tutu queen! It doesn’t matter where you are – a grand palace, a bustling city, or even a quiet countryside town.

Until next time, keep it glamorous and fabulous!

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💋

#TutuQueen on 2018-12-11 stars in Earley