
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-01-31 stars in Nottingham

Nottingham! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Midlands! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ

Hello darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, and today I'm bringing you the fabulous post number 6971, straight from the heart of Nottingham! โœจ

Can you believe it's already January 31st? It feels like yesterday I was twinkling my way into the New Year! But speaking of twinkles, I simply HAD to tell you all about my amazing adventure to Nottingham last night. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Nottingham? Isn't that a bit...grey?" But oh, darling, you haven't seen Nottingham the way I did!

This was more than just a journey, it was a whimsical voyage through the heart of the Midlands.

As a true pink tutu connoisseur, I had to plan my travels carefully, especially when it came to the "getting there" part. My motto is always: "Train, Plane or (whisper it) Horse!" Now, while horses do add an extra touch of glamour to a journey, this time it had to be a steam train - something a bit more romantic.

Stepping onto the platform, I felt that familiar tingle of excitement you only get when embarking on an adventure. With my shimmering, cherry-pink handbag containing a few essentials (mascara, lip gloss, emergency sparkly hairspray) and my blush pink cashmere coat, I was practically ready to walk the red carpet. And let's be honest, for Pink Tutu Sparkles, a train journey is always red carpet worthy! ๐Ÿ˜‰

But first, my dearest followers, let's talk about the tutu! It had to be a showstopper, and that's where my darling little Nottingham inspired creation came into play. I called it the "Sherwood Sparkle" - a riot of green and gold netting, paired with delicate layers of champagne pink tulle. Think woodland fairies with a touch of Art Deco. You could say it was an homage to Robin Hood and Maid Marian with a modern twist. And of course, what's a tutu without the right sparkles?

And speaking of sparkle, it was the theme of the entire night. When I arrived at the venue, I was greeted with a burst of lights, pulsating music, and a crowd ready for a spectacle! And a spectacle they got! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

The venue was stunning. Not your usual drab bar, no darling, it was a space where every corner felt alive with a playful energy. It was decorated in bold jewel tones and shimmery materials. As a lover of all things shiny, my heart was singing!

The performance was exhilarating. My routine was an amalgamation of the elegance of classical ballet, the dynamism of street dance, and, naturally, the theatrical magic that I love to inject into everything I do! I had the audience wrapped around my pinky finger as I danced through stories of enchantment and rebellion, set to a blend of both timeless classical scores and modern electronic beats.

My costumes were inspired by the history of the city, drawing on the romance of its legends, the power of its heritage and the vivacity of its contemporary spirit. Think velvet gowns in rich burgundies, embroidered with delicate details in shades of gold and emerald, and flowing silk skirts in the prettiest pale pink imaginable.

Oh, darling, I haven't even told you about the reaction! From the first beat of my opening song, the energy in the room was electric! People were cheering, whistling, even calling out requests for encores. I honestly don't think I've ever seen so many smiling faces in one place!

Now, what good would a Pink Tutu Sparkles trip be without some delicious discoveries? Nottingham's culinary scene truly amazed me. After the show, I was treated to a divine vegan curry (you heard me right! even drag queens know how to live their best lives!). The combination of fiery spice and creamy coconut sauce was simply heaven.

But it wasn't just about the food! Nottingham's nightlife is vibrant and eclectic, a perfect combination of old-world charm and modern-day energy. After the performance, I was whisked off to a cozy little pub, complete with friendly locals and a live music performance by a local band. Their rendition of "God Save the Queen" had me laughing till I cried!

Before I knew it, the morning light began to creep in, and it was time for my train journey home. I slid back into my cherry-pink handbag and said farewell to this beautiful city, with a heart brimming with joy and a head buzzing with ideas for future adventures.

The entire experience was a masterpiece, a delightful tapestry woven from sparkly sequins, the sweetest laughter, and the comforting hum of a journey well taken.

So, Nottingham, you won me over! ๐Ÿ’– You are an oasis of pink in a sea of grey. You have a spirit that shines through like a twinkling jewel in the crown of Britain! And if you're reading this, darlings, I implore you to take the leap, embrace your inner spark, and experience the magic of Nottingham for yourselves.

Stay tuned for more adventures, my dears!

Till next time, keep shimmering,

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S. Don't forget, darlings, every single day is a chance to spread a little pink sparkle. So, put on your favourite tutu, strut your stuff and make the world a more magical place! โœจ

#TutuQueen on 2019-01-31 stars in Nottingham