Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-02-04 stars in Leicester

Tutu Queen in Leicester: A Pinktastic Adventure!

Helloooo darlings! It's your favourite Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you for another sparkly extravaganza! Today I'm serving up a big old helping of Leicester love, because let me tell you, this city has stolen my heart (and my tights!). This is blog post number 6975 on www.pink-tutu.com – yes, you read that right, 6975 posts of pure pink fabulousness! Can you believe it? And as always, I'm here to share every delicious, shimmery, and twirly detail with you, so grab your favourite pink tulle and let's get started!

So, you might be thinking, what's a Tutu Queen like myself doing in the heart of Leicester, eh? Well, it's all about spreading the pinktastic gospel! I love hitting the road and showing the world just how much joy a pink tutu can bring. And trust me, folks, Leicester has a lot to offer! It's not just about the stunning architecture and vibrant street scene, it's about the people too, and Leicester's residents have been so welcoming and lovely.

I started my day by treating myself to a real regal breakfast. Now, when I say "breakfast" I don't mean your average bacon sarnie. I mean a proper afternoon tea, all served in an utterly delightful tea room right in the heart of town. Let's just say, my face was the image of sheer delight as the first cup of tea hit my lips, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I think a good cup of tea is essential when it comes to appreciating a new city.

I know what you're thinking - what could a Tutu Queen be up to in a proper, civilised tea room? I was, of course, dressed to the nines, wearing my new lavender and pink floral-patterned silk top, which matched perfectly with my classic ivory ballerina shoes! Why do they say the outfit makes the woman? Or in this case, the drag queen. I finished my ensemble with a delicate pink tulle tutu for a touch of, well, tutu-licious magic. The staff in the tea room all gave me lovely smiles and some great service. They even gave me a complimentary mini cupcake! Talk about pink heaven.

But wait, it gets even better! After my delightful tea break, I was lucky enough to be invited to the Leicester Ballet Company's open day. As a self-proclaimed ballerina extraordinaire, this was a dream come true! My heart skipped a beat the moment I stepped into the studio, it had that special ballet scent that I adore. The dancers were so friendly and I even managed to snag a couple of tips from the professional teachers. They are really nice, down to earth ladies. You’d never know they were actual professionals.

I felt right at home amongst the graceful twirls and perfectly pointed toes, but honestly, nothing could quite compare to the exhilarating rush of stepping onto the stage! It's been a while since I last donned a tutu for a proper dance, but the second I started twirling, it felt like coming home. I let loose and let the pink tulle whisper its secrets of joy and elegance to the world. Every spin was a burst of sunshine, and every jump was a testament to the magic of pink! I'm telling you, darling, nothing feels better than twirling a perfect pirouette on stage!

This was truly a pinktastic day in Leicester, my darlings! Filled with graceful ballet moves, decadent afternoon tea and more pink tulle than you could imagine. It goes without saying, I'll be returning for a proper visit – with my own personal dancing shoes, of course, as it wouldn't be right to leave my lovelies out! And who knows what other pink adventures await me?

To my darling Tutu-Queeners, I leave you with this – be sure to add a sprinkle of pink magic into your own life, no matter where you are! Don your favourite tutu, embrace the joy of life and don't be afraid to twirl like nobody’s watching! Until next time, stay beautiful and stay sparkly!

And just for you, here’s a fun little bit of info! My life as a scientist means I actually get to test fabrics all day long! Can you believe it? Testing the best silk and lace so I can look incredible at night! It’s a tough life but someone’s got to do it, and in the meantime I get to share it all with you in this blog. Let's just say, I get a front-row seat to some truly magical materials! Oh and by the way, a huge shout-out to my best mate and personal makeup artist, Penny! We met when she worked at a flower shop, selling roses! Isn't she lovely? Her sense of style is just divine, always matching her clothes to the latest in blooms! Penny's been my biggest supporter right from the start. You just won’t find a better friend than Penny!

That’s all from me for now. Ta-ta and remember to sparkle!

#TutuQueen on 2019-02-04 stars in Leicester