Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-03-25 stars in Bath

Bath, Oh Bath! A Pink Tutu Odyssey - Blog Post #7024

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from another fabulous adventure! This time, I journeyed to the stunning city of Bath, and oh, it was a treat for the eyes!

Now, I’ve always loved Bath. The architecture is simply divine - all those gorgeous Georgian buildings, the quaint little streets, the bustling markets… I could happily wander the city for hours. But this trip wasn't just about sightseeing, no no, it was about something far more exciting… performing!

Yes, dear readers, Bath embraced me and my pink tutu with open arms! I graced the stage of the Bath Pavilion with my unique blend of ballet-inspired drag, and let me tell you, the energy was electrifying! It's always a thrill to see so many enthusiastic faces, eager to witness a pink tutu-clad performer spreading glitter and joy.

But before I could shimmy onto the stage, there was much to do, much to explore!

As a dedicated traveller, I made my way to Bath in style, naturally. This time, I decided to indulge in the luxury of a train journey - nothing quite beats the charm of settling into a comfy carriage, watching the world roll by as I sip on my Earl Grey and catch up on the latest fashion magazines. It felt like something out of a Jane Austen novel, which perfectly suited the vintage vibe of Bath.

The journey was filled with exciting encounters. I met a lovely couple, who shared their love for all things vintage, and a group of enthusiastic students heading to the theatre. It was heartwarming to see how many people were excited about visiting Bath, a feeling I shared wholeheartedly!

My hotel was simply darling. The decor was vintage-inspired, with delicate floral wallpaper and fluffy pink bathrobes. You’d be surprised how many people thought the pink fluffy robe was part of my act! I, of course, added my own sparkle touch with a strategically placed pink tutu and a sprinkle of glitter on the bathroom sink. It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles stay without it, now would it?

But enough about my travel prep, let's get back to Bath itself!

Firstly, I simply had to visit the Thermae Bath Spa. I mean, the name speaks for itself, right? Now, I may be known for my vibrant pink tutus, but I’m also a big fan of a good soak. Imagine me, a little bit of a glamorous pink tutu fairy, immersed in mineral-rich waters, gazing at the city panorama - it was truly magical! I can't say I saw anyone else sporting a pink tutu whilst taking the plunge, but maybe that’s next year’s theme, who knows!

Later that afternoon, I decided to explore the city centre, which is where I encountered a little shop that practically sang to me: ‘Pink Tutu Boutique.’ I know, how lucky! It was a total dream. Imagine rows and rows of pink tulle, lace, sequins, feather boas, and all sorts of glamorous goodies. I felt like I'd stumbled into a drag queen's paradise. Naturally, I walked out with a beautiful pink feather boa, perfect for adding some extra sparkle to my stage outfit, and a gorgeous handmade pink bow for my hair.

Speaking of my hair… oh my, I almost forgot to mention! While strolling through Bath, I discovered a fantastic salon that promised a "Pink Tutu Glam Up" treatment. Well, darling, I couldn’t resist. After a lovely head massage and a sparkling hair treatment, I emerged feeling like a goddess with perfectly coiffed pink hair, ready to steal the show at the Bath Pavilion.

My evening performance was absolutely electrifying! I kicked off with a classic tutu number - imagine delicate twirls, graceful leaps, and a generous smattering of glittery pink sparkle – then I upped the energy with a high-octane street dance routine that left the audience roaring! Honestly, I can't explain the feeling of connecting with the crowd through dance and music - it's like magic!

One thing that always makes me beam with pride is the incredible enthusiasm people show towards my mission: to inspire everyone to embrace their inner Pink Tutu Sparkle. During the show, one little girl rushed up to me, eyes wide with admiration. She told me that she'd been practicing her ballet moves for weeks, all because of my performance in Derbyshire. I was so moved, seeing my dream unfold through the hearts and souls of my little fans.

I was invited to stay an extra day to do a ballet masterclass for local dance students. What an honour! Watching their dedication, passion, and sheer joy as they attempted to emulate my signature moves – even with those tiny tutus they wear for lessons! It’s inspiring, really. You can find a few photos of the session on my Instagram - give me a follow @pinktutusparkles for regular updates on all things pink and sparkling!

In my free time, I had the opportunity to visit the beautiful Jane Austen Centre. Being a massive Austen fan, it felt incredible to wander through the exhibits, imagine her life in this wonderful city, and try on some of the fabulous Victorian era garments. For the ultimate pink-tutu experience, I took the challenge and tried on one of those hoop-shaped skirts with a generous dose of sequins and pink ribbon… I may not have a fancy name for this costume yet, but I think it would go perfectly with my Pink Tutu look!

So there you have it! Another wonderful adventure completed! From dancing at the Bath Pavilion, to exploring charming boutiques and soaking in those historical thermal waters, I am utterly enchanted by Bath and will surely be returning soon, dear readers. I may even venture out to visit nearby locations like the charming village of Castle Combe, perhaps wear my latest pink tutu creation during a Cotswolds picnic or maybe take my show on the road and entertain folks in beautiful Bristol. So much to do, so much to see… but for now, I’m dreaming of pink, sparkle, and that sweet, sweet scent of freshly-baked scones.

Until next time, darlings, keep the pink flowing!

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2019-03-25 stars in Bath