Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-04-26 stars in Rugby

Rugby Calling! - Post Number 7056

Hello my gorgeous loves, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! Your favourite Pink Tutu Princess is here, and I’m bursting with excitement to tell you all about my recent trip to Rugby, because you just wouldn't believe what happened! This blog post might be my most exciting one yet. You know me, I adore ballet, I live in tutus, and Rugby was just a-feast for the senses! It wasn't exactly the obvious choice for a pink tutu queen, was it? You’re probably thinking “Rugby? But what’s in Rugby, Pink Tutu Sparkles, to make a fashionable queen like you go?" Well, darlings, get ready to have your minds blown because Rugby has something special brewing for everyone!

This past weekend was nothing short of a glorious adventure for your beloved Pink Tutu Sparkles! My adventure started with a delightful trip on the train. I love the train, I’m afraid. As I whizzed past the rolling Derbyshire hills towards the midlands, the views felt like they were part of my very own ballet, choreographed by nature itself. The sunlight danced through the window, the rhythmic clatter of the wheels was like a conductor's beat, and the faces of fellow passengers
well, those just added to the choreography of life! My outfit? Why, a fabulous pink tulle tutu with a soft lavender overskirt, a lavender t-shirt ( I must have been feeling the floral theme) , and a matching lavender feathered hat, oh and my sparkling pink high tops, naturally. If the journey had a soundtrack, you could imagine, the tinkling melodies of my little bells adorning my hat, I'd be sure to get the conductor’s approval!

After a few hours on the rails, I arrived in the heart of Rugby! Let me tell you, it’s not just about the sport. There’s a history of art and craftsmanship here that I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, just had to see! We headed first to the Rugby Art Gallery, and the art work took me completely by surprise. The gallery had so much more to offer than I had expected. I’m a girl who loves the pink, the glitter and the sparkle. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to find the collection on display - a true feast for the eyes. I couldn’t get enough! After exploring the exhibits and feeling fully inspired, it was time to refuel. I mean, the best part of any day out has got to be afternoon tea, right?

I made my way to the most darling cafĂ© - they’ve got pink cupcakes!! Pink, oh yes darlings! You know I had to get one. After an utterly divine tea with dainty sandwiches and finger sandwiches and oh-so-many cakes, I made my way to the Rugby School. You might think this is just about rugby players, but that would be completely missing the point, dearie. The Rugby School is truly historical and culturally rich! I explored the school’s beautifully kept buildings. There’s such a wonderful mix of architecture from the Tudor to Georgian to Victorian times – and you can still sense the presence of former students, the greats like William Webb Ellis himself.

Next up was Rugby's hidden gem! A true “must see!” the Rugby Museum - not just a museum of rugby, though there was a beautiful display about the history of the sport (of course!) but so much more. The museum is housed in a gorgeous old house and boasts fascinating artefacts from its glorious past. The collection of porcelain left me feeling like I was floating amongst ballet dancers in a Victorian garden! If you have the chance, darlings, please pop by and explore it for yourselves. It truly is a treasure waiting to be discovered!

Oh my dear loves, the day simply flew by! My weekend wouldn't have been complete without an afternoon spent enjoying the park in Rugby. I had a truly wonderful picnic, my lovely picnic blanket had a fabulous floral print to match my hat. I couldn’t resist twirling amongst the flowers and I caught myself looking for those amazing vintage props that look perfect for a ballet scene. ( You just never know!) The air was so lovely and filled with the chirping of birdsong, I must say, I found a peaceful haven surrounded by beauty. The sunshine and the lovely surroundings were perfect inspiration to start writing down a new blog post about this fabulously inspiring place - this magical little world!

I left Rugby feeling energised and filled with a real sense of pride. You’re probably asking, what's the real highlight of this trip? Well, dearie, it's so much more than just the charming sights! Rugby had something incredibly special. It has a wonderful and eclectic atmosphere. You'll love it if you’re searching for something fresh and exciting - and that’s what I absolutely adore about travelling. Finding new inspiration for my pink tutu! I know that sounds crazy, but as the Pink Tutu Princess, that’s how I live my life - in colour! The town truly captures that spirit of beauty and imagination. As a ballerina and a Pink Tutu Princess I see it in every brick and every flower and of course, in the wonderful people that call this lovely place their home. And that my loves, that is what makes a trip like this truly sparkle!

It’s the people of Rugby that made the place really magical! So thank you, dear readers, for joining me on another exciting adventure as your Pink Tutu Princess. I am so grateful for your support, my darling lovelies. As we know, tutus are for everyone, but Pink Tutus are simply a little more fun. I encourage you all, especially those who have never dared to dream of a life of pink, to get out there, embrace your inner sparkle, and see where your journey takes you! Until next time, darling! Keep on spreading the magic of the tutu, stay safe, be bold, and don’t be afraid to dream big in Pink! Love, hugs and glitter. Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2019-04-26 stars in Rugby