Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-04-28 stars in Uxbridge

Uxbridge Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles is here for the sparkles (Post #7058)

Hello darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, fresh off the train from a whirlwind adventure and ready to tell you all about it! As always, you know I love a good trip, and this one to Uxbridge was just bursting with the most fabulous potential for twirls and twinkles. This post, dear readers, marks #7058 on www.pink-tutu.com – my little corner of the internet dedicated to all things pink, sparkly, and fabulously twirly.

So, grab your fanciest teacups, put on your best pink, and let's take a journey back in time to the enchanting Uxbridge, a little town with a big heart for sparkle!

It was a bright and early start, my lovelies. As usual, I was up before dawn, the sunrise painting my little Derbyshire cottage a delicate shade of blush. My fluffy little French bulldog, Jacques (who insists on wearing a miniature pink tutu with his tiny ballet shoes, bless him!), stirred awake with a sleepy yawn, and it was time for our morning ritual.

You know the drill – tea in the most exquisite floral china, and a hearty English breakfast to fuel the fabulous. A quick glance in the mirror – "Sparkles," I remind myself, "Pink is always the answer!"

Today's look was all about pink and passion. Imagine, if you will, a custom-made tutu that would make even the most discerning ballerina gasp in awe. A cloud of the most delightful shade of pale pink, with just a touch of holographic glitter for that extra oomph, paired with a bodice that was simply dripping with diamantes – the real showstopper, darling! On my head, perched gracefully, a little crown of blush-coloured satin with miniature pearl accents – swoon!

After a quick final twirl and a little bit of "You Can't Stop the Beat" singing for good measure, Jacques and I were off. I adore train journeys – the gentle swaying, the charming view, the perfect time to catch up on my favourite ballet magazines. Jacques nestled comfortably in his pink tutu and fluffy pink travel blanket (I spoil him, yes, he deserves it!).

Arriving in Uxbridge felt like stepping into a storybook. Quaint little streets lined with shops boasting beautiful antique treasures, charming tea rooms, and boutiques overflowing with pink fluffy things! It felt like it was made for my tutu-wearing heart. I even saw a sign for a "Vintage Tutu and Tea" shop – I may or may not have run into it squealing with delight!

Speaking of squealing with delight, it was time for the main event – my show! I’d been booked to perform at a lovely little tea party held in a beautiful park right in the heart of Uxbridge. The ladies and gentlemen who arrived were absolutely divine. Every single one of them was adorned in such fantastic pink and fabulous colours – they totally embraced the sparkle!

My performance was a delightful blur of feather boas, flamboyant kicks, and twirling – with a little bit of "Pink Power" attitude sprinkled in for good measure. There were squeals of delight, joyful applause, and a sprinkle of "OMG, her tutu!" moments (I live for those). After my performance, there was laughter, hugs, and a wonderful tea party filled with decadent scones and even a "Pink Tutu" themed cake, complete with a fondant replica of yours truly, sparkling, twirling and wearing…you guessed it…a pink tutu!

The journey back was just as magical as the first. The twinkling lights of London whizzed past the windows, and the soft rhythmic lull of the train tracks put me in the most lovely meditative state, swirling through the air in a fantasy world of twirls, tutus, and of course… pink!

Back in my Derbyshire cottage, I slipped out of my glorious pink tutu and into something a little more comfortable – a soft pink satin dressing gown, perfect for a relaxing evening with a hot cup of chamomile and the most incredible chocolate pink-frosted cake. Yes, darling, this pink-obsessed girl needs her cake – and a healthy dose of pink-tasticness, even after a long, fabulous day.

What else can I say but…thank you, Uxbridge, for an amazing experience!

As always, remember darlings, life is a stage, so twirl, sparkle and most importantly, don't forget to wear pink!

Love and twirls,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

P.S. Stay tuned for my next adventure! My plans involve an afternoon at the Royal Opera House…in a tutu of course! Don’t forget to keep up with all the latest pink-tastic happenings on www.pink-tutu.com! Follow me on Insta @PinkTutuSparkle for sneak peeks behind the scenes, fabulous selfies, and more dazzling adventures. xx

#TutuQueen on 2019-04-28 stars in Uxbridge