
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-06-05 stars in Altrincham

Altrincham Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles is Ready to Twirl! 🩰✨ (Post #7096)

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another whirlwind of adventures from the world of pink and glitter! This time, I'm bringing you all the fabulous deets from my latest trip to the charming town of Altrincham, a delightful gem in the Greater Manchester area.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Altrincham? Why there?" Well, my lovelies, I can explain! This weekend wasn't about big, bustling city life. No, this was a trip about the quaint, the cosy, the quintessential English charm. Plus, Altrincham is renowned for its stunning Market House, with beautiful timber-framed buildings that simply scream "historical fairy tale". Imagine the photo opportunities, darling! And don't even get me started on the delicious, artisan cheese stalls – a dream for any gourmet like myself.

But of course, it wasn't all market shopping and vintage finds! This weekend was all about spreading the gospel of pink tutus and, believe me, it was an absolute success!

The day began, as it always does, with a touch of theatrical magic: me getting glammed up in my studio. Now, anyone who knows me knows that pink is my colour – the more vibrant, the better! So, needless to say, my outfit for Altrincham was a true showstopper. My tutu? A fluffy, pastel masterpiece, layered with tiers upon tiers of soft tulle that practically whispered "ballet brilliance". My bodice? A sparkling pink number with more sequins than a disco ball! You could spot me from a mile away, darlings, and that's precisely how I like it!

But before hitting the town, I needed to prep for my performance! As a seasoned professional (and also someone with a scientist's mind for detail), I take my pre-show routine seriously. It involves:

  1. Hairspray – A LOT of hairspray: It’s non-negotiable. I need my gravity-defying bouffant to stay firmly in place.
  2. Glitter Glue and copious amounts of glitter: No drag queen is complete without a sparkle or two! (Or, in my case, hundreds).
  3. Final checks of my dazzlingly pink ensemble: No snag on the tutu, darling! Everything must be picture perfect before the spotlight hits.

Feeling utterly fabulous and radiating pink-tinted energy, I was ready to conquer Altrincham!

And conquer we did, darlings. The local residents were absolute angels. The minute I stepped onto the streets in my full Pink Tutu Sparkles glory, the smiles appeared. I felt the love radiating off those fabulous Altrincham souls! Children waved excitedly (pink tutus are always a hit with little ones!), teenagers giggled in delighted confusion, and the older folks seemed to smile as though they'd had a long lost friend return!

Naturally, there was plenty of opportunity for selfies! My lovely assistants, dressed in matching pink tutu mini-dresses, and I took photos with almost everyone! From proud mums and their mini-me daughters to shy lads to a couple of excited grannies. This town embraced pink tutus like nobody's business, and it was glorious.

Then, as evening descended, we were ready to paint the town pink. Literally! We performed a fabulous dance routine to some classic pop hits, choreographed especially for this performance by the lovely Maisie, my dance teacher at the university. (You should see the twinkle in her eyes every time we put on those pink tutus!) The square was buzzing! Even the pigeons seemed to be captivated by my dance moves, fluttering excitedly on the edge of the crowd.

You know, darlings, sometimes the smallest of towns can be the most rewarding! This trip to Altrincham reminded me that spreading joy through my sparkly pink persona really is magic! You never know what good can come from a touch of pink glitter and a healthy dose of pink tutu energy! And speaking of energy, I need to go catch up on my rest. After all, a drag queen has to look glamorous – even if it means a little early morning beauty sleep.

Until next time, remember to stay fabulous and twirl into your dreams! πŸ’– Don’t forget to follow me on my other channels for even more pink and sparkly adventures! And for those of you inspired by my adventures, why not grab yourself a pink tutu? Remember, pink is always in style!

See you soon, darlings!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles πŸ’‹

#TutuQueen on 2019-06-05 stars in Altrincham