
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-06-13 stars in Neath

Neath, Wales: The Pinkest Place in the World?

Hello darlings! Welcome back to www.pink-tutu.com, itā€™s your Pink Tutu Sparkles here with post number 7104! Today, I'm bringing you a little slice of Welsh magic, all wrapped up in a pink tutu, of course!

Now, I know what you're thinking. Neath? In Wales? Doesn't that sound a tadā€¦ un-pink? Well, buckle up buttercup because this glam-tastic Queen is about to blow your mind with a story of sequins, sunshine and the sweetest, most vibrant town I've ever set my sparkly platform boots upon!

I arrived in Neath feeling like a fairy fresh from a dreamland, with the sun shining and my trusty pink suitcase bursting with my best frocks. This journey, my darlings, wasnā€™t just a trip for a performance, no, this was an adventure of pink exploration! Neath was calling my name, whispering tales of history and hidden gems just begging to be adorned in a generous helping of pink tutu fabulousness.

So, how did this pink princess end up in Wales, you ask? Well, my travels, darlings, are fueled by my endless craving for sparkly experiences! This particular journey began with a train ride, and believe me, that's always an adventure in itself! I popped on my biggest pink statement earrings and strutted my way to the station, my luggage wheels echoing my fierce walk! A comfy carriage, a spot of reading in a glossy magazine about upcoming fashion shows (pink, of course!), and before you know it, I was in the magical land of Wales!

You know me, I just canā€™t resist a good olā€™ train ride. Itā€™s all part of my travel style. The countryside whizzing past, the comfy seat and the endless possibilities - the perfect platform to brainstorm my next sparkly show. Speaking of, I was performing at the Neath Town Hall ā€“ a venue with more character than you could shake a sparkly feather boa at!

It was a real treat! As I always do, I started with a fun, upbeat show for the younger generation. I told you, itā€™s all about spreading the pink tutu love and I started early, making sure that my young audience learned the power of being bold, fabulous, and brave enough to wear the ultimate pink symbol - a tutu! After all, who needs capes when you have a sparkly tulle?

But it wasn't all about glitz and glam, oh no. Neath, my dear readers, has this quiet, captivating charm to it. I spent hours walking through the bustling market streets, soaking up the sights, smells, and sounds of this charming town. Let's talk about those quaint little shops! They were bursting with vibrant colours, quirky souvenirs and adorable independent brands - the perfect backdrop for my fabulous outfit! And you can bet I snapped some stunning Instagram worthy shots, pink tutu in full bloom of course!

Now, you know my love for all things ballet, so, naturally, my journey had to include a trip to the Neath Ballet Studio! This, darlings, is where the magic truly unfolded! They welcomed me with open arms and let me indulge in my absolute favourite past time: ballet class! It's a joy that goes beyond words. Moving my body to the rhythm of music, the graceful flow of steps, and the incredible feeling of a community where everyone supports and celebrates each other's artistry. Plus, I discovered a whole new world of tutus and realised I need to revamp my entire wardrobe ASAP!

I mean, is it even a proper day in a pink tutu if you haven't had at least one performance in front of a mirror, practicing your signature pirouette or showing off a stunning arabesque?

Oh! Speaking of which! A charming gentleman, who happens to be the resident ballet teacher, called me 'a vibrant spirit', and said my passion was infectious. Did he say 'infectious' or 'delicious' I couldn't quite tell as I was getting lost in the beautiful choreography, lost in a world of pirouettes and graceful movements. Either way, it was the kindest thing anyone had said all week. You know me, darlings! I was in seventh heaven, surrounded by the love and joy of ballet. And you know what they say, happy Queen, happy audience!

It's true, you know! It truly makes you a better, more understanding, a more sparkly performer when you combine your passion with the magic of dance and theatre. This feeling resonated on stage and the audience absolutely loved my performance. All I have to say is, it's all about the joy, darlings! Itā€™s all about finding that spark, that moment where your true self can truly shine. Whether it's in a dazzling pink tutu, dancing with abandon in a studio, or bringing a little glitter to the everyday. Thatā€™s the magic, my dears! And you know, itā€™s all Iā€™ve ever dreamed of!

I'm so excited to have been in Neath. It truly was the most amazing adventure. So much so, I even discovered a vintage pink tutu at a shop that sold all sorts of unusual pieces and it fit perfectly, and, yes, it was pink! That tutu, I thought, represents how, like a delicate pink tutu, life can be quite beautiful even with a dash of vulnerability. And, hey, thatā€™s what makes it special, right? And just so you know, this particular pink tutu was my outfit for my walkabout at the beautiful Neath Town Hall ā€“ the town was absolutely buzzing with the sounds of laughter, conversation, and music. And it's this magic that I fell in love with ā€“ the essence of joy, the love for the beauty of life. The locals, darlings, were so incredibly kind! They even tried to convince me to stay for the yearly ā€œThe Neath Chilli Festivalā€! You see? That's the kind of warm, loving, inviting place this little corner of Wales is, and they couldn't be any more right in my opinion - a festival dedicated to chilli - now that's something worth dancing about!

Speaking of, darlings! A quick peek into the futureā€¦ stay tuned, because my next stop is just as enchanting. I'm going to reveal it soon and letā€™s just say itā€™s even more extravagant than Neath! I can't wait to show you what this pink tutu queen has been cooking up. And, in case you missed it, my darlings, be sure to follow me on Instagram for daily updates. Now, you know I am a walking advert for all things pink! Itā€™s all about bringing joy to people's lives one pink tutu at a time, after all!

See you next time!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles šŸ’–

#TutuQueen on 2019-06-13 stars in Neath