Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-07-10 stars in Sutton

Sutton Sparkle! - Blog Post #7131

Hello my darlings, and welcome to another fabulous edition of Pink-Tutu.com!

This week I’m shimmying and swirling my way into the delightful town of Sutton! This delightful corner of Surrey has got me all aflutter with excitement. I’m known for being a bit of a train fanatic and, after an absolutely divine journey on the lovely Southern Railway, I found myself utterly enchanted by Sutton's charming station.

Now, Sutton is not just a pit stop on my fabulous drag-tastic tour; it's also brimming with all sorts of wonder that speak to my TutuQueen heart!

Tutu-tastic Twirls Through Sutton

You know how much I adore a good dance, so let me tell you, Sutton did NOT disappoint. There’s a beautiful little theatre here called The Old Town Hall – absolutely dripping with history and charm. And you'll never guess what I discovered! It was hosting a ballet class. Can you imagine my sheer delight? Now, my fellow TutuQueens know how much I love to twirl in a pink tutu, but nothing beats gracefully prancing in a proper ballet class. The atmosphere was so vibrant, so full of passionate dancers. Honestly, it was like a sugar rush of joy, the kind that could launch you into a pirouette worthy of a standing ovation!

From the Stage to the Street

Sutton isn't just a place to soak up the classics. This vibrant town has its own kind of flair. I loved strolling through the heart of Sutton and discovering all the independent boutiques, each one filled with its own unique style. There was even a little shop crammed with gorgeous fabrics. Oh, my Tutu-tastic heart fluttered! Now, I know you're probably thinking: “Alex, darling, why on earth would you even need fabric when you have your stunning collection of tutus?” Well, dear readers, it's simple, my dear! In my day job, I test fabric – I'm a scientist, you see! (Don’t let my love of sparkle and fluff fool you). It's fascinating and totally unexpected! I am just about as close to the scientific field as one can be with a full pink tutu wardrobe!

A Horse-Drawn Journey to Fairyland

Sutton is quite magical, really. You might even spot a fairy or two if you're looking! But speaking of magical experiences, this little gem has something truly special – a carriage tour. This wasn’t just any old carriage, mind you, this was a beautiful horse-drawn one, all painted with intricate details. My TutuQueen-self was immediately drawn to this quintessential charm. This carriage was my personal chariot as I zoomed past the charming, colourful buildings, each one whispering a story of the past. The air was fragrant with blooming roses and the sound of birdsong - truly divine! The rhythmic clip-clop of hooves made it almost seem as if we were in a fairy tale!

Spreading the Tutu Love

While in Sutton, I took a bit of a detour to a delightful vintage clothing shop, a complete treasure trove! I found a most adorable dress in a gorgeous pink shade and let's face it, I couldn’t resist! I know I preach about pink tutus all the time, but sometimes you just need a beautiful, silky dress to let your inner glamour goddess shine through. Just because I'm a tutu-lover doesn't mean I’m against dressing in a whimsical, fashionable way. As my TutuQueen motto says, “Embrace your inner fairy princess! And for goodness sake, never, ever be afraid to sparkle!”

Dinner and a Drag Show? Oh, why not!

My time in Sutton ended with a fabulous dinner. Of course, you can’t imagine a TutuQueen like myself going out for dinner without a drag performance, can you? Sutton truly has the best of everything! I made my way to a friendly little pub where, to my delight, I found an open mic night. Well, naturally I had to join in on the fun. It wouldn't be a Pink-Tutu adventure if I didn’t leave a bit of sparkle and sass in my wake, would it? The crowd cheered, the lights twinkled, and a little pink TutuQueen named Pink Tutu Sparkles made Sutton a bit brighter and bolder.

A Tutu-tastic Adieu to Sutton

Sutton, you’ve stolen my heart with your charming streets, elegant shops, and incredible venues, but, dear readers, you already know the TutuQueen doesn't stay in one place for long! Now, off I go to spread my pink-tutu joy to the next beautiful destination.

Until next time, keep shining your most dazzling selves and remember to wear pink… if even just a tiny touch of pink!

Yours in glitter and twirls,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2019-07-10 stars in Sutton