
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-07-14 stars in Welling

Welling Wanderings: Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on the Kent Coast!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to spill the tea on my latest adventures. You're all set for post number 7135 - the fabulousness never ends! Today I'm bringing you all the glitz and glam from my trip to Welling, a seaside town in Kent. This time, I took the scenic route - a delightful train ride along the coastline, and believe me, I packed enough glitter to rival the sea itself!

As you all know, I'm a sucker for a good adventure. It's always been in my nature to embrace the world, twirling through life in my signature pink tutu. You might not know this about me, but I actually hail from a quaint little spot called Derbyshire. But before I found my calling in the world of drag, I was studying the very science of fabric. Yes, I know - a complete 180 from a pink tutu! However, fate had a brilliant plan - a university charity event introduced me to the sheer magic of a tutu and the rest, as they say, is fabulous history.

So, what brought me to Welling, you ask? Well, darlings, this enchanting town was the location for a thrilling street performance festival. Now, I'm a bit of a theatre queen, a true fan of all things dance, especially ballet. Combine that with the energy of a street performance? That's a Pink Tutu Sparkles recipe for success!

My outfit for Welling? Let's just say, I was ready to take this town by storm. Think vibrant pink satin, a cascade of ruffles, and the ultimate shimmering tulle tutu that practically radiated sunshine. The glitter, my darlings, oh the glitter! Enough to rival the shimmering seashells that adorned the Welling shoreline! I couldn't resist topping off my look with a touch of elegance โ€“ a feather boa the colour of sunset, of course!

The streets were abuzz with a vibrant energy. There was live music pouring from every corner, laughter echoing through the air, and the aroma of hot food making my stomach rumble. A parade of colours, costumes, and characters danced their way through the crowds, creating a whirlwind of excitement. I saw mime artists contorting their bodies into shapes beyond belief, dancers leaping into the air with captivating grace, and musicians weaving their magic with notes that soared high above the festive din. It was pure spectacle, a delight for the senses.

Now, let's talk about my performance, my loves. You know I had to make an entrance, didn't I? With a flash of pink tulle, I strutted into the heart of the performance zone, twirling with confidence and joy. I brought my own flair to the stage โ€“ a unique combination of ballet and drag. You see, ballet is more than just graceful moves to me. It's a celebration of the body, an art form of expressive movements, and it all fits perfectly with my drag persona! The crowd loved it. Cheers and whistles rang out, their faces painted with smiles that stretched from ear to ear. I taught the audience some fun, flamboyant dance moves, getting them all to strut and twirl along with me.

The highlight of the trip, however, came after the performance. While exploring the quaint town, I stumbled upon a little ballet school. Now, a girl like me can't pass up a ballet class, can she? I was so excited to join in on the fun. The children, dressed in their cute little leotards, giggled with joy, mimicking my flamboyant twirls. This experience, my dears, was truly priceless.

Welling will forever hold a special place in my heart, a town full of colour, life, and, dare I say, the magic of pink tutus! And speaking of magic, my dears, I'm here to remind you once again: pink tutus are the key to happiness! Embrace your inner sparkle, wear a pink tutu, and share the joy! You might be surprised by how many smiles it can bring.

But that's not all, darling! My next adventure will see me in another part of Kent. I'll be sharing the secrets of a little coastal village, so stay tuned. You don't want to miss out on this! Don't forget to follow my journey at www.pink-tutu.com, and until then, keep sparkling, my lovelies!

Hugs and kisses, Pink Tutu Sparkles Xx

A Look into My Welling Wardrobe!

Now, we've talked about the sparkle, the twirl, but let's dive into the fashion, shall we? Because a queen like me never goes anywhere without a perfectly planned ensemble, especially not a magical trip to Welling! Here's a little peek behind the curtain:

  • The Pink Power Suit: Oh, the pink! It had to be pink, of course. Think a perfectly tailored, slightly form-fitting pink satin suit, cut with elegant curves, complete with matching wide-legged trousers.
  • Tutu Time!: Now, this was a masterpiece. Layers upon layers of shimmering pink tulle, handcrafted to flow and swirl with every move. We're talking sheer volume and graceful movement, darling, a true statement piece.
  • The Statement Shoes: A dazzling pair of high-heeled, bright pink peep-toe heels, sparkling with embellishments. You simply can't go wrong with a classic pink pump, can you?
  • Feathery Finish: My personal favourite touch? The fluffy sunset orange feather boa, it added that extra dose of flamboyant charm!
  • The Glitter Bomb: I sprinkled a generous helping of iridescent glitter everywhere โ€“ my hair, the bodice of my outfit, even the edge of my tutu!

Now, here's a little fun fact: My obsession with pink and tutus goes beyond just the glamorous side of things. You see, there's this fascinating scientific link between colours and emotions. Did you know that pink is often associated with warmth, kindness, and playfulness? It makes people feel happy, doesn't it? And then there's the tutu - its history in dance tells tales of graceful artistry, expressive movement, and just sheer delight!

So, there you have it, darling - the Welling edition of Pink Tutu Sparkles, a glamorous blend of dance, style, and a touch of scientific curiosity! You're welcome.

#TutuQueen on 2019-07-14 stars in Welling