Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-07-27 stars in Coalville

Coalville: A Pink Tutu Paradise!

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and today, my darlings, today we’re venturing to the charming town of Coalville! This is post number 7148 for your favourite pink-obsessed queen and, my dears, let me tell you, Coalville didn’t disappoint! Buckle up your tutu straps, babes, because this journey is gonna be a fabulous one!

Now, you all know I'm a bit of a train enthusiast, so I was delighted to be zipping along in a first-class carriage, my fabulous pink suitcase looking splendid next to me, heading towards Coalville. It was such a lovely morning - the sun was shining, the birds were singing (though they weren't wearing pink tutus, obviously!), and my fabulous outfit for tonight's show was carefully nestled in my bag, ready to be unleashed upon the world.

Coalville station welcomed me with open arms (okay, maybe not actual arms, but it felt welcoming anyway). My plan, as always, was to explore this lovely little town in all its glory before my show tonight, and let me tell you, it was a delight! First things first, I popped into a sweet little cafĂ© called "The Buttercup" – oh, the irony! - and had the most scrumptious cup of tea and a slice of Victoria sponge. My dears, it was heaven! I even spotted a little girl wearing a pink tutu (but don't you worry, I was more fabulously adorned, naturally). I must admit, the sight of that little pink tutu almost had me spontaneously bursting into a rendition of “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy”! But, being a responsible, respectable queen, I held it in
 for now.

Then, my darlings, it was time to hit the shops! Oh, my! You've got to see the little boutique I found – “The Pink Flamingo” - can you imagine?! Heaven on earth, I tell you! Now, you're probably thinking, "Pink Tutu Sparkles, did you get anything pink?” My dears, what do you think? My little hands had a lovely time shopping and my heart, well, it’s simply filled with joy after my shopping spree!

My shopping bag overflowing with fabulousness, it was time for some sightseeing. Coalville's a little town with a rich history, and you know me, darlings, I just love soaking up local history. I wandered down the quaint streets, taking it all in, even finding myself at this lovely park with a statue of
 well, it looked suspiciously like a ballet dancer (but not in a pink tutu, sadly)! Now, wouldn't that be a wonderful thing to see?! Imagine the majesty of a ballerina with a big, glorious pink tutu in the centre of the town! Anyway, this beautiful park was right near Coalville's landmark, the King George V playing fields, and let me tell you, those playing fields were looking perfectly pristine. Maybe the wind had just blown through a pink tutu over those grass patches
 It could happen, couldn’t it?

Feeling ready for my big show, it was time to head to the venue – The Miners’ Welfare Institute! It was truly fitting for a queen with such working-class roots (I mean, it's not a real job if you can’t make your own clothes!) to be performing there, and, darlings, let me tell you, it was absolutely packed! It really did feel like the whole town was there! And the best part? The atmosphere was simply electric. You could tell that Coalville was a town that loved its live entertainment!

I hit the stage, my pink tutu swirling like a candy floss dream, and the crowd erupted! My act was all about love, laughter, and of course, tutus! We did some dancing, sang some tunes, and even had a few tutu-wearing volunteers up on stage (and you bet your bottom dollar they all got their pink tutu fix!). My dears, they even chanted my name – “Pink Tutu Sparkles! Pink Tutu Sparkles!” It was such an amazing feeling! It honestly had me a little bit misty-eyed, because it’s moments like these, you see, that make all my efforts worth it. It’s moments like these where I know that I’m doing something good for the world. Maybe I’m not quite conquering the globe in a big pink tutu, but I'm making it one sparkly little step at a time!

After my performance, my dears, we celebrated – naturally! A little pink bubbly and a lot of laughter with some of the most fabulous Coalville locals! I even got to meet some incredible up-and-coming drag queens (they didn’t all have pink tutus though! Such a shame! A queen can dream, can’t she?) Coalville truly became my pink tutu haven, a town where my sparkle wasn’t just accepted, it was cherished!

So, darling, there you have it – another triumphant performance down, and another little bit of the world touched with the pink tutu magic! You can catch all the photos and videos of my fabulous night on my Instagram (it’s @PinkTutuSparkles – if you aren’t already following! Tsk tsk! So rude, darling!). And don’t forget to catch up on the rest of my journey over on www.pink-tutu.com, because darling, the adventure isn't over yet! This tutu-tastic Queen’s got plenty more travels, plenty more pink to spread around the world, and I can’t wait to bring you along with me! Until next time, darlings! Stay sparkly! And always remember – a little bit of pink never hurt anyone!

#TutuQueen on 2019-07-27 stars in Coalville