
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-08-05 stars in Whitley Bay

Whitley Bay: A Sparkly Whirlwind of Pink! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

Hello my gorgeous darlings! ๐Ÿ’– It's your TutuQueen here, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with a fresh post from another fabulously sparkly adventure. Today we're venturing up north to Whitley Bay, a coastal gem with beaches that shimmer like the sequins on my newest tutu.

This is post number 7157, and trust me, every day brings a new thrill. After all, my mission in life is to inspire everyone to wear a pink tutu, and frankly, that's no easy feat! But fear not, my darlings, I'm determined to bring a dash of pink sparkle to every corner of the globe!

As you know, I travel the world in a flurry of tutus and trains - a truly magical combination, don't you think? The train ride up north was filled with the gentle clattering of wheels and the comforting whiff of roasted nuts (yes, I even love the smell of peanuts!). I spent the journey admiring the rolling green hills and the quaint, pastel-hued houses, all blurring into a gorgeous mosaic of countryside beauty. It was almost like a ballet in motion, if you ask me!

When I finally reached Whitley Bay, the air was filled with the salty tang of the sea and the happy shouts of children playing on the sandy shore. And wouldn't you know it, there was even a small amusement park on the promenade! It's just so delightfully charming here - it makes me want to pirouette down the pier and then swing high into the sky on a carousel!

But enough about my dreams of pirouette-inspired amusement rides. My true purpose in Whitley Bay was to perform for the fabulous folks here! I've got a special act lined up - a glittering, pink-tastic fusion of ballet and burlesque that I've been perfecting for weeks. Let's just say there'll be feathers, sequins, and a whole lot of fabulous energy!

From Science Lab to Stage

Speaking of perfecting things, you wouldn't believe how different my life is between my days and my nights. By day, I'm Alex, your average scientist tucked away in a lab. My day job is fascinating, but let's be honest - it's not nearly as exciting as twirling in a pink tutu. My lab is full of fascinating fabric samples โ€“ testing them is how I pay the bills โ€“ but my heart truly belongs to the fabrics of the stage! I just love the way the right material can catch the light, flow like liquid silk, and truly create a magical atmosphere!

It all started at university, you know. I was in the university ballet club, a serious ballet lover with a flair for the dramatic! We had this charity fundraising event, and as luck would have it, someone pulled out a dusty pink tutu from the props closet. As soon as I slipped it on, something clicked! Thatโ€™s when I knew Pink Tutu Sparkles was born!

That feeling โ€“ that sparkle and sense of purpose โ€“ has stayed with me, and it drives everything I do. My goal isn't just to perform; it's to inspire. I want to bring a touch of pink, a sprinkle of sparkle, and a generous helping of joy into every life I touch. That's what makes all this travelling worthwhile!

Tutus, Trains, and a Touch of Glam

Travelling by train isn't just about getting from point A to point B โ€“ it's an adventure all its own! There's a sense of timeless charm about the rhythmic rumble of wheels, the whistle of the engine, and the fleeting scenery flashing by. Plus, you never know who you might meet on a train journey! I've met fellow artists, fellow fashion lovers, and even a few curious children who have been inspired to give their own pink tutu fantasies a try. And when you think about it, what's more exciting than inspiring the next generation of sparkly rebels?

Now, you might be thinking that travelling and performing as Pink Tutu Sparkles can be quite demanding on the wallet. And you'd be right, it's not a walk in the park financially! But, as with everything in life, itโ€™s all about balance and being clever with my resources! Youโ€™d be surprised how many talented artists just need an opportunity to perform and shine โ€“ I like to think Iโ€™m helping make that happen.

Of course, my personal savings come in handy, and every once in a while Iโ€™ll pop in for a guest shift at the local fabric store for extra funds โ€“ after all, what could be more glamorous than being surrounded by stunning materials in various textures and hues? Itโ€™s not quite the same as swirling on a stage in a feathered, sparkly dress but it gets my creative juices flowing! And that creative flow keeps the Pink Tutu Sparkles dream alive!

So, dear darlings, you can always expect to find me chasing new adventures โ€“ and you can bet Iโ€™ll always have my trusty pink tutu close at hand! It's more than just an outfit; itโ€™s a symbol of everything I stand for.

You know what they say: "If you've got it, flaunt it!" And I think a pink tutu definitely makes a statement, wouldnโ€™t you agree? ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

Don't forget to check in tomorrow for another dose of pink sparkle โ€“ you're not going to want to miss it!

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’–โœจ


#TutuQueen on 2019-08-05 stars in Whitley Bay