
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-08-24 stars in Wigston Magna

Wigston Magna - Tutu Travels!

Hey darlings, it's your favourite pink-loving Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to dazzle you with another post! This is Post 7176, and my oh my, what a whirlwind of tutu-liciousness it's been! Let me tell you, my darlings, Wigston Magna just did not disappoint!

So, where to begin? Well, you know my heart beats pink for all things tutus and train travel, so imagine my excitement when I got a call about a gig at the Wigston Magna Town Hall! Now, I've got to be honest, dear readers, Wigston Magna wasn't exactly on my drag-queen travel itinerary. But let me tell you, I'm so glad it was!

It was the train journey itself that really kicked things off! You know, it's not just the travelling, but it's the people watching, darlings. One particularly fabulous lady was rocking a hat with a feather that was just begging to be included in my Instagram story! You know, I can't resist a good photo op. It wouldn't be Pink Tutu Sparkles without a bit of impromptu glamour, now would it?

Once I reached Wigston Magna, I had to treat myself to a bit of retail therapy, of course! I popped into a little boutique called "The Fabric Garden," where I snagged the most delightful pink scarf – it practically shouted "Tutu Queen" in a whisper! Now, as a scientist by day (I work with fabrics, testing their strength and properties, you know – serious stuff!), you can be sure I know my fabrics. But nothing, and I mean nothing, beats a little retail therapy to liven up a day.

After a delicious lunch of pink lemonade and fairy cakes (a girl has to fuel her tutu-spinning energy!), I took to the streets for a little exploration. Now, I love strolling through quaint English towns, but let me tell you, this place had something special. There's this lovely park – I think it was called "The Jubilee Park" – with these stunning old trees, a charming fountain, and little bridges over a brook! Honestly, I felt like I'd stepped into a fairytale, surrounded by such natural beauty.

And what was the final flourish, the ultimate glitter and glamour of my Wigston Magna experience, you ask? Well, dear readers, it was the performance at the Town Hall itself! The crowd was fantastic, so warm and welcoming! They were dressed to the nines, with dazzling smiles and even a few tutus in the audience. They truly embodied the "Pink Tutu Spirit" – a message that resonates deep within my heart, and one I strive to spread wherever I go.

My act? Oh, I'll never forget it. It was a spectacle of feathers, sparkle, and pure theatrical joy! We started with a bit of my classic "Tutu Tango", that graceful and fierce number that always gets the audience going. Then, I brought out a brand new dance I'd been practicing for months – a powerful and energetic number set to a song about embracing individuality, which was just perfect for this kind of crowd! It’s a song all about embracing your inner confidence, owning who you are, and letting your true colours shine! They absolutely loved it, and for me, seeing them cheer and dance along was just pure magic!

The night wasn’t over yet. After the show, there was an impromptu street party outside, with live music and lots of dancing. I, of course, joined in – I mean, how could I resist? There I was, right in the heart of it all, spreading the pink tutu joy, with the moon shining down and the music pulsing through the streets. Honestly, it was pure magic!

By the end of the night, I had captured some incredible pictures to add to my photo collection – all those bright smiles, dancing limbs, and tutus (yes, I had convinced a few brave souls to join me in a little tutu dance-off). You can check it out on my Insta, darlings!

Now, my darlings, I must tell you a secret, one I only tell my most dedicated followers: the most precious moments aren't always about the big stages or dazzling lights. You see, the most wonderful things about travel are those tiny moments that surprise you – a chance encounter with a friendly local, a breathtaking vista that catches your breath, the sound of laughter ringing out in a cozy cafΓ©. These moments, just as much as the applause, make up the beautiful tapestry of life! And that's exactly what happened on my Wigston Magna trip!

Leaving that enchanting town, with its warmth, charm, and a heart overflowing with pink tutu energy, felt like saying goodbye to an old friend.

Oh, and before I go, did I mention I also got to go to a ballet class? Of course, I couldn't be in Wigston Magna and NOT get my tutus twirling. Now, I may be a science-y girl by day, but every ballet class just takes me back to when I fell in love with the beauty of dance and, dare I say, my love for pink tutus! I still remember that fateful day in uni when I put on my first pink tutu for a charity event. My fellow student was a little sceptical, saying I looked like a Christmas tree. I've got to tell you, those sceptical eyes turned to envy as I spun across the stage – they really do transform you, don't they, darlings?

I left with a renewed sense of joy and a handful of new friends – just proof that pink tutu energy spreads wherever it goes, transforming hearts and spreading the love. You never know what adventures you might find tucked away in an unexpected place like Wigston Magna, a town I’ll definitely visit again. Now, onto my next stop. Until then, keep spreading that pink tutu joy, darlings! You can find all about my journey, all the sparkly details and more at my daily blog www.pink-tutu.com. And don't forget to give me a follow on Instagram. I'd love to hear about your own fabulous journeys, whether big or small. Sending you all the pinkest kisses!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2019-08-24 stars in Wigston Magna