
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-08-27 stars in Bexleyheath

Bexleyheath: A Tutu-ific Trip to the Borough of Bows! ๐ŸŽ€

Hey darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from Bexleyheath for blog post number 7179. My heart's fluttering like a hummingbird's wings because I'm on another grand adventure โ€“ this time to the wonderful borough of Bexleyheath!

You see, Bexleyheath just screams 'tutu' to me, don't you think? Imagine โ€“ those charming cobbled streets, the quaint cafes overflowing with tea and cake, the rolling hills sprinkled with hidden gems, and, of course, the majestic Hall Place Gardens. Honestly, I could see a ballet unfolding in my mind's eye with every corner I turned!

Now, you're all probably wondering, "Alex, how did you get all the way to Bexleyheath in that fabulous pink tutu?" Well, my darling readers, the answer lies in the magical world of public transport โ€“ that's right, I rode the train! It's a real joy to see the world unfold from a window seat, the landscapes rushing by, a kaleidoscope of colour! Plus, I was able to share a cuppa and some laughs with fellow train-travellers, who, in true British fashion, couldn't resist engaging in a charming conversation about the weather. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Upon arriving in Bexleyheath, the first thing I had to do was find a shop brimming with pretty frocks โ€“ my mission, after all, is to make the world a more colourful, and definitely more tutued, place. Lucky for me, Bexleyheath is bursting with boutiques that have caught my eye. I found some treasures, from a delicate pink blouse with intricate lace to a dazzling red scarf โ€“ and let's not forget the glitzy silver pumps! A fabulous outfit is a perfect starting point to start my Pink Tutu Sparkles magic, isn't it?

Speaking of magic, I simply had to visit Hall Place Gardens. Oh, the beauty! These gardens are an oasis of peace, adorned with roses in a riot of hues and sprawling green lawns, the perfect backdrop for a little impromptu photoshoot in my most whimsical tutu (it's the one with the fluffy pink boa and sparkly butterflies, if you must know!). You'll have to check out the photos on my website!

After exploring the gardens, I popped in for a spot of afternoon tea at a charming cafe that serves the most delectable cakes you could ever imagine โ€“ think victoria sponge, red velvet cupcakes, and those impossibly cute mini cupcakes decorated with pastel icing. What can I say? My sweet tooth has no off switch when it comes to cake, especially in a town that has a baker for every turn!

No trip to Bexleyheath is complete without a visit to the magnificent Hall Place. As a former Tudor manor, this beautiful building holds centuries of history, filled with grand portraits, antique furniture, and exquisite tapestries. There's something so inspiring about stepping back in time, isn't there? The grand staircase even reminded me of a scene from a classic ballet โ€“ you can almost imagine ballerinas pirouetting gracefully down the steps. I can't even begin to describe how amazing the Tudor architecture is! The place positively brims with character.

By the evening, I was ready to spread my Pink Tutu Sparkles magic! I joined the vibrant nightlife of Bexleyheath, gracing the local pubs with a dash of glittery enchantment. It wasn't just my pink tutu that made heads turn; my voice soared as I shared a little joy through my own original renditions of popular songs. Let me tell you, Bexleyheath is a warm and welcoming town, filled with the friendliest folks, ready to enjoy a good time with a quirky pink tutu queen! And, of course, I left them with a pink tutu-tastic message - "Pink is always the right choice!" ๐Ÿ˜‰

Bexleyheath has completely stolen a piece of my heart โ€“ I simply adore this charming, vibrant town. Its rich history, bustling nightlife, delightful shops, and sprawling gardens are all the ingredients for a fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure!

As I say goodbye to Bexleyheath, I promise you all this isn't the last you'll hear of my tutued adventures! Don't forget to follow my blog, www.pink-tutu.com, for my next pinktastic journey! And always remember, darling, a little sparkle goes a long way. You go forth, spread your own kind of glitter and make the world a more beautiful, brighter, more tutu-fied place! Until next time!


Pink Tutu Sparkles โœจ

#TutuQueen on 2019-08-27 stars in Bexleyheath