
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-09-24 stars in Highbury

Highbury High Jinks! šŸ©°

Hello, darlings! Itā€™s your favourite pink tutu-clad drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another fabulous update from my fabulous travels! šŸ’– Todayā€™s blog is all about Highbury and its gorgeous architecture ā€“ oh, and you know it's all about pink tutus too, right?! (Donā€™t worry, I won't be wearing a tutu this time, I saved my best dance number for a bigger crowd).

Today's blog marks a whopping #7207 for our fabulous journey to share all things pink, sparkly, and fabulous! It feels like just yesterday we were getting started with this adventure and spreading the love of tutus to all corners of the globe.

This week, my fabulous journey landed me in the delightful neighbourhood of Highbury. Now, this isnā€™t just any ordinary London district, oh no! This place oozes elegance with its quaint red brick Victorian houses, manicured gardens bursting with blooms, and those gorgeous red telephone boxes you see on postcards - just absolutely charming! I simply must tell you, London always knows how to turn on the glamour for a good time.

As soon as my train arrived, I knew I had to head straight for the legendary Highbury Barn, one of those grand old venues that looks like it was plucked straight out of a Jane Austen novel! The old-school brick and wood aesthetic is just too good to pass up, I tell you! Imagine sipping tea amidst elegant white-clothed tables under crystal chandeliers while a grand piano serenades your ears with gentle melodies ā€“ sheer perfection! šŸ’–

Dress Rehearsal: Of course, before heading to Highbury, my dressing room routine involved a little Pink Tutu Sparkles magic! It's all about getting the right outfit - pink, fabulous, and naturally, something comfortable for a day of exploration! Today, I chose a lovely coral top (I do love a bit of coral with pink, just like a sunset) and some stunning lilac patterned trousers ā€“ those shimmered just right for my fabulous stroll. And as a finishing touch? Why, a feather boa, darling! Now you know how I love a little drama. šŸ˜‰

The most delightful part of Highbury? Well, itā€™s a place brimming with culture and community. While exploring, I happened upon a gorgeous community garden teeming with colourful blooms. Honestly, you couldnā€™t escape the floral delight; petunias, roses, and even a cheeky little beehive adding a touch of buzzy charm to the day! I'll be posting a pic on my Instagram story later.

Then there was this charming vintage clothing shop! Don't worry, I haven't lost my mind (although some people might say I am completely bonkers for this obsession!), I love a good rummage through preloved clothing for inspiration - Iā€™ve actually scored some fabulous pieces on these little outings. You never know what youā€™ll find! After much searching and some careful consideration, I emerged with the most divine vintage turquoise sequined dress - I just couldnā€™t resist! Now, who needs sequins for a day of wandering around a London park, right? Donā€™t judge! I'll make it work for a fancy picnic, youā€™ll see. šŸ’–

After all the retail therapy, I decided to reward myself with some proper Highbury charm. Imagine me, strolling towards a little cafĆ© tucked away on a peaceful side street! It looked like a fairy tale come true! The scent of coffee filled the air and you could almost hear the dainty teacups clinking in the background. And darling, Iā€™ll be the first to say that there is truly nothing like a good cup of tea ā€“ just heavenly! ā˜•ļø

Before I go, let me remind you, darlings! As a true lover of ballet, I had to make a stop at the wonderful Highbury Ballet School! They offer lessons from tiny tots to aspiring ballerinas. Their elegant, spacious studio is definitely a little haven for graceful moves. I even caught a glimpse of some very promising young dancers practicing ā€“ maybe some future ballet stars in the making. Who knows! They are going to need fabulous outfits and I have just the inspirationā€¦ pink tutus of course! šŸ’–

As my fabulous journey continues, one thing remains constant: My mission to make the world a brighter place, one pink tutu at a time! šŸ˜‰ Remember, darling, we all have the power to bring a little sparkle to our world.

Until next time! šŸ’–


Pink Tutu Sparkles


pinktutuspsparkles #pinks #sparkle #fabulous #tutugirls #dragadventures #londonlove #highburyhighjinks #vintagefind #balletschool

Pink Tutu Sparkles' Story

If you're just joining us, my dears, hereā€™s a little something about yours truly. You can call me Alex, my human name. By day, I'm a regular lab tech testing fabrics in a scientific laboratory (no pink tutus, obviously!). But come nightfall, itā€™s time to let the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles shine!

My whole life was filled with pink but this love affair for tutus started back at university. Remember my scientific background? Well, one day I was studying for a chemistry exam when I spotted an ad for a charity event at our university hall. Now, you might think thatā€™s a very un-tutu thing to doā€¦ but you see, my university had a fantastic ballet club and I would sometimes tag along to watch them. I just loved how beautiful they looked twirling around.

There were various events going on in the university hall, with a big stage and everything! The ballet club had set up their booth and it was full of beautiful ballet costumes, all available to try on and buy. They said all proceeds were going to a local dance school. It was quite tempting! But I was hesitant. What would people think? I looked very pale compared to those amazing red haired, toned ladies with beautiful hair ā€“ they had all those perfect ballerina bodies. My friend was keen, and I decided, why not! After all, if a good cause is at stake, surely there wouldn't be anything wrong with it! I knew the moment I tried it on. I was so happy I forgot my nerves. I literally pranced around, twirling my way into my true self! A pink, sequinned, fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles! I even had a sparkly crown. The moment it slipped on I felt an inexplicable powerā€¦ Iā€™d never felt that feeling before. I didnā€™t know who this person was, but it made me feel more confident, more dazzling, and full of joyful energy! So, as my friends bought my very first tutu for the princely sum of Ā£15 (such a bargain for such a life-changing item!) it was like everything clicked. That was it, I thought to myself, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born, right then and there! I decided I was going to wear my pink tutu everywhere, starting with my own ballet class! (We are all artists and we can all perform at our own level! Never forget your heart is as important as anything else!). And this love of pink, sparkle and tutus - my love for this dazzling form of expression and art - hasnā€™t stopped since.

My ambition has always been simple: to share the joy of pink and bring a bit of sunshine to the world. Thereā€™s something truly magic about a pink tutu - a symbol of all thatā€™s lovely, joyful, and wonderfully girly. Itā€™s about unleashing the joy and self-expression thatā€™s deep within.

Since my debut on the university stage, Pink Tutu Sparkles has been dancing its way around the world. Iā€™ve had a whirlwind of adventure! You can find me performing at all sorts of fun events, fairs, and shows ā€“ really anything that makes my little sequin heart sing!

Do you have a favourite colour, like pink? Is there anything you love like I love pink tutus? And let me know if you've ever felt the power of self-expression like I have! Do let me know, because I would just love to hear about you too!

P.S. My journey continues with a little trip to the countryside! Thatā€™s right, weā€™ll be travelling by train, of course! Think romantic scenery, stunning views and plenty of opportunities to indulge my love of pink and sparkly, all while searching for a good dose of inspirationā€¦ Keep an eye out for my next blog, which should be live next week. Stay fabulous my lovely readers!šŸ’–

#TutuQueen on 2019-09-24 stars in Highbury