
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-10-11 stars in Broadstairs

Broadstairs, My Dearest! (Blog Post #7224)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and I'm positively bubbling over with excitement about my recent trip to the absolutely delightful seaside town of Broadstairs.

Broadstairs is simply divine! Imagine the quaint charm of cobbled streets, candy-coloured seaside cottages, and breathtaking views of the English Channel โ€“ all sprinkled with the magic of a place steeped in history. You can practically smell the sea air and hear the sound of happy squeals as kids splash in the waves, can't you? It's the sort of place that whispers to your soul and fills your heart with sunshine, wouldn't you agree?

My journey there was a delight in itself. Instead of the usual whir of a train, I decided to embrace the romantic and embrace my inner horse-loving princess with a truly elegant jaunt on horseback, accompanied by my trusty steeds, Mr. Sprinkles and Miss Pinkie. They were the epitome of poise and elegance as they whisked me through rolling hills and charming country lanes, a true vision of colour and whimsy, wouldn't you say?

Now, onto my main attraction โ€“ the absolute joy of dressing up in my most dazzling pink tutu! Broadstairs was just the place for it. With its captivating seaside charm and beautiful seafront promenades, it seemed as if the whole town was begging to be sprinkled with a little bit of pink tutu magic!

I waltzed around the town, a whirlwind of frills and sparkles, embracing the spirit of adventure that truly resonates with me. I popped into the cute little shops, bursting with colour and seaside souvenirs, and charmed the locals with my flamboyant greetings. Imagine, "Good morning, lovelies!" or "Oh my dear, that is an absolutely fabulous scarf you have on!". The children, bless their cotton socks, just adored me! They'd rush up to me, squealing with delight, as I'd swirl and twirl, my pink tutu catching the sun's rays and casting a radiant glow across the seaside paradise.

Of course, my adventures didn't stop there! I traded the bustling high street for a relaxing moment by the shore, the sand tickling my toes, the sound of the sea a gentle symphony for my ears. It was utterly serene, the kind of moment that truly grounds you, makes you feel utterly connected to the simple joys of life. You know, the kind of moment that makes you want to hum a cheerful tune and maybe even attempt a little twirl, pink tutu and all!

Then, it was time to unleash my inner performer and spread the joy of Pink Tutu Sparkles across the land. You know me, I always make the most of my travels! This time, I found a charming little cabaret club right on the promenade, perfect for showcasing my sparkly talent. With a sprinkle of theatricality and a touch of sassy wit, I took to the stage, enthralling the audience with a vibrant performance of the โ€œTutu Waltz.โ€ Imagine twirls, spins, and the shimmering of pink silk as it caught the spotlight! It was an explosion of colour and grace, and the cheers from the crowd, simply put, were magical!

Broadstairs is a treasure trove for anyone who seeks out those little pockets of magic life has to offer. Whether youโ€™re an art aficionado, a nature enthusiast, or a whimsical pink tutu enthusiast (like myself!), Broadstairs truly has something for everyone! Itโ€™s a town that makes you feel like a kid again, excited and open to everything, and that, my dears, is truly a gift.

You know what they say - if you're not wearing a pink tutu, you're missing out! Remember to be bold, be bright, and above all, be yourself!

And don't forget to follow me on Pink-Tutu.com for more exciting adventures, colourful escapades, and all the pink tutu fun your heart desires!

Until next time, darling, stay sparkly!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Don't forget to pop into my lovely laboratory, nestled amongst the rolling green hills of Derbyshire, if you fancy a touch of science mixed with a whole lot of pink!

#TutuQueen on 2019-10-11 stars in Broadstairs