
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-10-24 stars in Milan

Milan, darling!

Hello gorgeous! Itā€™s your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a fabulous trip to Milan! I know what you're thinking - "Pink Tutu, Milan?" and "Isn't that a bit posh?" and my answer is "ABSOLUTELY!" Itā€™s the city of fashion, darling! The perfect spot for a fabulous queen like myself! This is post number 7237, and if you are new here, hello! Welcome! Please do stick around and follow the daily musings of Pink Tutu Sparkle over at www.pink-tutu.com

As many of you know, I, Alex, was a bit of a bookworm growing up. My nose was always stuck in a book, which wasn't really a good look with a tutu on my head! Honestly though, science really hooked me as a kid - especially the way we can all see atoms and molecules through microscopy and see the patterns and colour. They're so beautiful. Anyway, it's quite a bit different to how I see atoms in my life today, all glammed up in sequins! Itā€™s quite funny, when people realise my day job in the lab testing the structure of new fabrics involves microscopes and polymers. I'm literally working with microscopic tutus! But as many of you also know, by night I shed my science coat and become Pink Tutu Sparkle! It all started with the ballet club back in my Derbyshire university days when I was roped into trying on a pink tutu for charity! It was pink and puffy and had enough tulle to fill a double-decker bus, and there I knew - I had found my calling!

Well, I did go on to study a science degree. But ever since then, it's been my mission to get everyone wearing pink tutus. You might be thinking, ā€œbut why? Why Pink Tutus?!ā€ And the answer is, they make you feel absolutely magical, they are so fun, they are so powerful and they can transform anyone into a super stylish princess, like, me!

Itā€™s a pretty tough task, this universal pink tutu takeover! You have to be strategic! I do get the train whenever I can, a slow, romantic and graceful form of transport (much like me!). My trip to Milan was by train, and what a trip it was! There are actually two kinds of railway line going down to Milan: a scenic and slower line which goes through mountains and then a very fast line, which is great if you've only got a weekend. As the fashion capitals of the world are a bit of a priority for me, the speed of travel becomes more important - if I am ever off to a fashion event, which is rather often! My suitcase is filled to the brim with tutus - every colour and style you can imagine! And of course, the whole journey is a fashion show!

So I was super excited when the opportunity to travel to Milan and meet my fellow fashion-loving glitterati presented itself! I've had many amazing times, but you see, Milan is a little bit special, for one very specific reason... well actually it's for two reasons: The theatre, oh darling, the theatre, with all of those famous operas and ballerinasā€¦ and of course the fabulous, wonderful world of fashion. The sheer variety of gorgeous shops, stores and showrooms, well itā€™s just heavenly! The architecture too is breathtaking! Think Duomo, Teatro Alla Scalaā€¦ Milan really does have it all!

You can imagine I was giddy with excitement when the first signs of the Milan railway station started appearing on the horizon! I got a window seat and felt my tutu ruffle in anticipation at the thought of what awaitsā€¦ It was like a ballet in itself!

Milan didn't disappoint. Everything I saw, I fell in love with! From the iconic Duomo to the elegant Teatro Alla Scala, everything about the city felt like stepping into a movie. Even the way the sun lit up the cobblestone streets created an almost mystical effect. But even more exciting was the fashion scene! From the exclusive showrooms of the Quadrilatero della Moda to the trendy independent boutiques scattered throughout the city, Milan really did feel like it was created for someone like me - a fabulous queen, in her full glory, wearing nothing less than a spectacular, pink, perfectly pleated tutu! I mean who would ever expect a gorgeous pink tutu to go unnoticed? I strutted my stuff down the street, knowing I was making everyoneā€™s day. Well, mostly everyone! There was this very strict gentleman with a black and white houndstooth overcoat, he really didnā€™t approve. But most people absolutely loved my tulle, with a little shout of "Mamma Mia!ā€ or "Fantastic!ā€ in Italian, followed by an Instagram photo or two with me and my pink, glorious pink tutu, Itā€™s how I roll. A few tutus in Milan for me meant an awkward encounter with the security in the Duomo when I wanted to capture an amazing photograph at the top of the cathedral! Iā€™ve been in many interesting places, Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll be going back there though. Milan seems to have stricter rules about these things than any other place I've ever visited, but we are queens! It's our prerogative to be dramatic!

Well I just love exploring different countries and learning about other people. In Milan, I had some amazing chats with the locals. Everyone had such incredible fashion knowledge. They were happy to share their tips and recommendations. I learnt so much! Even when trying to order a coffee, in a completely over-excited fashion, I learnt how to say ā€œPlease!ā€ in Italian - ā€œper favore!" and you can be sure I used this new piece of fashion lingo all weekend. "Grazie, per favore."

Then there was the fashion scene itself. I mean, I was already in fashion paradise before I arrived, and Milan just made it a thousand times better. Let's be honest, this queen absolutely adores a good outfit! And I spent most of my time flitting around, popping in and out of the many wonderful stores - and by stores, I'm talking every single kind of store imaginable. I mean you could buy your full tutu outfit for every occasion and every season, in the Milan boutiques. Even better were all of the talented artists. The way the clothes are displayed - It's literally art! I was particularly impressed by the Gucci boutique. It was amazing. I felt as though I'd been transported to a dream.

The real icing on the cake though had to be Teatro Alla Scala, It's such a magnificent building! Just the sheer spectacle of its architectural splendour took my breath away.

I got tickets for a ballet, naturally, and sat mesmerized, as dancers pirouetted, leaped and twirled with incredible elegance. But you know whatā€™s more impressive? It's when I see real people on the street wearing tutus and being so confident in themselves, It truly shows how this outfit is able to bring out the inner princess in all of us.

What better way to express the feeling of freedom than with a light and airy, tulle creation! As I strolled through the grand square at dusk, with the last light filtering down between the buildings and casting an almost mystical glow on the pink tutu, the tutu became a beacon, showing the world the strength and the wonder that this wonderful piece of fashion embodies.

There's a little bit of a ballerina, a little bit of a fashionista and a lot of Pink Tutu Sparkle in every one of us!

I'm going to head out for another performance tonight - I canā€™t resist showing off all of the latest fashion and style trends! Keep it glamorous, darling! And be sure to tune in to www.pink-tutu.com for my next post from Paris. I have a special announcementā€¦ Bisous, xx

#TutuQueen on 2019-10-24 stars in Milan