
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-11-01 stars in Solihull

Solihull Sparkle: Tutu Travels Number 7245 🩰

Oh, darlings, did I tell you about Solihull? What a dream! This week has been a whirlwind of tulle and twirls, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way! It was my first trip to the lovely Midlands town and let me tell you, it's a haven for pink tutu lovers! πŸ’–

Now, I know you're probably thinking, β€œAlex, Solihull? Really? What’s there to do in Solihull?"

Well, darling, I am here to tell you: there is so much to do in Solihull! The place was bursting with creativity, kindness, and an amazing community of people who love to dance – just like your Queen! πŸ’…βœ¨

But first, the journey! I couldn't resist a journey by train for this one. The scenery, the anticipation, it all builds the excitement for an amazing trip. You just know that whenever you step onto a train in a sparkly tutu, magic is going to happen! ✨

As I glided through the beautiful Derbyshire countryside, I felt that familiar sparkle – the one that comes from knowing you are spreading the Tutu-licious gospel. The locals must have been a bit shocked at first to see a shimmering pink vision whizzing past them, but I swear I could sense smiles underneath their furrowed brows. My mission, you see, is to make everyone believe in the transformative power of pink tutus.

When I arrived in Solihull, the vibe was positively effervescent! Everywhere I looked there was beauty and colour, even a sprinkle of the lovely pink. The folks there were delightful – always smiling, eager for a chat and quick to give a compliment. The spirit of inclusivity just resonated everywhere!

My first stop? Well, it was absolutely imperative to find the perfect tutu-licious outfit! πŸŽ€ I just knew that the high street would be brimming with fashion delights, and boy, did it deliver! From dazzling vintage stores to the newest trend boutiques, Solihull was a haven for any fashionista like myself! And the best part? The pink was everywhere! The shop window displays, the scarves, even the walls of some shops were swathed in the most exquisite shades of pink imaginable! It was like I was walking into my very own personal rainbow of fashion!

Speaking of rainbows, one thing that struck me about Solihull was how diverse the place was. It was a real melting pot of culture and backgrounds. As I sashayed down the streets in my pink glory, everyone, from little children to the more mature members of the community, treated me with the utmost warmth and respect. This inclusivity really touched my heart and filled me with joy. I even met a lovely gentleman, Arthur, who was actually wearing a pink bow tie – and who told me with pride that his grandfather used to wear a tutu in the village square! Apparently, Solihull has quite a history of eccentric fashion and it all started right in Arthur's family! πŸ’–

Of course, no trip to a new city is complete without exploring its culinary delights! Now, I am all for trying local specialities, and you’ll never believe this, but Solihull is known for its amazing pastry and pies. So, I just had to sample a local favourite – a delicious, pink raspberry meringue pie! I have to say, the flavour was quite divine, and it was absolutely tutu-ly scrumptious! It paired so well with a cup of sparkling pink lemonade! πŸ˜‰

And of course, you just cannot visit Solihull without a dose of their stunning theatrical offerings! Oh darling, the local theatre was a true marvel of architectural beauty and artistry, not to mention the breathtaking ballet performance! The dancers were graceful, expressive, and quite simply amazing, making my toes curl with delight. I felt transported to a different world, where every step was infused with passion and emotion. My heart sang with every twirl and leap. I swear I felt a pink spark shoot from my fingertips every time they extended, and when the show ended, my feet had already begun to itch for the ballet barre! πŸ’ƒπŸ©°

Of course, after the show, a visit to the local pub for a celebratory beverage is a must. You just have to be ready to let loose, tell a few jokes and twirl for the crowd when they come up for the dance. There I discovered that, to my delight, everyone loved dancing to a bit of ballet street! Even the bartender joined in, which only fuelled my desire to make everyone want to wear a pink tutu!

My dear readers, let me tell you, Solihull stole my heart. Its beauty, charm, and inclusiveness really resonated with the pink tutu spirit that I champion! As I boarded my train back to Derbyshire, a wave of joy washed over me. This had truly been a week of joy, connection, and discovering something special. And you know what? It solidified my belief that pink tutus are truly universal! They can be worn by anyone, anywhere, and they can bring so much magic and beauty to the world.

But it's not just the town itself that I will always remember. The locals I met - those open hearts, eager smiles, and playful laughter - they're a big part of what makes Solihull a place that will forever have a special place in my heart. Now, let's see how quickly we can all embrace a pink tutu in our lives, darlings!

Remember, this was just a snippet of my time in Solihull. For even more adventures and sparkly revelations, keep a look out on www.pink-tutu.com for daily blog updates and more! Let’s go, darlings, we have a world to transform into a pink tutu-filled utopia!

See you on the dance floor! πŸ’‹πŸ’–

Your Tutu Queen, Alex aka Pink Tutu Sparkles πŸ‘‘

#TutuQueen on 2019-11-01 stars in Solihull