Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-12-07 stars in New York

New York, New York!

Hello darlings,

It’s your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, back with post number 7281 for you lovelies, and boy oh boy, are you going to love what I’m about to spill the tea on! This is going to be one of the best blog posts EVER! Hold on to your tutus, ladies, because Pink Tutu Sparkles is landing in the Big Apple for a whole week of glorious, sparkling, pink, magical fun!

Let me tell you, the excitement is through the roof. You know, darling, I don't just wear pink tutus for fun. My mission is to get EVERYBODY twirling and sparkling in this most magnificent garment! It's all about that inner child, that child who dreams in swirls and pirouettes, who wants to dance in the sunbeams. And let me tell you, New York is practically a dream come true! From the bright lights to the grand theatres, every corner is brimming with magic. And guess who's bringing even more sparkle to the city that never sleeps? You've got it – this Tutu Queen right here!

Let me tell you about the journey, loves. I traveled in style, of course, because what's a fabulous drag queen without a touch of glamor? I opted for a first-class train journey, because nothing says "diva" like relaxing in a plush leather seat, sipping champagne, and gazing out at the ever-changing scenery. Of course, I couldn't forget my most loyal companion – my trusty pink tutu. It felt positively delighted to be taking a long-distance adventure!

So, you're probably wondering, what kind of glorious events is a Tutu Queen going to get up to in a city as fantastic as New York? Well, you know your girl loves a bit of culture, so there's no way I'm missing out on a ballet performance or two. The American Ballet Theatre? Oh yes! Those costumes and sets are going to be to die for. Plus, I'm totally planning on squeezing in some classes – ballet is such a beautiful art, and it never fails to leave me feeling completely mesmerised. Imagine me twirling amongst all the graceful ballerinas! What a fabulous day that will be!

And for all the shopaholics out there – have I got some news for you! It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without a bit of retail therapy, now would it? You know I've got my eyes set on some stunning, pink, frothy tutu-inspired garments for my next drag act. This is New York, darlings! The shops are just calling out my name. The sales are gonna be sensational. This week is all about unleashing that fabulous inner Queen of Style and splashing out on the most perfect outfit for my shows. Oh, it's going to be a sight for sore eyes!

Now, you’ve probably noticed my fab blog is filled with amazing photos. I mean, come on! How can I resist the allure of capturing my spectacular outfits? But what makes the blog really come alive, my darlings, are the pictures! I want you all to be in New York with me, even if it’s just for a little peek! I’m going to share it ALL: every twirl, every dazzling smile, every glamorous moment. This trip is already looking phenomenal. Imagine me performing in a beautiful theater, with spotlights bouncing off my magnificent pink tutu. Pure bliss!

And here’s a secret – I'm actually looking forward to seeing how my usual flamboyant wardrobe will pop in a city that never stops sparkling. Now, some may think that it's a bit much for a trip to New York. They’d be wrong! I wouldn't have it any other way. My tutu's always packed and ready to bring the party wherever I go! And don’t even get me started on how exciting it will be to experience New York through a pink lens.

You know, dearies, you might be surprised to learn that this pink-loving queen started life as Alex. I was, I think, the most average guy you could imagine! Well, not really, because I was and still am a brilliant scientist! Yes, you heard that right. This glamorous, sparkly diva works in a lab testing fabric by day and becomes a dazzling drag star by night.

It all started back at uni, you know. Studying science with all those beakers and microscopes is definitely a good recipe for a flamboyant future. But really, the start of it all was during a university charity event! The student club wanted to have a fancy-dress fundraiser so I just tried on this massive, amazing tutu... I’m not kidding! It was literally the most incredible thing, all frills and sparkles and twirls! From that moment, I was officially, completely hooked. Pink was always my colour (I just don’t see the appeal of all that grey!), so what else could I wear but pink, gorgeous tutues?

From Derbyshire to the Big Apple – you just can't beat the magical pull of this pink world, darling! Every trip I take with my fabulous tutu by my side just makes my inner glitter bug buzz with delight. The whole experience makes me feel absolutely alive and full of sparkle. And this time, darling, is going to be EXTRA SPECIAL! I just know it. Stay tuned for the pictures, the adventures, the stories, and even some exciting details on where and how I’m bringing a bit of my own magical glitter to New York. You'll definitely want to check back in tomorrow to find out!

Till then, twirl your way through your day and embrace the wonder!

Love, kisses, and glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2019-12-07 stars in New York