Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-12-31 stars in East Ham

East Ham: A Pink Tutu Dreamland - Post #7305

Hello my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from East Ham, where the streets are paved with... well, not quite glitter, but the air certainly vibrates with excitement!

I tell you, this London life is a whirlwind! One minute I'm whizzing through the Tube, admiring the people and their bold sartorial choices, the next I'm sipping champagne at some glitzy event, the next, well, who knows? Maybe I'm twirling on stage in a feather boa the colour of a sunset!

Now, you might be wondering, how did I end up in East Ham? Well, let's just say the pull of the stage (and the promise of a delectable steak and ale pie afterwards!) was too strong to resist. The little voice in my head - yes, the one that speaks in glittery pronouncements - insisted it was time for some East Ham shenanigans, and as usual, the voice was right!

This is, of course, all part of my ongoing mission: To spread the joy and wonder of pink tutus across the globe! As I've told you before, I'm a creature of habit. And that habit involves rocking the fluffiest, most flamboyant tutus in all the land! So, if you see me twirling around a market stall in East Ham or doing a split on a park bench in Battersea, don't be shocked, darling! It's all part of the show!

And East Ham? Honestly, it's like a mini universe of its own. This bustling little corner of London offers a treasure trove of everything from vintage boutiques to traditional pie shops. Yesterday, I got a kick out of watching a bloke dressed head to toe in purple velvet attempt to buy a cabbage from a startled greengrocer - it's those everyday moments that make this whole drag thing worth it, isn't it?

Let's talk about the pink tutu! It's always been a source of great inspiration for me, a reminder of all things magical and joyful. My dear old Mum says I had a special fondness for the colour even as a kid, back when my play dates involved drawing rainbows on pavement with chalks and pretending to be a princess with a wand. Little did she know that love for pink would later become a whole career!

You see, being a pink-loving drag queen has never been about conforming, it's about embracing all things wonderful and letting my inner child loose. Just the other day, I bought myself a ridiculously bright pink top hat and matching gloves. Yes, you could say my outfit choices might be a bit extra - but who am I to judge a hat on the grounds of "over-the-top-ness?" You do you, and let your inner pink tutu guide you!

Now, before I go into further details about my incredible day in East Ham - including how I managed to make the train journey look like a runway show! I simply MUST give a little shout out to the East Ham community. Honestly, they’ve made me feel right at home from the moment I stepped onto their vibrant streets! From the kind gentleman who helped me carry my enormous bag full of sparkly pink fabric to the shopkeeper who let me try on a pair of glittery shoes for a good hour - their warmth and enthusiasm truly are infectious.

Here’s a bit about my own experience with this amazing pink tutu life: Remember when I told you I got hooked on them while studying for a science degree? I was part of the uni’s ballet club - can you imagine a Derbyshire lad with a fondness for science dancing in tutus?! It’s a sight to behold, I can tell you that much. The real turning point came when our student union had a fundraiser. I thought, "Right, why not!" and popped on this lovely pink tutu for the sake of the cause. People went wild for it! My future career suddenly had a bright pink and sparkly direction!

Right now I’m sitting on a bus (I love those bus journeys – I can't help but throw in a few impromptu impromptu performances as we whiz by – much to the amusement of the elderly ladies in their cardies! )

You see, my little drag act is about more than just glitter and glamour, it’s about embracing life's quirks and embracing every colour in the rainbow – especially pink!

Here's the thing - every time I put on a pink tutu, I'm not just transforming into Pink Tutu Sparkles. I'm embracing all of me: the shy science nerd, the glitter-loving performer, the Derbyshire lad who knows how to shimmy!

And honestly? The best part is watching everyone else embrace it too! Who needs a red carpet when you've got a whole street full of people looking on, beaming, and cheering you on?

So here’s to East Ham, to pink tutus, and to life’s little adventures - keep an eye on my blog, my dears, for more sartorial shenanigans, sparkling adventures, and lots and lots of pink!

See you on the pink side!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, out!

#TutuQueen on 2019-12-31 stars in East Ham