Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-01-27 stars in Dewsbury

Dewsbury Delights: Tutu Travels Take Me To Yorkshire! 💖

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another dazzling instalment from my fabulous adventures. Today’s blog is all about my trip to Dewsbury! You’re gonna love this one, trust me, it was so much fun and just the ticket to brighten up those January blues. This is blog post number 7332 on my journey to get the whole world wearing a pink tutu, and with each new day I feel like I'm getting closer!

So, how did I end up in Dewsbury? Well, as always, the path to glitter was paved with performances and, let's be honest, an insatiable desire for a good train journey. Dewsbury is, in my expert opinion, a little bit of hidden gem – and one of my all-time favourite things to do is to go off on a day trip to somewhere unexpected and embrace the unexpected, but fabulous, adventures that come with it!

Before we delve into the delights of Dewsbury, I must tell you about the journey, a journey made extra special thanks to the gorgeous shade of pink that covered every aspect of my outfit. It's truly the shade of my soul, y'know? From my fluffy pink tulle tutu, the one with all the layers and the shimmering sparkles, to the matching pink satin blouse (gotta have that extra touch of elegance, darling!), my look was fit for a princess! And let's not forget my pink feather boa, swirling and swaying in the wind like a fluffy pink cloud, as I waltzed through the train station!

The train ride was an experience in itself. The countryside whizzed past, painting a picture of winter beauty, and the people on board, well, let’s just say, I did what I do best – brightened up their day with my exuberant presence! Who could resist a wave and a giggle? A sprinkle of Pink Tutu Sparkles is all you need to add a little sunshine to the darkest of days.

Upon arrival at the picturesque Dewsbury train station, I felt an almost magical buzz in the air. Could this be the legendary "Dewsbury Vibe", I wondered, whispering the phrase aloud while batting my eyelashes like a graceful, shimmering butterfly? This small Yorkshire town has an undeniable charm that pulls you in, like a beautifully dressed doll pulled by its strings.

Dewsbury, it seems, is full of little surprises. I started my exploration in the centre, bustling with shops, market stalls, and an almost electric energy that just begged to be embraced! Oh, and did I mention the tea? I had the most heavenly pot of Earl Grey, in a quaint little cafe called The Pink Parlour – the name spoke to my very soul.

Then, a stroke of utter brilliance, I discovered the "Dewsbury Little Theatre", nestled in a quaint alleyway just off the high street. It's a true gem! Stepping inside felt like entering a world of stories, of emotions, of theatre, the thing that feeds my soul! They were putting on a production of “The Sound of Music", a personal favourite, and my inner musical theatre queen started doing the shimmy. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay, but the lure of a potential "Pink Tutu Sparkles" appearance there was very real and I felt an immediate connection. Perhaps Dewsbury needs a splash of colour and a dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles? I have a feeling my adventures here aren't over.

After tea and a little theatre appreciation, I made my way to the heart of Dewsbury's cultural scene: The "Dewsbury Town Hall." Now, this building, with its stunning architecture and history, really knocked my socks off! I love history, you guys, it makes me feel so connected to the stories of the world! The intricate carvings, the impressive stained glass windows - it all whispered tales of generations past. As a lover of vintage glamour, it made me feel as though I’d travelled back in time! I almost felt an urge to unleash my "Pink Tutu Sparkles" on the town hall! Maybe an impromptu ballet performance in the main hall? Just an idea. 😉

But what truly made my day in Dewsbury were the locals. They welcomed me with such warmth, generosity, and laughter! Everywhere I went, they embraced the joy that is Pink Tutu Sparkles! Even a little boy in the market square asked for a selfie, and we did a little "Pink Tutu" shimmy, giggling at each other as though we were sharing a special, little secret. That’s the true magic of drag, right? Bringing people together and spreading joy, even to the youngest of audiences!

Later on, my Dewsbury day was blessed with a special discovery, the hidden gem of "Dewsbury Museum". Now, this was a total surprise. Tucked away from the main drag, but absolutely worth the search. The history was rich, a colourful tapestry of textiles, mining, and everyday life from long ago, something I’m very much connected with in my day job as a fabric technician in the lab. Even with my day job, I try to inject a little pink into the routine! Just yesterday, I used a pink dye for the lab’s new experimental testing! It even reminded me of my university days when I discovered the sheer brilliance of pink tutus. Those were the days! Studying science at university, all the lab coats, then heading out in my sparkly pink tutu to perform at the university ballet club! My best friend Sarah even helped me sew my first tutu out of an old ballet skirt, we both just giggled for hours! Sarah is my biggest supporter in my Pink Tutu Sparkles adventures, and I’m forever grateful to her for pushing me to take the plunge into the wonderful world of drag! It’s all about being true to yourself, you know, whatever that may be!

The Museum was a kaleidoscope of stories, each one woven into the fabric of Dewsbury's identity. I stood in awe, letting myself be captivated by the historical magic swirling around me. It's always wonderful to immerse yourself in different worlds, to appreciate the history that unfolds around you and then share it with others!

As dusk painted the sky with beautiful shades of orange and purple, I boarded my train back to the bustling metropolis, my heart filled with Dewsbury's magic. This trip had given me a newfound appreciation for the smaller, less obvious gems waiting to be discovered in this world. It also gave me a few ideas for future Pink Tutu Sparkles performances! Perhaps a dazzling display in front of Dewsbury Town Hall or even a whimsical ballet performance on the town square? Whatever it may be, I’ll keep you posted, darlings!

Dewsbury, you charmed my heart, stole my attention, and ignited a spark of excitement within me, the kind of excitement that makes me want to twirl my tutu and sing a chorus of joyful “la la las"! But you also taught me an important lesson: there is magic in the unexpected. So, if you're looking for a little dose of inspiration and an unforgettable adventure, consider adding Dewsbury to your itinerary. And remember, it's always a good time to wear a pink tutu, so get ready to twirl and sparkle, darlings, because life is truly fabulous! 💖

Until next time, stay sparkly!

Yours, Pink Tutu Sparkles ✨

P.S.: Did you know that Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about getting the world wearing pink tutus? I’m holding a competition! Take a photo of yourself, your friends, your family wearing pink tutus, and send it in to win a sparkly surprise! You can share your photo using the hashtag #PinkTutuChallenge and tag my Instagram @PinkTutuSparkles. Let's spread the joy of pink tutus, darlings!

Don't forget to check out my website: www.pink-tutu.com.

#TutuQueen on 2020-01-27 stars in Dewsbury