
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-03-21 stars in Fleet

Fleet, Berkshire: Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on the Thames Valley!

Hiya my gorgeous Tutu Tribe! Welcome to post number 7386 on the Pink Tutu Sparkles blog. Today I'm bursting with excitement to share my latest adventures! I've travelled from the wilds of Derbyshire, across the rolling green countryside, to the historical town of Fleet in Berkshire - and it's been an absolute hoot!

But before we dive into the adventures, let me just say ā€“ THIS is why I LOVE travelling! Getting on a train, a big, gleaming, metal beast with its own heartbeat, that whizzes you across the country, to discover new sights, sounds, and the chance to spread a little Pink Tutu Sparkles magic! I might have traded my ballet shoes for trusty trainers for this trip, but let's be real, it was still about the journey, the change of scene and the opportunity to see how this fab little town embraced a little pink tutu power!

Fleet is brimming with history, I felt like I'd been flung back in time as soon as I arrived. Cobblestone streets, half-timbered buildings, the River Thames rippling serenely in the sunshine - I felt a tiny bit like I'd stepped into a Jane Austen novel!

Now, you might think it's a bit unusual, taking my pink tutu act to such a quintessentially English setting, but you know what? The world needs more pink tutu joy! Every single corner needs a flash of fuchsia, every single street a twirl of tulle. That's the mission, people, and itā€™s one I am passionate about!

So how did I infiltrate Fleet with my pink tutu power? Well, let me tell you, my darlings, it was a journey as pink and sparkly as a unicorn on a sugar rush! I'm going to give you a little tour of my day, complete with all the glittery, joyous bits.

Morning: The Fabric of my Tutu-licious Dreams

Iā€™m a scientist, right? But when you think scientist, you might not think ā€œfashionā€ ā€“ or ā€œpink tutuā€! But honestly, being in a lab helps me with my Pink Tutu Sparkles performance! It's about taking something serious ā€“ science - and making it exciting, even playful. I know I'm a little unusual - a scientist, a drag queen, who is obsessed with pink tutus. But, then again, that's kind of what I'm all about, isn't it? Bringing joy and colour and magic into even the most serious corners of the world!

That morning Iā€™d been down at the lab testing fabric - not the sequins and lace youā€™d find in a Tutu Queen's wardrobe, but everyday fabrics you find in clothes! I test them for their quality, for how long they last, how much they will wear. It might not sound glamorous, but trust me, this knowledge helps my stage wardrobe last a little longer. You know how many times a big twirl on stage will rip a sequin right off your tutu! Itā€™s science that saves me from a wardrobe malfunction!

It had been a pretty early start - a morning train from Derby. And trust me, wearing a hot pink tutu on a packed carriage is a brave (or maybe foolish) move! Even when the early morning light turned my tutu a pale shade of lilac. But that's what a Pink Tutu Queen does - she takes the unexpected head-on and turns it into a chance to spread the joy of colour. Even with a slight shade shift!

After the lab, it was time for me to become my ultimate self. I was excited for the big moment, you see, as the day was the launch of my latest "Pink Tutu Challenge!" I was going to start at a local school - making their lunchtime extra special!

Lunchtime: The Pink Tutu Sparkles School Invasion!

I had no doubt theyā€™d embrace the Pink Tutu Challenge with open arms. But honestly, I couldnā€™t have imagined how wonderfully they took it all in. My little heart just burst with pride and joy at how easily they caught the spirit! It was the moment of truth, my darlings - could I spread the Pink Tutu love and bring even a single school into the Pink Tutu revolution?!

So, there I was - the fabulous, fuchsia-fantastic Pink Tutu Sparkles right there at Fleet Pond School! It was amazing. All those little, curious eyes and all that giggling and delight. The first sign of joy was from Miss Smith - she is the teacher who kindly let me stage a Pink Tutu surprise flashmob during lunchtime. It was as much of a surprise to Miss Smith as it was to the children - she didnā€™t even know about it beforehand. Miss Smith is very traditional and quite staid. I really hoped I hadn't done anything embarrassing, but actually, Iā€™d never felt so proud!

They just had this sense of awe in their eyes! And then I felt it... that Tutu Sparkles feelingā€¦ you know, when something you do with a little bit of passion creates such joy. The smiles and gasps and then a cacophony of laughter and applause... that was all it took - and I'd hooked the school on my Tutu Challenge!

It was a scene straight from one of my dreams - kids jumping about to a sugary pop tune - all wearing pink tutus and looking as radiant and pink as a cherry blossom.

And how did we convince every child to wear pink tutus? Well, in a fabulous turn of events the school already owned a ā€œmagicā€ pink tutu costume box. Every child gets the chance to dress up for events in the school - and there was a little surprise hiding in that treasure trove. The magical box contained not just tutus, but also all sorts of pink, shimmering fairy wings. My own pink tutu wardrobe has got nothing on the costume collection they have in that box - we even managed to find a tiny little sparkly silver crown for Miss Smith so she looked more like a magical fairy!

A little bit of magic goes a long way - and by the end of lunchtime I knew it - my Tutu challenge was off to a flying start!

Afternoon: Pink Tutu Performance at Fleet Street Theatre!

As afternoon approached, I found myself buzzing with nervous energy. After a schoolyard filled with children's glee, it was time for an adult crowd. A little daunting for any queen, especially one like me who finds a stage can get awfully bright!

It wasnā€™t that I was scared of my Fleet audience, it was just that I wanted to do a good job. You know how it is. The bigger the crowd the bigger the chance for that all-important Pink Tutu message.

So, I made my way to the theatre! Not the most obvious venue for my Tutu act! A little dusty and the theatreā€™s velvet seats were worn. A bit like it was from another era - like a venue from the Victorian age! It was actually a beautiful theatre - the kind that would transport me to an entirely different time. I couldnā€™t have picked a better spot to perform, if I wanted to give a pink tutu twist on an old story - itā€™s kind of the whole reason I'm obsessed with travelling in the first place! The chance to take my little bit of pink, shiny joy and bring it to all these unexpected places!

It felt amazing being in the back room - I mean, the room is what you see in the background if youā€™re sitting in the balcony! This was backstage! This is where the real Tutu Queen magic happened! I even spotted a couple of kids wearing pink tutus. They were actually taking part in an amateur dramatics workshop with an up-and-coming stage manager - the theatre is great like that! Always encouraging local artists, which always gives a queen such a sense of satisfaction!

I could hear the buzz of a theatre audience from down the hall - and my heart was pounding, I wanted to make my Fleet debut memorable! So, there I was, my hair perfectly preened, a flash of fuschia, ready to make history, or at least, make history at the Fleet Street Theatre! I went from a tiny bit nervous to completely overwhelmed, because all these amazing people were welcoming me and giving me a standing ovation before Iā€™d even spoken a word. Oh how a queen feels truly cherished - and I knew at that moment this was all about the pink tutu power of being a drag artist!

I told everyone to embrace the power of their inner Pink Tutu Queen and everyone had a whale of a time, everyone joined in with the dances and even had a go at twirling a sparkly, shimmering pink tutu - I'm not sure anyone even knew their legs would go in that direction before my Tutu sparkles challenge!

But trust me, thereā€™s not a thing more satisfying for a queen than knowing she can make someone feel confident and sparkly and joyous, because the tutu magic works and people just want to let go and enjoy it! It's a simple concept but the results speak for themselves - pink is the new black. And this pink queen, she's gonna make sure everyone in this town wears pink tutus, no matter how reluctant they might be!

My performance at the Fleet Street Theatre wasn't just another night out for Pink Tutu Sparkles. It was my chance to bring the pink tutu power to the real world - it's about helping to change peopleā€™s ideas. Thereā€™s this special moment in time, thatā€™s all it takes - that special spark, the twinkle of something pink and joyous and a queenā€™s tutu makes people just a bit less rigid in their thinking and makes them laugh. Thatā€™s my message to the world ā€“ just let go, just be, just wear a pink tutu and twirl with abandon!

That's all for tonight folks. But join me tomorrow, where I'm on to new adventures! If you want a peek into the next part of my journey, follow my pink sparkly adventures and join the Pink Tutu Tribe. Don't forget to share your pink tutu moments with me at www.pink-tutu.com.

Stay pink, my darling, stay sparkly! And donā€™t forget to twirl.

#TutuQueen on 2020-03-21 stars in Fleet