Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-13 stars in Airdrie

Airdrie, Scotland - Pink Tutu Sparkles Adventures!

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and today I'm so excited to be sharing post number 7409 with you! I’m bringing you all the glitz and glamour from my latest travels to the charming town of Airdrie, Scotland. This trip was full of enchanting experiences, from stunning architecture to a truly incredible ballet performance - let's dive in!

I must tell you, arriving in Airdrie by train was a pure delight. I love travelling by train - there’s just something about watching the landscape whizz by that feels utterly magical. And this time, it felt particularly special, as I could tell the magic was about to truly begin.

As soon as I arrived in Airdrie, I felt an energy, a sense of something exciting brewing, and as always, I just knew this was going to be a phenomenal trip. And to top it all off, the weather was just glorious! Sunny, warm and perfect for strutting around town in my favourite pink tutu, which of course I was absolutely rocking! I felt a little like a giant cupcake floating through town.

Speaking of the town itself, oh my darlings, I'm smitten with Airdrie! It's just charming. Full of cobbled streets and quirky little shops that felt bursting with personality. You know, the kind that have a beautiful scent of old books, old cheese, and of course, gorgeous clothing. Every corner I turned, there was a new little shop to explore! My inner shopaholic was positively delighted!

Dancing in Airdrie!

And oh my, what a delightful treat I found in Airdrie: The local ballet school! I simply had to pop in, darling. It felt so enchanting. The air buzzed with anticipation. Children's giggles and the soft clink of ballet shoes echoing in the halls… Such joyful music!

It brought back memories of my university days. You see, darling, my first ever encounter with a tutu was back then, while I was studying science. Back then, a little nerdy Alex was a member of the university ballet club. For a charity fundraiser, they did a tutus-only performance. I remember that little pink number so vividly, it was almost meant to be. I felt like a fairy, like I had wings, like I could float! And in that moment, the spark of a thousand tutus ignited inside me. And there was my fate: I was destined to bring the beauty and the joy of pink tutus to the world.

The ballet class in Airdrie was truly inspiring. It was fascinating to see such talented young dancers practicing, so gracefully and with so much dedication. Seeing their joy and passion, well, it really was like watching the world come alive! I was tempted to join them - there's nothing like a good ballet session! And for a moment I really wanted to just slip into a tutu and dance. Imagine the sheer, unbridled joy of that moment!

Speaking of tutus, it just dawned on me that I must share this absolutely incredible find I spotted in a vintage shop: a dazzling turquoise tutu. It was all feather boa, glittering sequins, and swirling silk! And oh darling, you would have died if you’d seen it! I think it's my new favourite colour! You know me, pink is my passion, but every now and again I like to break free of my comfort zone and wear a splash of colour. Don't worry, the pink tulle tutu collection will never be abandoned, but it is always fun to try something new, right?

A Sparkling Performance!

While in Airdrie, I also performed at the town’s biggest fair! Oh darling, it was a spectacle. Crowds filled the town square. All decked out in traditional Scottish kilts, tartan galore, it was such a colourful scene. It was the perfect place to spread the joy and sparkle of Pink Tutu Sparkles! I twirled and danced, spreading joy and laughter with each spin! And of course, no show of mine would be complete without some sparkly pink goodness!

What made the event extra special, however, was the sheer enthusiasm of the crowd. They loved my show! Their cheering, whistling, and the excited smiles on their faces - it felt so warm and inviting. And of course, they loved my little dance moves! And you can’t go to Scotland without doing the Scottish reels, a little Highland fling really does add a little spice! The most heartwarming moment was this little girl in the front row, eyes wide with wonder as she saw me. She was holding a handmade sign saying, “Tutu Queen! You're amazing!" Now, isn't that just heartwarming? You'll find a picture of it on my social media – be sure to check it out, darlings!

I feel so blessed to spread the sparkle and cheer of pink tutus with people of all ages. There is truly nothing better than making others happy.

A Pink Tutu Surprise!

But before I leave Airdrie, darling, I have to tell you about the most delightful surprise: right as I was preparing to head back to the station, guess what I spotted? An amazing little shop that had a sign right out front: “Tutus for everyone!" Can you even imagine my excitement?

They had rows upon rows of glorious tutus in every shade of pink, a little touch of turquoise, and even some beautiful ones in shades of lavender, darling. And yes, I couldn't resist treating myself to a new addition for my ever-growing tutu collection! I can't wait to try it on! It was this delicate, feathery pink tutu. Just picture it, a light and airy masterpiece perfect for twirling. I know it will be a big hit on my next stage performance, that's for sure.

As the sun began to set on Airdrie, it painted the sky in stunning hues of orange and purple, reflecting on the River Clyde as I made my way back to the station. This little adventure has truly left a shimmering, sparkling, and bright pink imprint on my heart. There’s no place quite like Scotland! I felt so inspired! You know what, darlings, it’s got me thinking… perhaps a tour of all the charming towns of Scotland is next!

Tutu Tales!

Remember darlings, life is too short for beige tutus. The only limit to pink tutus is your imagination. Be bold, be confident and always keep that spark alive! Don’t forget to share your pink tutu tales with me. What are your favourite pink tutu moments? Send them over, I’m just waiting for them to grace the pages of www.pink-tutu.com! And please don’t forget to join me on this fantastical journey!

Until next time, my darlings! Let's sparkle together!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2020-04-13 stars in Airdrie