Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-22 stars in Borehamwood

Borehamwood, Oh Borehamwood, You've Got My Tutu In a Twist!

Hello my lovely darlings, welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! You know how much I love a good travel adventure, so let me tell you all about my fabulous time in Borehamwood, the sparkly town that stole my tutu-clad heart. It's post number 7418, and honestly, this little gem might just be the most fabulous entry yet!

This whole week has been such a whirl of excitement and sequins! I landed in Borehamwood (don't judge, it's by train - super glamorous in my opinion!) and honestly, my heart was aflutter like a hummingbird in a teacup. You know how I feel about a little travel. But let me tell you, Borehamwood has a certain je ne sais quoi, a sprinkle of magic that gets your tutu twirling faster than a spinning ballerina.

For you newbies, I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles, the world's biggest pink tutu advocate (or at least that's what I'm working on!), and by day, I'm Alex, just a simple scientist with a very special side hustle! So you can imagine the kind of outfit I packed for Borehamwood! Imagine a delicate shade of blush pink with delicate embroidery and layers upon layers of tulle - a proper tutu masterpiece, if I do say so myself!

As soon as I stepped off the train, I was immediately hit with this fantastic, retro charm. Picture charming streets lined with cafes that have been there since the '50s, with brightly painted window displays - honestly, I felt like I was in a vintage postcard come to life! But enough about the delightful scenery, it was the local drag scene in Borehamwood that really captured my fancy. The people, the vibes, it all just had a special kind of glittery goodness.

My first stop was this adorable little bar called "The Twirling Thistle". You could practically smell the drama as you entered - think velvet curtains, low lighting, and even a chandelier made of shimmering silver tassels. The crowd was as colourful as a box of rainbow candies, each with their own sparkle, and I just had to share my love of the pink tutu with these wonderful people.

It was a proper riot of laughs and lip-syncs, the kind of evening that fills your heart with pure joy. Did I mention the show I put on? It was themed "The Pink Tutu Ball," and you can just imagine the dazzling costume and routine! After all, you can’t be called the Queen of the Tutu if you don’t put on a show. My fabulous pink tutu literally shimmered with joy - it’s my lucky tutu after all!

Afterward, I met this delightful group of fellow drag performers - all fabulously stylish, with looks to kill and personalities that would make you burst with laughter! They gave me the insider scoop on Borehamwood and it turns out, it has a hidden gem – this fabulous theatre tucked away on a quiet street.

So imagine my delight, it's like walking into a mini palace, all adorned with stunning Victorian details, yet radiating that exciting buzz of a real-life fairy-tale. And guess what, they were putting on a performance of “The Nutcracker!” Talk about perfect for a girl like me, and what’s better, they were absolutely welcoming to my big pink tutu – like an instant dance buddy! I even went back stage after the performance - everyone there was so charming, even offering to touch my tutu with adoration!

For the next day, it was all about Borehamwood's hidden fashion treasures, tucked away amongst all the vintage loveliness. Picture charming little boutiques brimming with all things chic. Now I wouldn’t be Pink Tutu Sparkles without indulging in a little retail therapy, and you can believe, my luggage got a whole lot heavier after this shopping spree!

Let’s just say a couple of silk scarves, a glamorous velvet beret (and some stunning new tights, obviously!), all for a special, sassy addition to my wardrobe! The ladies in the shops even let me model the garments! (It helps that a little twirl in the changing rooms makes everyone laugh!). Honestly, every place I went, I felt this warm, inclusive vibe. Everyone just embraces the fabulous.

But honestly, darling, my experience wasn't just about glitz and glam. Borehamwood surprised me with a quiet charm too. For a moment of tranquility after the glitter and glam, I spent a little time strolling in a hidden, leafy park just outside the centre of town. Now you might be surprised to learn I’m not entirely girly-girl all the time - my science background loves a good dose of natural serenity and peace! Imagine serene paths, glistening streams, and even some adorable baby squirrels!

By this point in the day, my outfit was in need of a serious refreshment. And guess what - Borehamwood delivered in a fabulous fashion. I found a local dry cleaner who knew just how to handle a masterpiece of a pink tutu (even threw in a lovely feather boa!) Now the dry cleaner isn’t usually where you’d expect to find glamorous friends, but let me tell you – they are absolutely THE place to gossip about the local drag scene, with more drama than the daytime telly shows!

The next morning, it was time for another exciting stop - The Elstree Studios. Imagine a real-life movie set, full of cinematic magic! Now you can just imagine, this fashionista found an absolute wonderland for her creative spirit! With beautiful backdrops and sets that were just begging to be photographed in the perfect pink tutu outfit, of course!

Honestly, if you're looking for a place to take your tutu out for a real photoshoot – consider the back alleys and quirky alleyways of Borehamwood! They offer that perfect combination of urban grit with vintage chic! I actually ended up filming some of my drag dance practice there, and it was just as exciting as it sounds! And now, those clips are a feature on my YouTube channel - you're not going to want to miss that! (A cheeky plug never hurt!)

The final day in Borehamwood was a bittersweet affair, a mixture of heartfelt gratitude and longing for the magic to linger just a little longer. I went for one last browse in the charming local shops (can you tell I have a soft spot for vintage charm!), found a couple of pink-tutu-themed postcards for the collection (after all, every city deserves a pink tutu souvenir!), and then… it was time for me to go.

You know, the journey back on the train wasn't sad, not really. Because it wasn't a goodbye - it was a "see you soon" kind of moment. Borehamwood, you left me feeling so inspired and completely in love with everything about this delightful little town - it has a heart of glitter and sparkle that will be forever etched into my memory. And maybe, just maybe, you've inspired me to make a permanent home in this beautiful and welcoming town… just might be a chance for me to open a pink tutu boutique - a place where every single person in Borehamwood could have a tutu just waiting to twirl!

Until next time, my lovely friends. Keep twirling, keep sparkling and most importantly - KEEP THAT PINK TUTU DREAM ALIVE!

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-22 stars in Borehamwood