
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-06-28 stars in Portsmouth

Portsmouth, Pink and Sparkles! āœØšŸ’–

Hello my lovely tutu-licious readers! It's your favourite pink-tastic drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you for post number 7485! Buckle up, darlings, because today we're taking a whirl through the charming city of Portsmouth, a journey that's all about sparkles, pink, and a whole lot of tutus!

This time around, I decided to ditch the usual plane trip and travel in true Pink Tutu style - by train! Oh, the sheer joy of watching the countryside fly by as the steam engine chugged along! It really puts things into perspective, wouldn't you agree? A little slower pace, a bit more contemplation, and a whole lot more time to appreciate the simple things. Itā€™s all about finding that perfect balance between being a glamorous drag queen and being a bit of a dreamer. And wouldnā€™t you know it, I found a perfectly fitting pair of pink ballet flats for the occasion, a touch of glamour even when travelling by train.

Reaching Portsmouth was a dream come true, my darlings. The vibrant harbour, the historic architecture, the smell of salt in the air ā€“ itā€™s like a fairytale town plucked straight out of a book. My heart was practically bursting with anticipation as I knew the city had an absolute trove of tutu-licious possibilities waiting for me!

Of course, any trip of mine is incomplete without a spot of shopping! Iā€™ve got to say, Portsmouth didn't disappoint. The high street was a rainbow of colour, and the boutiques positively brimmed with everything from vintage fascinators to sparkling pink tutus! There's just something about vintage, isn't there? A feeling of timelessness, a reminder of forgotten eras and the power of creativity! I scored myself a gorgeous new tulle boa that's practically begging to be used on stage, and let's just say that my collection of pink shoes is growing ever more fabulously. And a trip to Portsmouth wouldn't be complete without a detour into one of the historic cafes for a proper pot of tea, served in a china cup! A delightful experience, it really takes me back to my time as a young scientist in Derbyshireā€¦ I had to remind myself to be in drag while at the table, it is far too easy to just be Alex for a few minutes in these lovely settings!

Speaking of ā€œback to being Alex,ā€ as Iā€™m writing this Iā€™m in a lovely cosy room at the Royal Victoria Hotel in Southsea. With all this travelling I have a day off in the morning before heading down to a wonderful little community center where I have an hourā€™s set, followed by a meet and greet with my fans. And of course, I wouldnā€™t be Pink Tutu Sparkles if I wasnā€™t encouraging everyone I meet to join the ā€œpink tutu movementā€, so who knows, perhaps Portsmouth is going to have a little bit of pink tutu magic tonight? You know you want to be the centre of attention at a community hall too!

Now, on to the highlight of my trip. I found myself completely charmed by the beautiful Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. Not just the magnificent ships, oh no! They had this stunning building - the National Museum of the Royal Navy. As an admirer of all things maritime, I felt a tingle of excitement walk through its doors. Imagine, centuries of history, all brought to life with meticulously curated exhibitions, artifacts, and interactive displays! You could truly feel the grandeur and bravery of naval heroes of old, and the stories behind each display were captivating!

As I explored, a little light bulb went off. And that light bulb wasnā€™t just any light bulb, it was a bright pink neon light bulb that screams ā€œTutu inspiration!ā€. The bold hues of maritime flags, the meticulous precision of the ship's rigging - it was all an unspoken call for a tutu-inspired nautical ensemble! My mind whirred, picturing an enchanting nautical-themed drag show. Imagine - pink tulle skirts billowing in the wind, a vibrant sequin top to rival the glistening ocean surface, and, of course, a majestic sailor's hat, just for good measure. My readers, I canā€™t promise it won't become a realityā€¦ but watch this space, there might be a sailorā€™s tutu show happening at some point this summer, watch this space.

And as my journey in Portsmouth winds down, I can't help but feel a profound sense of satisfaction. It was a beautiful weekend full of adventures, memories, and plenty of opportunities to spread my love of pink and twirling tutus. Portsmouth will always hold a special place in my heart, a city where pink and sparkles reign supreme!

I'll leave you with this, my dear friends, never shy away from embracing the unique spirit of drag. Be bold, be vibrant, and donā€™t be afraid to wear a pink tutu on your next adventure! Itā€™s time to unleash your inner spark!

Until next time,

Your beloved Pink Tutu Sparkles! šŸ’–āœØ

P.S Donā€™t forget to pop over to www.pink-tutu.com to see all of the exciting, pink and sparkling things that are going on.

#TutuQueen on 2020-06-28 stars in Portsmouth