Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-25 stars in Oxford

Oxford Sparkle!

Pink Tutu Sparkles Presents - Blog Post 7512

Oh, darling, how utterly splendid to be back in Oxford! It's like stepping into a postcard. My little pink heart was literally doing a pirouette in my chest as I beheld the dreaming spires. Let's get this fabulous fiesta started!

It's a lovely day in Oxfordshire, and I am on the verge of sheer delight! Today's blog is a particularly joyous one - a journey, darlings! Not your run-of-the-mill jaunt, no, this is the stuff of dreams, all shimmer and sparkle, and of course, pink tutus!

Let me back up a tad. You see, I've been in training! It wasn't just about the gym, darling, although my glutes certainly appreciated the extra attention. No, I've been taking masterclasses - in ballet, darling! I absolutely adore watching and performing ballets. I have my own Strictly Pink Ballet Club now and my darling tutu sisters adore the classes as much as I do. We are all so much happier with more pink tutus in our lives and learning some lovely moves, just like in the ballerinas and the ballerinos who perform on the world's famous stages!

Now, if you are wondering how I travel to my various performances and masterclasses in such a fabulous style, then fear not darling, as my answer is a gloriously easy and fashionable one! If it's local I jump on the back of my little darling 'Buttercup', my darling dappled grey mare. She loves the attention when she carries me around, although my pink tutus can be a bit sticky.

However, sometimes I travel by train to further flung destinations. Why, only last month, I did a fab 'Pink Tutu Promenade' across the highlands, a performance for a big gala in the shadow of Ben Nevis. Just picture me, dear ones, in my full glory, shimmering across the landscape, spreading joy and rainbows as I go. Divine, darling.

This journey to Oxford is very special. I have to admit I adore history, I adore fashion and this place, darling! It's full of lovely old architecture. Did you know there are loads of theatres in Oxford? My mind is simply a-whirl with all the amazing locations that I might grace with my presence and sprinkle with pink tutu magic.

But let’s return to my adventures in the glorious, whimsical Oxford. You simply must know that the minute I set foot in this town, my heart did a triple pirouette with an extra sparkle thrown in! It's like walking through a whimsical fairytale. I couldn't resist popping into the lovely local bakery, just off Broad Street, where I snagged a pink iced bun. It felt destined to be! Oh, you should have seen the sheer delight on my face! It's literally like something out of a Victorian-era illustration, only in gloriously modern shades of pink.

I know some people think it's a bit over the top - the pink tutus, I mean, but honestly darling, a little pink never hurt anyone. In fact, it often makes people smile! It brings a bit of joy, darling, a touch of whimsy to the mundane.

Right now I am just sitting in my darling little boutique hotel, writing up this little blog. It has been decorated in my honour! The room has been draped in pink, from the chaise longue, to the lamp shades and of course, the most delectable fluffy pink pillows you ever did see. It was so kind of the lovely hotelier to decorate this place so spectacularly just for my stay, and it wasn't even that expensive darling, only £300 a night. A steal, if you ask me, and I have an ensuite!

I couldn't wait to slip on my most fabulous new sparkly pink tutu. It is just so fluffy and makes me feel like a giant dancing lollipop! I felt rather 'Cinderella' but as always I added my signature flair with an emerald green corset to give it a glamorous, edgy twist. After all, I like a bit of contrast darling.

As soon as I arrive anywhere, I like to get out and about, take it all in. And, well, it goes without saying, this town is calling my name! My plan is to set up a few surprise performances, for example, a spontaneous 'Pink Tutu Flashmob', just to bring a bit of glitter and sparkle into this fabulous city. The people have to see how much fun can be had with the colour pink, so that was on the itinerary, and of course, the beautiful Botanical Gardens!

Oxford has always held a special place in my little pink-tutu-clad heart. As you all know I adore ballet, so you will imagine how much fun I had, darling, watching the amazing dancers of the Oxford Ballet company! Oh, those pirouettes! Oh, those jumps! You could literally feel their sheer joy at being on the stage! Just gorgeous!

However, Oxford is far from just ballet, darling! There’s this wonderful little shop, I mean it was just meant to be. You won't believe it darling but it had the most perfect pink velvet coat, with sequins and frills all the way! I've been after a pink velvet coat forever and forever and ever! It is simply divine, it cost £650 but it is just gorgeous, worth every penny I would say. Just wait till I wear it in the next Pink Tutu Revue!

Oxford has some very interesting characters, it’s hard to avoid noticing them! A lovely chap in an almost too-long tweed coat called out to me 'Nice Tutu!' in the park, where else would it happen darling. But my favourite moment was the one when I went to visit this gorgeous art gallery - I mean so stunning darling. They have the most spectacular Victorian art collection, all very grand. I couldn’t help myself, so I wandered through, doing little pirouettes as I went! Some of the older people weren’t impressed with my style of dance, however the younger ones and particularly the kids absolutely loved it!

To me Oxford's like a giant, living history book, full of hidden treasures. It also happens to have a thriving artistic scene which is lovely for me! I popped along to see a wonderful drag queen who is local to Oxford. Now she is certainly a character, and the costumes she wore! Just dazzling. The only way to describe them, darlings, would be ‘outrageously creative’, she used feathers and sequins. However, she just couldn't seem to embrace the pink. Not even with my encouragement! But you know me darling - there's always something to be learned in this crazy pink-tutu world of mine.

Oh! What a fab place. I cannot get enough of the wonderful city of Oxford. I even managed to fit in a bit of shopping and as if it were designed just for me darling, they were having a sale on pink handbags and pink sparkly heels, they looked simply perfect and made me squeal. Now, we can't have a good day out, without a good dinner! That night I went to one of the local pubs in Oxford - the Oxford Arms it was called, I had to ask them for some pink lemonade because you can’t have cocktails whilst wearing a tutu! However they didn’t even have any, and only offered orange and apple juice. Now this was a real travesty as I have to say the drink I like best in Oxford, especially in the summer is a pint of pink lemonade. The only choice I had was to have my usual choice, darling, a glass of Champagne. However as a responsible Queen, I did order some nibbles. The Oxford Arms did do a really yummy cheddar cheese sandwich with mustard and a pickle.

There you have it, darlings. A little glimpse of my grand adventures in Oxford. My trip was truly a masterpiece of pink-tutu brilliance. But hey, I always want to keep learning and trying new things.

You simply must let me know what your thoughts are! Don’t be shy - share your dreams! Do leave a message at www.pink-tutu.com, because your views are very valuable!

Until next time, stay sassy and remember, my darlings: Everyone looks amazing in a pink tutu!

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-25 stars in Oxford